But if those housecats hadn't been so selfish (they wouldn't be cats...) - they could have take out those intruders handily! The noticed them real early and could easily have gotten underfoot, tripped them, and used their claws to make them sorry they ever broke into the house. Only problem - acting like guard dogs is not in their job description.
Still, I think it was a win for the lady of the house. She ran off the bad guys and didn't have to tangle with the cops (that we know of) - which she probably would have, if her shots had connected.
BobCat wrote:True! Related, but different critters.
But if those housecats hadn't been so selfish (they wouldn't be cats...) - they could have take out those intruders handily! The noticed them real early and could easily have gotten underfoot, tripped them, and used their claws to make them sorry they ever broke into the house. Only problem - acting like guard dogs is not in their job description.
Still, I think it was a win for the lady of the house. She ran off the bad guys and didn't have to tangle with the cops (that we know of) - which she probably would have, if her shots had connected.
A friend in HS that had a Mountain Lion cub....I'm guessing it came from Mexico. It was about Jack Russell terrier size but had paws that were bigger than my full grown Great Dane's. If it dug those claws into the carpet you could not budge it. It was cute and playful but then it was a baby. He didn't keep it until it was full grown. Back then I hat a house cat named George. He was a mean old cuss and hated most everyone, but mean as he was, him scratching you was somewhere between being funny and irritating.
"Journalism, n. A job for people who flunked out of STEM courses, enjoy making up stories, and have no detectable integrity or morals."