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by puma guy
Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:34 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Top Shot 3
Replies: 190
Views: 35979

Re: Top Shot 3

UpTheIrons wrote:Way to go Dustin! That was a great finale!

Regarding Colby, there's a thread on Top Shot running over at calguns in which a member of the production team comments every now and then, and even answers questions from forum members. He stated that the producers of the show have assigned Colby a "dialog coach", so some of his odd vocal inflections may be coming from fighting the coaching. If I can find the link again, I'll add it later.

Having received a bit of dialog coaching back in the old days when I was in drama productions, I can sympathize with him having problems changing the way he talks. One might say he should be over it after 3 seasons, but there's a former governor of California who should have gotten over his accent many years ago with all the high-dollar vocal coaches he had access to in all of his movies.
Maybe it's the Rod Serling School of Voice and Elocution. :biggrinjester:
by puma guy
Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:03 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Top Shot 3
Replies: 190
Views: 35979

Re: Top Shot 3

Dustin ALL THE WAY. What an amazing performance and couldn't happen to a nicer guy in my opinion.
by puma guy
Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:51 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Top Shot 3
Replies: 190
Views: 35979

Re: Top Shot 3

aaronspuler wrote:
Dave2 wrote:
puma guy wrote:Looking forward to Aaron Spuler's interview with Jake.......................................

I wonder if he'll do one?
I have one interview with Gary that is still in the process of being written up.

I'd love to do more interviews, but I don't know that I'll get the opportunity to do so. The marketing firm that I worked with to facilitate the interviews doesn't have any more slots. I might be able to work out another arrangement, but I don't really have many details on that yet.
Hope it works out with Gary. He seems like a regular guy. I would enjoy hearing his take on things.
by puma guy
Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:01 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Top Shot 3
Replies: 190
Views: 35979

Re: Top Shot 3

Looking forward to Aaron Spuler's interview with Jake.......................................

by puma guy
Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:58 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Top Shot 3
Replies: 190
Views: 35979

Re: Top Shot 3

After the competition Jake is at the end of the row and his body language says it all. He raises both arms over his head then crosses his arms and stays that way during the rest of the camera shots. I liked the solution to his leaving and we should've known there was a rule in place to handle that situation.
by puma guy
Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:51 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Top Shot 3
Replies: 190
Views: 35979

Re: Top Shot 3

ajwakeboarder wrote:My problem with Jake is that while he claims to be the best, he keeps trying to get rid of the better guys on the show so he doesn't have to face them. If he wants to claim to be the best, he should prove it and take them on himself!!!
I suppose one could call Jake an oxyMoron.
by puma guy
Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:22 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Top Shot 3
Replies: 190
Views: 35979

Re: Top Shot 3

Dave2 wrote:
puma guy wrote:I guess I couldn't rule out Dustin's demise as the big surprise just as I can't rule out that all the hype about Jake is a build up to his winning the whole shee-bang! I do know that Dustin will be a success after this show no matter what happens.
I'm holding out hope for Jake saying, "To heck with you guys, I'm going home"

Of course that won't be it since the teaser was kinda hinting that way, but a man can still dream...
And it could rain in Texas!
by puma guy
Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:14 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Top Shot 3
Replies: 190
Views: 35979

Re: Top Shot 3

Dave2 wrote:
puma guy wrote:He is totally unsportsmanlike and I can't imagine him being a coach. If that's his style I would work to get him fired or remove my child from his influence immediately.
Is this really his normal style, though? He's claiming everything you see is "calculated" to get him to win. So early on in the show when he was so bad at getting his team to effectively use the practice time, was that poor leadership, or him thinking that he knew what he was doing and trying to ensure that everyone else did worse than him? If it's the former, I don't think he could be a good coach because he lacks anything even approaching good leadership. If it's the latter, then I have to ask, "has the large cash prize kept him from seeing this as a sporting event"? If not, I don't want him as a coach because he has a complete lack of sportsmanship. If that is the case, I personally don't want him as a coach because I think that being willing to behave that poorly just to get $100k demonstrates poor character, but I can see how someone who's a bit cynical and has had a harder life than I have could view his actions as perfectly reasonable.

In summary, :iagree: , but I only think he's had 2.5 strikes instead of 3. (I don't hold out much hope for that last 0.5, though.)
Jake has said he's out to get rid of the best competitors then tells everyone he's the best and then complains when he's selected for elimination. Some one should just tell Jake he's the smartest guy there and they're only taking lessons from him. See he's a leader and mentor! We all know the producers give us tid bits to lead us on, but if you just listen to some of Jake's vitriol I think his character shows. I think he's a very good shooter and tough competitor, but that said there is no denying his team matesand now the rest of the shooters have a very negative opinion of him. I guess I couldn't rule out Dustin's demise as the big surprise just as I can't rule out that all the hype about Jake is a build up to his winning the whole shee-bang! I do know that Dustin will be a success after this show no matter what happens.
by puma guy
Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:33 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Top Shot 3
Replies: 190
Views: 35979

Re: Top Shot 3

Dave2 wrote:
puma guy wrote:Jake is a real jerk for sure. [...] I won't be sad if he gets eliminated, but his performance and ability continues to carry him along.
The teaser for next week's episode implies that something happens with him. Of course, it's the teaser's job to be dramatic and all, so maybe Jake will order a pizza or something.

