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by RottenApple
Fri May 13, 2011 4:01 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Encounter with Round Rock PD
Replies: 102
Views: 17742

Re: Encounter with Round Rock PD

mood wrote:OTR truckers are some of the world's greatest conspiracy theorists. That being said, they may still be right some of the time.
ROFL You speaketh the Truth!
Many of them will tell you that many of these places much prefer to give tickets to someone from out of town (like an OTR trucker as opposed to a local trucker) because that is bringing money into their local economy. If they give a ticket to someone who lives there, that's just moving money around within their local economy.
So, citing the trucker who is obviously unfamiliar with the area since he missed the bypass is worth a lot more than citing some local business owner's kid for driving too fast in a residential neighborhood.
When I was driving OTR I typically (<--- Key word) found the exact opposite to be true. I had more trouble from big city LEOs than from the little podunk towns in the middle of nowhere. When doing my 34 hour resets, I like to find hole in the wall towns. One I loved was North Bend, WA. There's a TA truck stop that I'd park at and then go camping and fishing a few miles away.
by RottenApple
Thu May 12, 2011 10:11 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Encounter with Round Rock PD
Replies: 102
Views: 17742

Re: Encounter with Round Rock PD

mood wrote:Or the really cool one, and I've seen this all over the country when I used to drive a truck, is when the LEO is cruising around about 5 mph below the speed limit and everyone is afraid to pass him. I've seen traffic backed up for miles in this parade. I know that guy is up there in his car laughing about it. :lol:
I love that one. I was rolling through NM one time and came up on that very same situation. He had his ears on and we started jackjawing about it. He said he loved to do it to mess with people. Even gave me a wave as I passed him. "rlol"
by RottenApple
Thu May 12, 2011 11:32 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Encounter with Round Rock PD
Replies: 102
Views: 17742

Re: Encounter with Round Rock PD

speedsix can only get a ticket for driving too far below the posted speed limit...there is no violation for driving 60 in a 60...not even if everyone else's doing just ain't so...impeding traffic's when you're driving 15-20 miles under the posted speed and usually then, only if you're in the left lane...
With all due respect, from my own personal experience I believe you are mistaken.

I was pulled over just north of Austin a few years ago. I was in an Volvo VT-770 headed SB on I-35. Everyone around me was doing at least 75 while I was doing 65 in the 2nd right lane (a travel lane). A state trooper lit me up, pulled me over, and gave me a warning for impeding the flow of traffic. In California a few years before that I was driving an '04 Freightliner Columbia on CA-99. The speed limit in that area is 65mph for non-trucks, and 55-mph for trucks. I was doing 55mph while everyone around me was doing at least 70. I was pulled over and given a ticket for impeding the flow of traffic.

EDIT: While driving truck I always stuck to the speed limit. It's only in my personal vehicles that I have a lead foot.
by RottenApple
Thu May 12, 2011 10:37 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Encounter with Round Rock PD
Replies: 102
Views: 17742

Re: Encounter with Round Rock PD

PUCKER wrote:I got a ticket (80 in a 65, apparently I-45 had just gone from the 70 mph zone to 65 mph) in my wife's car on my way to Houston a few weeks back....the Trooper gave me the "safety" speech. Like I told him, "I am going with the flow of traffic." Just for grins, I decided to follow the 65 mph limit all the way from there (mile marker 98) South to Houston....I literally got ran over! It was unsafe in my opinion. I thought about contacting the officer and letting him know that it wasn't safe, in my opinion, to go that slow on that road....but I was unable to find an email/phone number for him via a few minutes of web searching....and I didn't feel it was worth it to contact DPS and go through those channels, but I thought a sincere/friendly conversation of real-world experience might make him think about REALLY is about the revenue! So, I bought a radar detector when I got back in town. :biggrinjester:
The laws in many states say that you cannot exceed the speed limit, but also state that you must maintain speed with the flow of traffic. So if traffic is moving at 80 and maintaining speed with traffic, you are speeding. If traffic is doing 80 and you are doing 65, then you are impeding the flow of traffic. Either way, you are in the wrong and they can write you a ticket. IMHO this is what proves that it's more about revenue than about safety.
by RottenApple
Mon May 09, 2011 8:31 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Encounter with Round Rock PD
Replies: 102
Views: 17742

Re: Encounter with Round Rock PD

2up1down wrote: :iagree: Absolutely Correct Sir, a lot of Drivers miss "HRG" must be within reach. :thumbs2:
We also have to provide Cab Card (registration), Insurance,
plus "Hazmat card" (current annual training from Employer) if your load is hazardous.

AND of course,,,, CHL. :coolgleamA:
Whoops! :???: Forgot about the permits and such. That's what comes from being outta the rig for the last 4 years.
by RottenApple
Mon May 09, 2011 7:32 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Encounter with Round Rock PD
Replies: 102
Views: 17742

Re: Encounter with Round Rock PD

PvilleStang wrote:For those that aren't familiar, you are not required to give an officer your SSN unless you are operating a motor vehicle with a CDL. Even under those circumstances, I can't speak for a certainty that you are required to provide it.
As a curent holder of a Class A TX CDL and a former truck driver I can comment. Under no circumstances are you ever required to provide your SSN regardless of whether you have a CDL or not. They can ask, but you are not obligated to provide it. You are only required to provide your DL and, if they are DOT certified (local LEOs are not in most states), your log book, medical card, bills of lading, and to prove that your emergency books are within arms reach of the driver's seat.

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