Republican Convention: Cruz supporters planning trouble?

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Re: Republican Convention: Cruz supporters planning trouble?


Post by parabelum »

bnc wrote:Anyone who impedes Trump at this point wins my permanent opposition.


I'll go perhaps a step further and consider them working for Hillary Camp. I've had enough.

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Re: Republican Convention: Cruz supporters planning trouble?


Post by psijac »

Jim Beaux wrote:
JALLEN wrote:
Jim Beaux wrote:
It has become a matter of principle with me. It's time to draw the line. Instead of voting against a candidate as I have in the past, I will now vote my conscience.
Where did you acquire this taste for luxuries?

Principles? Conscience?

A noted professor and practitioner of politics (LBJ) put it this way, and it doesn't get any more complicated than this:

"When they have the votes, we do things their way. When we have the votes, they do things our way."

We have a big discussion, argue over various issues, then vote. When that happens, we all must go along with the decision of that majority, and if we are lucky and disciplined, they will be doing things our way. Otherwise......
I dont owe an explanation or a defense. :tiphat:
If you want to vote trump that's fine, all I can say for myself is: "more weight"
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Re: Republican Convention: Cruz supporters planning trouble?


Post by TXBO »

Love the NRA messages. Well done.

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Re: Republican Convention: Cruz supporters planning trouble?


Post by K.Mooneyham »

Throwing a tantrum because they didn't get their way doesn't speak very well of them. Additionally, I heard the #neverTrump folks aren't really going to accomplish anything other than looking foolish and providing the Demos with some soundbites. Mr. Preibus made offers to play ball with them, and they turned down those offers, so now they are just stuck.

As I told someone today, Mr. Trump doesn't even have to be a good President. He can be mediocre, and the situation will still be better than it is right now. IMHO, we currently have a man in office who has in many cases actively worked against the very nation he is supposed to be leading. So, all a potential Trump-as-President has to do to make things better is not be against the nation, and I don't see why he won't at least be for the nation. That's why I'm okay voting for him, whatever one may think about his personality.

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Re: Republican Convention: Cruz supporters planning trouble?


Post by chuck j »

I'm certain the Republicans will win this election . Heck ! It is their turn isn't it ? They may nominate Hillery also and save the trouble of all this election business .
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Re: Republican Convention: Cruz supporters planning trouble?


Post by Liberty »

Amazes me that with all the bombastic charges, and hateful things he has said about honerable people, and disrespect he has shown about the party. How offended Trump and his Trumpetts get when the sheep don't fall in line. People like Chris Christy can suck up and kiss Trump's donkey after being insulted and humiliated by Trump. We used to call them sell outs. I guess politics has a short memory . People forget how Trump supported the Clintons over the Bushes . How he has been a life long democrat. or him bragging about buying and owning politicians. Of all the Republicans running we picked the most politically corrupt .. and the one with biggest record of disloyalty. How can he not expect a little rebellion from within, when he has fought against the party all his life.
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Re: Republican Convention: Cruz supporters planning trouble?


Post by parabelum »

All Trump bashers, why can't you go to one of Bernie/Hillary/BLM sites and join the bash/smear club over there, and just leave the rest of us who are not living in the alternate universe alone.

You are doing Hillary's bidding and damaging 2A blindly.

What are you out to accomplish if you're not working for the other side? If you're just venting I get it. But it's always the same folks which make me think you know... :totap:

Hillary must be stopped and you're impeding our efforts.

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Re: Republican Convention: Cruz supporters planning trouble?


Post by parabelum »

I'm sure many have seen this, but for those who didn't, here is a great video:

Good job Rudy!
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Re: Republican Convention: Cruz supporters planning trouble?


Post by bblhd672 »

parabelum wrote:All Trump bashers, why can't you go to one of Bernie/Hillary/BLM sites and join the bash/smear club over there, and just leave the rest of us who are not living in the alternate universe alone.