Regarding his behavior, I get that he wants to win and all, but my word... I've never seen such unsportsmanlike conduct.
I also saw the trailer that showed him walking toward the door with a load of stuff.... didn't notice if it was luggage or sleeping bag or what. They showed him doing the same thing two or three episodes ago so it could be the same video. All for drama's sake. He is totally unsportsmanlike and I can't imagine him being a coach. If that's his style I would work to get him fired or remove my child from his influence immediately.
by puma guy
Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:39 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Top Shot 3
Replies: 190
Views: 35979

Re: Top Shot 3

Jake is a real jerk for sure. There's method to his madness and he is a talented shooter. I won't be sad if he gets eliminated, but his performance and ability continues to carry him along. Who knows? Dustin appears to be one of those people with an innate ability and I was laughing when his time was announced for last night's shooting event. I just wish they would have had a close up of Jake's face. "rlol"
by puma guy
Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:15 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Top Shot 3
Replies: 190
Views: 35979

Re: Top Shot 3

Domineaux wrote:45 mins till another chance for Red Mike to embarrass himself further and Jake to piss everyone off.
Well Jake behaved and we don't have Mike to kick around any more. Four votes tells the tale. I watched the first two seasons with no real favorite and no feelings one way or the other about the contestants or who wins, but this season I would really like to see Dustin continue to do well and finish Top Shot.
by puma guy
Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:42 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Top Shot 3
Replies: 190
Views: 35979

Re: Top Shot 3

7075-T7 wrote:
UpTheIrons wrote:[To be fair, his stated specialty is SHOTgun, not giant-bore-rifle-gun. Slugs and shot are two completely different animals.
"rlol" :iagree:

From a load with a kick, to a firebreathing load intent on mayhem.
Here's a target Mike could try, even with a "giant-bore-rifle-gun", which, to be fair had very big front and rear sights. That may be the problem. :biggrinjester:

by puma guy
Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:00 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Top Shot 3
Replies: 190
Views: 35979

Re: Top Shot 3

UpTheIrons wrote:
puma guy wrote:I think Mike the redhead would be long gone based on performance. He couldn't even perform with the shotgun which is his expertise. :headscratch
To be fair, his stated specialty is SHOTgun, not giant-bore-rifle-gun. Slugs and shot are two completely different animals. As are skeet and stationary targets.

I contend that Mike will be on the show for quite a long time because of his "color commentary." To wit: George Reinas (sp?) of season 2. Everyone wanted him gone, but he was there to the end, offering his "unique" take on everything Top Shot.

Since they edit the show after it is done filming, I don't think they'd give that much air time to the guy who's leaving early on. (Maybe I'm wrong and he'll go home next week!) :leaving

As to the lackluster AR performance, Paul (eliminated this week) said that, just as a gun works best for you when it is sighted in by you, a gun sighted in by someone else may well shoot differently for you. Not to excuse their shooting, because Red Team semed to do quite a bit better, but he probably has a point.
I had a passing thought after the last episode that it would be ironic if Mike ended up winning. Trap&Skeet are as you say not the same as stationary target shooting so maybe having to line up sights throws him off and I've noticed Mike makes hurried shots during the competitions. All of his shot count hits/misses are poor. Since he seems to get a lot of air time they maybe setting it up. Personally I'm pulling for Dustin.
by puma guy
Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:19 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Top Shot 3
Replies: 190
Views: 35979

Re: Top Shot 3

MasterOfNone wrote:The whole voting-off concept is why I can never enjoy most reality shows. Even when they make one about something that is by nature competitive, such as marksmanship. they still "need" to add the drama of personal conflict. I would much rather see the challenges done in such a way that individual performance results in objectively-identified bottom two members. How many times have we seen people vote for the guys who volunteer to go to the elimination instead of voting for the guy they believe should be eliminated?
I can't disagree with you, but I think the drama keeps viewers coming back who may not be soley shooting focused. I think Mike the redhead would be long gone based on performance. He couldn't even perform with the shotgun which is his expertise. :headscratch
by puma guy
Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:50 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Top Shot 3
Replies: 190
Views: 35979

Re: Top Shot 3

I was disappointed that most of the team members automatically voted the female shooter (Sara I think) to the elimination round. Jake gave no indication why he singled her out. Of course the show is heavily edited but most of them just followed suit. The young shooter was quite impressive even though the practice targets Sara shot were dead on and he was low left. He did follow the instructor's advice to drop mags and reload high in line of sight. The young fellow may now be seen as a threat instead of inexperienced and become an automatice target (NPI )for elimination rounds.

I like the variety of set-ups for the teams to shoot. Very innovative or maybe I'm just behind the times for shooting game setups.

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