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by Wisewr
Sun Sep 20, 2009 1:07 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Almost had to draw last night
Replies: 75
Views: 8863

Re: Almost had to draw last night

I think you handled it very well. I hate to think how I would have responeded in this situation with my wife and kids with me. It might not have been a good night for Mr. Pest. I know you found out he wasn't armed, but I like to go under the assumption that everyone is armed.

On the pepper spray thing, I struggle with that one on knowing if thats the best thing to do or not. Here's my thought, Mr. Pest comes up to you, just like in this scenario with hands in pockets and baggy pants possibly concealing a weapon, and you decied to pull out your pepper spray after the situation escelates. He sees you now reaching into your pocket and trying to draw something and his first thought is that your drawing a gun not pepper spray, so, already having his gun in hand in his pocket, draws and starts to fire. At this point your pretty far behind in the situation and Mr. Pest defintley has the upper hand at this point. Now, I know he didn't have a gun, but like we said, with hands in pockets and baggy pants, this could have easily been legit.

I guess my feelings are that if it's bad enough to pull pepper spray out, it more than likely is bad enough to pull your weapon. But, I'm no expert. Dawg the Bounty Hunter uses pepper spray only, no guns. :leaving

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