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by KBCraig
Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:34 pm
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Issues with forum moderation
Replies: 48
Views: 11367

longtooth wrote:Lucky45,
You have had your public say, others have given their input about our fairness, I respectfully ask you to quit you public whining.
Yanno LT, that didn't set well with me the first time I read it even though it wasn't directed at me. I didn't say anything, but I thought it over for a while, and here's what I think: It sounds like a public chastisement that was uncalled for. I haven't seen Lucky45's comments and questions as "public whining"; he certainly hasn't posted excessively on this thread.

There were 3+ pages of praise for the moderators, but a couple of comments questioning the consistency of the moderation gets someone rebuked for "whining"?

Think about it.

by KBCraig
Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:06 pm
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Issues with forum moderation
Replies: 48
Views: 11367

Here's a truism that applies online as well as in "meat life": birds of a feather truly do flock together.

I belong to several forums, mailing lists, and newsgroups. Each has its own "tone" that is maintained without moderation in most cases, or minimal reminders at best.

The tone here at TexasCHLforum is already set. The tone is one of politeness and clean language. The environment attracts people who appreciate such a community.

by KBCraig
Sat Mar 31, 2007 11:33 pm
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Issues with forum moderation
Replies: 48
Views: 11367

I appreciate the 10yod rule, but I tend to abide by that in all my communications (I admit occasional lapses in the close company of select friends).

When the Deacons were selected (hey, what better term for the "board of moderators"? :grin: ), there were some growing pains. Chief among these was the idea that mods were supposed to protect everyone's feelings -- to be "post police", in other words. A rather innocuous post of mine fell to that attitude, and I didn't appreciate having my post deleted and being chastised by PM. I told Chas. and the mod in question how I felt about it, and received replies that agreed the moderation was uncalled for, with apologies.

As I said, "growing pains". I think we're past that now. I don't even remember the moderator's name, the topic of discussion, or what I had to say about it. And that's a good reason to give people latitude in everything except blatant profanity, because a month from now, no one will remember it.

I do have concerns with the opinions expressed here that disagreements of opinion on subjects that are especially "touchy", would degenerate into profanity fests if not for moderation. That has been suggested by both moderators, and by members who have said it keeps them in check. Honestly, if moderation is the only thing keeping you in check on an internet forum, how is it that you're able to de-escalate the everyday confrontations we all face, some of which could go beyond cuss-fights, and turn into gunfights?

I thank Chas. and the Deacons for their vigilance. If I have one suggestion, it is this: give people a chance to correct their own mistakes before editing or deleting their posts.

Oh, what the heck, here's a second suggestion: since the posts don't reflect changes made by anyone other than the author, when we see a post that says "edited for 10yod rule" with no other explanation, please note that a moderator has made the change.

Now... how long until this thread gets locked? :twisted:


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