Jumping Frog wrote:Hey, JALLEN!
Maybe Kalifornia will give you $100k that you can use to drop the price of your house, get it sold, and hustle your hind end back to the Lone Star State!
j/k. You sound like a responsible citizen and surely wouldn't qualify for the govt bribes.
![Jester :biggrinjester:](./images/smilies/biggrinjester.gif)
Well, you are right about that.
For many of us, $100k isn't even a decent down payment, and sometimes doesn't even cover the real estate broker's commission.
As a real estate lawyer, private lender, developer and builder, I have participated, albeit at some distance, and on a tiny scale as these things go, in the industry. The present debacle will some day be written up as a new chapter in
Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, along with the South Sea Company, the Mississippi Project and other such antics.
Once upon a Time, long ago and far away, the residential real estate finance market was serene and business like, relatively attractive as far as risk goes, until government meddling started chipping away at common sense lending practices. Only the government is dumb enough to lend money in the environment thus created. Nobody would lend their own money under such conditions, on such terms. But banks and lenders had to do it, were subject to regulatory sanctions if they did not, and were further enticed by the new paradigm where originating loans bore little risk and large fees. Now, forced to do dumb things by the government, the banks are getting whacked by the Justice Department for doing so, and have settled for their "sins" to the tune of $25 billion!
The ensuing catastrophe won't be resolved easily, or quickly, but will be prolonged, I am sure, by these incessant government meddlings in getting the market back on its feet. In a way it is hard to blame the politicians. No elected official who has to run for office can respond to voters by saying, "This mess is all your fault for living beyond your means, or trying to do so. There's is nothing we can do, or should do, to remedy the situation which will right itself faster if we do nothing." So we will all suffer for longer, some perhaps less for longer. Meanwhile California is spending money it doesn't have and won't have, but that is nothing new. The state has been fiddling with the budget for years, pretending it is balanced by any means necessary.
They've turned this place into a socialist hellhole, one of a number of reasons I'm out of here. Of course, the weather is nice and all.
Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.