Liberty wrote:Was that an English Dictionaary an American Dictionary or a Texas Dictionary.flintknapper wrote:
ir•re•gard•less ˌɪr ɪˈgɑrd lɪs - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ir-i-gahrd-lis] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adverb Nonstandard.
[Origin: 1910–15; IR-2 (prob. after irrespective) + REGARDLESS ]
—Usage note IRREGARDLESS is considered nonstandard because of the two negative elements ir- and -less. It was probably formed on the analogy of such words as irrespective, irrelevant, and irreparable. Those who use it, including on occasion educated speakers, may do so from a desire to add emphasis. IRREGARDLESS first appeared in the early 20th century and was perhaps popularized by its use in a comic radio program of the 1930s. Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
I believe we all understood what Anygun was trying to convey.
While "irregardless" might not be concidered standard English in much of the world, This is Texas and a Texas forum and we make our own rules. As far as I can tell in this part of the world most folks accept Irregardless as standard Texspeak.
I hope I've been pretty clear to y'all.
It was this dictionary (as I posted):
We are on the same page Liberty. My post was to shaggydog, and my "point" was: There is indeed a word "irregardless", although it is often times misused.Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
The second point was: We all understood what anygun was trying to say...and "perfect" English (and sentence structure) is NOT required here in order to participate. I certainly hope no one is "grading" anything I write here. I will be the first to tell you...I possess something less than "a great command" of the English language.