Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally

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G.A. Heath
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Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally


Post by G.A. Heath »

rbwhatever1 wrote:Interesting view on firearms in general. Are all firearms "Deadly Weapons"? I have a large amount of firearms and not one of them has been "deadly" unless you're a deer, squirrel, rabbit, pheasant, grouse, duck, goose, quail, skunk, possum, coyote, wildcat, or some other tasteful or predatory creature I neglected to mention.

Maybe that's the problem. People have been "indoctrinated" to see and classify firearms as "deadly weapons" and not the tools they are.

Lizzie Borden's axe was a deadly weapon. My axe is just an axe.
Gasoline and a lighter is a deadly weapon if you pour it on a person and light them. My gas and lighters are not.
A butcher knife is a deadly weapon. Mine have cut only me.
A car driven by a drunk driver is a deadly weapon. My truck is not deadly at all unless you're one of the three bucks that slammed into me in the past 5 years.
The list is endless on the tools criminals use to commit "deadly acts"....

just sayin
Anything CAN be classified as a deadly weapon if used properly. LE is not going to treat someone with a cap and ball revolver any differently than someone with a Glock if they are part of a problem. A problem can be anything from a rowdy crowd that could turn into a near riot to an idiot looking to have a confrontation with LE over their weapon.

In one of the videos as an officer approaches the camera operator asks one of the arestee's if they are going to remain peacefull today the reply to which was "I don't place bets, I'm not a gambling man." The arestee smiles attempts to walk away from the officer who attempts to make contact, it's almost childish in the way they act. If you are truly attempting to invoke your fifth amendment right you do not act like that. The best manner is to listen what the officer says and then when they ask if you understand what they have told you just say that you are invoking your fifth amendment right to remain silent. But that video shows that the crowd was primed for a hostile encounter. So you have a crowd that is primed for a fight, members of that crowd are armed, officers attempt to prevent crowd from becoming a serious problem by asking armed members to leave which results in a few arrests and a near riot. The arrests were for trespass with a deadly weapon, nothing would have changed if the arestees were armed with any other weapon.
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gringo pistolero
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Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally


Post by gringo pistolero »

G.A. Heath wrote:The arrests were for trespass with a deadly weapon, nothing would have changed if the arestees were armed with any other weapon.
Many men in Texas carry pocket knives. If any weapon qualifies, I'm surprised more trespassing charges don't get bumped up for pocket knives.
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Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally


Post by EEllis »

gringo pistolero wrote:
G.A. Heath wrote:The arrests were for trespass with a deadly weapon, nothing would have changed if the arestees were armed with any other weapon.
Many men in Texas carry pocket knives. If any weapon qualifies, I'm surprised more trespassing charges don't get bumped up for pocket knives.

Actually that happens quite a bit as the definition for illegal knives is intentionally vague, a hold over from our old Jim Crow laws.

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Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally


Post by cb1000rider »

I heard on the news yesterday that the Austin DA dropped charges against the members of OCT that were carrying black powder pistols. I could only find one reference to it: ... es-dropped" onclick=";return false;
And I found - which may or may not be the same event: ... texas.html" onclick=";return false;

Joker reported the actual charges as "criminal trespass with a deadly weapon". The media reports the original charges as "disorderly conduct"...

[Pre-paid legal service] defended at least some of them.

From what I can tell, the DPS asked them to leave and then immediately arrested them.. At least that's one story. The other story is that they didn't leave.

Can the DPS ask you to leave if demonstrating in a peaceful manner at the capital? Do we need a permit for democracy these days?

Note, I don't support these antics, but I see the result as an affirmation. I wonder if the DPS will handle it differently next time?

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Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally


Post by mr1337 »

That begs the question, how can you trespass on public property?
Keep calm and carry.

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Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally


Post by anygunanywhere »

mr1337 wrote:That begs the question, how can you trespass on public property?
Easy. When LEO tells you you are trespassing.
"When democracy turns to tyranny, the armed citizen still gets to vote." Mike Vanderboegh

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Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally


Post by cb1000rider »

Joker, what happens internally when you make arrests that the DA decides not to prosecute? Is there any feedback loop on that sort of stuff?

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Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally


Post by tommyg »

Remember get arrested for illegal open carry lose CHL watch it especially in Austin :rules:
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Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally


Post by Daisy Cutter »

Those interested in TX OC might want to listen to this episode of Guns Over Texas radio from June 22 of this year. The estimable Charles Cotton was the guest, and they took a couple of calls, including one from CJ Gresham. Circumstances may have changed since this aired, however it is still good background info, as the legislature starts its term. ... 4-podcast/" onclick=";return false;
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