50 States Secede

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50 States Secede


Post by RPB »

Well, they'd like to ...

Americans in 15 States issue White House petitions asking permission to secede
http://redalertpolitics.com/2012/11/10/ ... the-union/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
.... petition to the Obama administration to allow ... asking permission to to, “withdraw peacefully from the United States of America and create its own new government.” ...
15 or more States (more now I think)
Yeah, no one will, but it's interesting that displeasure is being voiced ...
https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petiti ... t/gj27H8Kb" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

TX and LA
http://freedomoutpost.com/2012/11/petit ... w-from-us/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

more at link provided

Edited 10-13-2012 ... started out as 15 States, now it's 47 out of 50
Petitions seeking White House approval to ‘secede’ now come from 47 stateshttp://dailycaller.com/2012/11/13/petitions-seeking-white-house-approval-to-secede-now-come-from-47-states/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Edited 10-14-2012
Apparently 50 States have petitions to secede .., but if they all did, from whom would they?

White House ‘secede’ petitions reach 675,000 signatures, 50-state participation
http://dailycaller.com/2012/11/14/white ... icipation/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Last edited by RPB on Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 15 States Secede


Post by canvasbck »

I signed the Texas one, even though it will mean nothing
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Re: 15 States Secede


Post by JJVP »

Since then 13 other states, including New York, Kentucky, Colorado and New Jersey, have also filed similar petitions.
Sorry, but NY, NJ and CO have no right to secede as far as I'm concerned. They had the chance to vote BO out of office, but didn't.

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Re: 15 States Secede


Post by pbwalker »

canvasbck wrote:I signed the Texas one, even though it will mean nothing
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Re: 15 States Secede


Post by equin »

Saw this on another forum. Call me a die-hard American patriot who still believes in America, but I respectfully disagree with secession. :patriot:

Many from Texas fought and died for these UNITED States, including Harlon Block shown in the famous flag-raising photo at the Battle of Iwo Jima (photo by Joe Rosenthal of the Associated Press):


Sadly, many from Texas and other states and territories of the UNITED States continue to do so in Afghanistan.

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Re: 15 States Secede


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Re: 15 States Secede


Post by psijac »

Any one can set up a a petion for anything on that website
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Re: 15 States Secede


Post by Heartland Patriot »

I don't put any stock in that kind of thing. Many of you well know how much I loathe and despise the current administration, but some petition on a website ain't going to lead to secession. There would have to be enough citizens in each state to bring it to some sort of a vote in that state, and the majority of the people of that state would have to vote for it. That I might consider seriously, but it ain't going to happen...too many people LOVE the free phones, birth control and other handouts. Why would they want to be cut off? And unfortunately, that includes Texas as well. Which is why I would have liked to see someone who could lead the nation without it crashing and burning, which it will end up doing at the rate we are going. I understand the sentiment the people signing those petitions represent, but I just don't see it coming to much.

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Re: 15 States Secede


Post by Dave2 »

Heartland Patriot wrote:I don't put any stock in that kind of thing. Many of you well know how much I loathe and despise the current administration, but some petition on a website ain't going to lead to secession. There would have to be enough citizens in each state to bring it to some sort of a vote in that state, and the majority of the people of that state would have to vote for it. That I might consider seriously, but it ain't going to happen...too many people LOVE the free phones, birth control and other handouts. Why would they want to be cut off?
Also, they'd pretty much be saying that the American Experiment more or less failed, and that's not a statement to be made lightly.
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Re: 15 States Secede


Post by jimlongley »

Heartland Patriot wrote:I don't put any stock in that kind of thing. Many of you well know how much I loathe and despise the current administration, but some petition on a website ain't going to lead to secession. There would have to be enough citizens in each state to bring it to some sort of a vote in that state, and the majority of the people of that state would have to vote for it. That I might consider seriously, but it ain't going to happen...too many people LOVE the free phones, birth control and other handouts. Why would they want to be cut off? And unfortunately, that includes Texas as well. Which is why I would have liked to see someone who could lead the nation without it crashing and burning, which it will end up doing at the rate we are going. I understand the sentiment the people signing those petitions represent, but I just don't see it coming to much.
And BHO would loose his dogs of war and bring the errant sheep back into the fold by force just as was done in the War of Northern Aggression in 1860.
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Re: 15 States Secede


Post by RoyGBiv »

canvasbck wrote:I signed the Texas one, even though it will mean nothing
Nothing except greater scrutiny from the government moles <tinfoilhaton> :mrgreen:
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: 15 States Secede


Post by Oldgringo »

Not that I mind, but isn't this a :nono: thread?
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Re: 15 States Secede


Post by Keith B »

Oldgringo wrote:Not that I mind, but isn't this a :nono: thread?
As it is not promoting armed insurection for secession it was allowed to stay.
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Re: 15 States Secede


Post by Jaguar »

Declaration of Independence wrote:Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
For the record, I believe these times are full of only "transient causes" and will be overcome without secession. The United States of America is not yet doomed, we have not gotten to the "trains of abuses" as outlined in the Declaration of Independence, and there is time to turn the political ineptitude around. Today is Veterans Day (observed), I am not willing to abandon the sacrifices made by our veterans without a fight.
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Re: 15 States Secede


Post by gdanaher »

Perhaps all those folks who find themselves dissatisfied with the election results should consider how they might adjust their party's political and social agendas to better dovetail with the views of the majority of the nation's population. It was all just fine and good when the nation was composed of angry old white men, but the party hasn't changed while everything else has. And while they are at it, they might want to give all their senatorial candidates a test or review session on female reproductive physiology. If they think they can win in the future and not make changes, they are just as foolish as those who think that seceding is a viable option.
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