Carry while doing yard work

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Re: Carry while doing yard work


Post by jmra »

ghostrider wrote:there are good reasons to carry while doing yardwork ... oma-01.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... Beware.png" onclick=";return false;
These were the reasons I hired Rico to do my yard work for me. :mrgreen:
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Re: Carry while doing yard work


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

jbarn wrote:
Cedar Park Dad wrote:
RJGold wrote:
Teamless wrote:This is why i carry while doing yard work.

May be a good reason not to do yard work... :biggrinjester:
I agree. Yard work should be avoided whenever possible. It cuts into my quality sofa time.

Alternatively if you have to be armed while you feel safe cutting the grass, maybe its time to move.
Sure, just tell me where a gun would 100% not be needed while doing the yard.
1. Any yard you get your teenager to cut instead. :patriot:
2. Pragmatically, your average suburb.

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Re: Carry while doing yard work


Post by Abraham »

Since, I've a gated and completely fenced yard, plus living in the country, I don't feel a need to carry when doing yard work. True enough the fence can be scaled, but that's hardly likely...

Plus, my street is not a through street. About the only time I see a vehicle I don't recognize is when someone is lost and that's rather rare.

I wouldn't want to wear a holstered gun when swinging a sledge or ax or working close to the ground. It would get in the way.

I do though carry a Kershaw Tremor Speedsafe folder when doing yard work in case I have to hack my way through a wall of human flesh dragging my kayak behind me.
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Re: Carry while doing yard work


Post by WildBill »

Authorities have released a surveillance video of a homeowner being shot Friday during a robbery as he mowed his lawn in north Harris County.
The shooting happened about 8:15 a.m. in the 1000 block of Progress near Pleasanton, according to the Harris County Sheriff's Office.
The video, which appears to be have been taken from across the street, shows the 56-year-old man pushing a lawn mower in his front yard.
A gray car, possibly a Chevrolet Malibu or Impala, stops at the curb nearby.
A man gets out of the passenger side of the car and dashes up behind the victim.
Deputies said the man pointed a handgun at the homeowner and demanded his wallet.
When the victim refused, the robber pushed him to the ground and shot him.
The victim fended off his assailant with the lawn mower. Then the man ran back to the car, climbed in and sped away. He left empty-handed. ... 421246.php" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Carry while doing yard work


Post by mr surveyor »

I can't conceal carry a lawn mower
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Re: Carry while doing yard work


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

mr surveyor wrote:I can't conceal carry a lawn mower
Well if your Hawaiian shirt is big enough...
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Re: Carry while doing yard work


Post by PUCKER »

Cedar Park Dad wrote:
mr surveyor wrote:I can't conceal carry a lawn mower
Well if your Hawaiian shirt is big enough...
I've since lost 55 pounds...and my Hawaiian shirts were big carry an old school reel mower... LOL :biggrinjester: and a gun... Never know when you might have to give an obligatory burr cut to deserving delinquents... :biggrinjester:

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Re: Carry while doing yard work


Post by steveincowtown »

Cedar Park Dad wrote:

Alternatively if you have to be armed while you feel safe cutting the grass, maybe its time to move.
Sure, just tell me where a gun would 100% not be needed while doing the yard.[/quote]

1. Any yard you get your teenager to cut instead. :patriot:
2. Pragmatically, your average suburb.[/quote]

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Re: Carry while doing yard work


Post by VMI77 »

Where I live out in the country I just don't go outside without being armed, especially during snake season. Since I'm on my own property and not visible from any public location, I can open carry. I often carry a Judge for snakes and something else for self-defense.
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Re: Carry while doing yard work


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

VMI77 wrote:Where I live out in the country I just don't go outside without being armed, especially during snake season. Since I'm on my own property and not visible from any public location, I can open carry. I often carry a Judge for snakes and something else for self-defense.
Now that I can understand.
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Re: Carry while doing yard work


Post by Tic Tac »

Here's another reason to carry in your yard.
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Re: Carry while doing yard work


Post by TomsTXCHL »

Cedar Park Dad wrote:
VMI77 wrote:Where I live out in the country I just don't go outside without being armed, especially during snake season. Since I'm on my own property and not visible from any public location, I can open carry. I often carry a Judge for snakes and something else for self-defense.
Now that I can understand.
And honestly I do not, at least not for snakes. We're remote/country too, and have had numerous experiences with rattlesnakes, most where we spotted them and either got a gun and shot them or just coaxed it to slither away, and one where my wife actually got struck (from behind; no she hadn't seen it before it hit) at the boot-top, where thankfully the venom/fangs didn't make it past her blue jeans. In none of these situations have I felt like "I wished she (or me) had been carrying".

Maybe VMI77 is out & about on a very large tract of land though, where it'd be very inconvenient to go back to the ranch house to get a weapon.

As demanding as most of the physical work is that I do around here, it really is sorta inconvenient to strap-on a sidearm too. But I'm thinkin' on it now! :fire

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Re: Carry while doing yard work


Post by cb1000rider »

VMI77 wrote:Where I live out in the country I just don't go outside without being armed, especially during snake season. Since I'm on my own property and not visible from any public location, I can open carry. I often carry a Judge for snakes and something else for self-defense.
Glad I'm not the only one. An OWB holster is much easier and I can put a shirt over it so it won't offend any non-like-minded individuals that might drive by. It's possible that I might be visible from a public location - meaning beyond the fence on a public road, but I can also claim "target shooting" if I had to.
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Re: Carry while doing yard work


Post by VMI77 »

TomsTXCHL wrote:
Cedar Park Dad wrote:
VMI77 wrote:Where I live out in the country I just don't go outside without being armed, especially during snake season. Since I'm on my own property and not visible from any public location, I can open carry. I often carry a Judge for snakes and something else for self-defense.
Now that I can understand.
And honestly I do not, at least not for snakes. We're remote/country too, and have had numerous experiences with rattlesnakes, most where we spotted them and either got a gun and shot them or just coaxed it to slither away, and one where my wife actually got struck (from behind; no she hadn't seen it before it hit) at the boot-top, where thankfully the venom/fangs didn't make it past her blue jeans. In none of these situations have I felt like "I wished she (or me) had been carrying".

Maybe VMI77 is out & about on a very large tract of land though, where it'd be very inconvenient to go back to the ranch house to get a weapon.

As demanding as most of the physical work is that I do around here, it really is sorta inconvenient to strap-on a sidearm too. But I'm thinkin' on it now! :fire
40 plus acres. Lot's of brush. But I only shoot pit vipers (in our area I've never seen any pit viper but a copperhead) in the area where our dogs roam. I don't shoot snakes on other parts of the property where they are not an immediate threat to my dogs. Whenever I've gone back to fetch a weapon, especially at night, I can never find the snake again. OTOH, I've been within yards of the house and encountered as many as five copperheads at one time pretty close together.
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Re: Carry while doing yard work


Post by TomsTXCHL »

VMI77 wrote:I only shoot pit vipers (in our area I've never seen any pit viper but a copperhead) in the area where our dogs roam. I don't shoot snakes on other parts of the property where they are not an immediate threat to my dogs.... within yards of the house and encountered as many as five copperheads at one time pretty close together.
Yikes I have to take-back most everything I said! :evil2:

We see a rattler a year maybe, have never seen a copperhead up here (just one exotic, a coral snake) and have one dog who doesn't roam much. Carry On VMI77!!! ;-) :shock: :thumbs2:
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