You are doing Hillary's bidding and damaging 2A blindly.

What are you out to accomplish if you're not working for the other side? If you're just venting I get it. But it's always the same folks which make me think you know... :totap:

Hillary must be stopped and you're impeding our efforts.
:iagree: Stopping Hillary Clinton from assuming the highest office in the land is the highest priority.

Unless, of course, you are looking forward to further erosion of all Constitutional rights and the possibility of civil war to restore them.
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Re: Republican Convention: Cruz supporters planning trouble?


Post by Abraham »

The award for the most politically corrupt (irrespective of party) and just plain corrupt goes to Hillary in oh so many ways...
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Re: Republican Convention: Cruz supporters planning trouble?


Post by chamberc »

bblhd672 wrote:
parabelum wrote: Unless, of course, you are looking forward to further erosion of all Constitutional rights and the possibility of civil war to restore them.
You somehow believe that Trump will prevent that, or is materially different than Hillary, who is has regularly heaped praise on in the past.
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Re: Republican Convention: Cruz supporters planning trouble?


Post by rtschl »

I find myself in a position that is so troubling to me. In the primaries I was never Trump. I think he is such an enigma that I worry about his holding firm on any issue including the 2A and SCOTUS nominees. But we cannot have HRC as President. No one knows what a Trump presidency will bring - I don't think even Trump knows. We DO KNOW what a HRC presidency will bring and it will be worse than the current administration.
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Re: Republican Convention: Cruz supporters planning trouble?


Post by bblhd672 »

chamberc wrote:
bblhd672 wrote:
parabelum wrote: Unless, of course, you are looking forward to further erosion of all Constitutional rights and the possibility of civil war to restore them.
You somehow believe that Trump will prevent that, or is materially different than Hillary, who is has regularly heaped praise on in the past.
I don't know what Trump will actually do, but I'm pretty sure what President H R Clinton will do and we should take our chances with the unknown.
The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager
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Re: Republican Convention: Cruz supporters planning trouble?


Post by RoyGBiv »

rtschl wrote:I find myself in a position that is so troubling to me. In the primaries I was never Trump. I think he is such an enigma that I worry about his holding firm on any issue including the 2A and SCOTUS nominees. But we cannot have HRC as President. No one knows what a Trump presidency will bring - I don't think even Trump knows. We DO KNOW what a HRC presidency will bring and it will be worse than the current administration.
Sums it up pretty well for many of us, I suspect.

I've not been able to watch the RNC for more than a few minutes at a time, I'm just that disgusted.
All the grandiose rhetoric rings hollow after 7 years of capitulation.
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Re: Republican Convention: Cruz supporters planning trouble?


Post by Scott Farkus »

bblhd672 wrote:
chamberc wrote:
bblhd672 wrote:
parabelum wrote: Unless, of course, you are looking forward to further erosion of all Constitutional rights and the possibility of civil war to restore them.
You somehow believe that Trump will prevent that, or is materially different than Hillary, who is has regularly heaped praise on in the past.
I don't know what Trump will actually do, but I'm pretty sure what President H R Clinton will do and we should take our chances with the unknown.
This. For all his faults, Trump has been fairly consistent on the 2nd amendment since he announced his candidacy, and more importantly has promised to appoint strict constructionists to the court. He even followed that up with a solid list of conservative judicial all-stars from which he pledged to choose nominees.

Contrast that with Hillary, who never misses a chance to criticize Heller and promises to do what she can to reverse it and whatever other meager conservative "victories" we've won lately (i.e. Citizens United).

No, I don't know what Trump will do. I don't know that he will be materially different from Hillary at the end of the day. But I know that Hillary will most certainly be Hillary at the end of the day, and whatever I have to do to help keep her from power, I will do.

This is the end of the line, folks. You simply do not have a choice at this point; this is our last and final chance. We are in serious if not certain risk of losing the 2nd Amendment, among many other freedoms, if Hillary wins.

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