Found this forum today while surfing the net and then discovered the fact that you can check your application status online, got to love modern technology. I took the CHL class in Fort Worth (On-target, taught by Todd) on Oct 6th, mailed my application on the 8th with a receipt confirmation of the 9th, and checked my status today (Nov 2nd) to find everything completed (checked in green

) and the license status as "manufacturing," ought to be getting my plastic pretty soon. I carried in Virginia for over 7 years before moving to Texas so it'll be good to be legal to carry here as a resident.
I carry a Springield XD40 in a Galco OWB holster (rides high and canted forward) with two spare magazines in a Galco holder as well as a Baretta Jetfire in my pocket when I'm in street clothes. Both conceal easily with a loose t-shirt and even more so in a leather vest or jacket; never had anyone say they could tell I was carrying a weapon. If I'm in running or biking shorts I carry in a camelback, nothing beats hydration and protection in one pack!