Nobel Laureate Professor: I'm Banning Guns in My UT Classroom

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Re: Nobel Laureate Professor: I'm Banning Guns in My UT Classroom


Post by The Annoyed Man »

treadlightly wrote:I think we should be understanding of this man's frustration.

He won physic's highest honors for unifying the forces of weak nuclear interactions and electromagnetism.

He had to leave gravity out of his equations. He couldn't explain it.

Can you imagine the self-torture he would go through if he had to lecture to armed students? Even the least promising student's firearm, with its gravity-influenced trajectory, would mock him. Every Bubba's son, able to hit the target with the natural skill of a country boy potting a rabbit, would force him to admit even the dimwitted end of his class bell curve uses with precision the gravity he failed to understand.

This is every bit as tragic as what Lord Kelvin must have endured when his cherished luminiferous aether assumed a posture of repose on the ash heap of forgotten physics that didn't work.

So sad.
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Re: Nobel Laureate Professor: I'm Banning Guns in My UT Classroom


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

jerry_r60 wrote:Well, I give the guy credit. He apparently is one of the preeminent Physicists in the world and a Nobel prize winner nearing the end of his career. He doesn't agree with how we think and he has gotten himself into a position in his life were he can pretty much say and do what he wants and if we don't like it, he can tell us all to .... or if that doesn't fly, fine with him, he can get a job somewhere else or retire.

I must say I have to give the guy credit that with hard work and intelligence, he's gotten himself into that position.
Funny. I am fairly accomplished in my career as well, but it never occurred to me that I can restrict the rights of others because I am good at my job.

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Re: Nobel Laureate Professor: I'm Banning Guns in My UT Classroom


Post by jerry_r60 »

Soccerdad1995 wrote:
jerry_r60 wrote:Well, I give the guy credit. He apparently is one of the preeminent Physicists in the world and a Nobel prize winner nearing the end of his career. He doesn't agree with how we think and he has gotten himself into a position in his life were he can pretty much say and do what he wants and if we don't like it, he can tell us all to .... or if that doesn't fly, fine with him, he can get a job somewhere else or retire.

I must say I have to give the guy credit that with hard work and intelligence, he's gotten himself into that position.
Funny. I am fairly accomplished in my career as well, but it never occurred to me that I can restrict the rights of others because I am good at my job.
Yeah, I don't like how he chooses to use the position he has acquired. I'm in no way supporting his actions or position. I don't have to like him but I do respect his accomplishment and it looks like he didn't inherit this power, he worked hard and earned it. It would be nice to be in a position to be able to stand by what you think without concern for consequences.

I have a family to take care of, I would be very concerned with losing my job, I suspect he doesn't need to worry about that.

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Re: Nobel Laureate Professor: I'm Banning Guns in My UT Classroom


Post by jamminbutter »

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Re: Nobel Laureate Professor: I'm Banning Guns in My UT Classroom


Post by gljjt »

Wouldn't his oral notice be a government entity giving notice not allowed by law subject to daily fines?

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Re: Nobel Laureate Professor: I'm Banning Guns in My UT Classroom


Post by dru »

gljjt wrote:Wouldn't his oral notice be a government entity giving notice not allowed by law subject to daily fines?
Ooooooh, interesting! I would be very interested to see if that were the case
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Re: Nobel Laureate Professor: I'm Banning Guns in My UT Classroom


Post by der Teufel »

dru wrote:
gljjt wrote:Wouldn't his oral notice be a government entity giving notice not allowed by law subject to daily fines?
Ooooooh, interesting! I would be very interested to see if that were the case

Even more so if he puts it in writing in his syllabus, as he indicated he would.
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Re: Nobel Laureate Professor: I'm Banning Guns in My UT Classroom


Post by VMI77 »

jerry_r60 wrote:It would be nice to be in a position to be able to stand by what you think without concern for consequences.
Actually, that "ability" is one of the big reasons the country is so screwed up....people doing what they think without any concern for the consequences...because for some people there are no consequences. Standing by something is easy and meaningless if there are no consequences. So, if this guy is really in the position to say and do what he wants without consequence there is actually nothing admirable about him at all in taking the position he has taken.

You taking a position and risking your job would be admirable. Him taking a position immune from consequence is not.
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Re: Nobel Laureate Professor: I'm Banning Guns in My UT Classroom


Post by jerry_r60 »

VMI77 wrote:
jerry_r60 wrote:It would be nice to be in a position to be able to stand by what you think without concern for consequences.
Actually, that "ability" is one of the big reasons the country is so screwed up....people doing what they think without any concern for the consequences...because for some people there are no consequences. Standing by something is easy and meaningless if there are no consequences. So, if this guy is really in the position to say and do what he wants without consequence there is actually nothing admirable about him at all in taking the position he has taken.

You taking a position and risking your job would be admirable. Him taking a position immune from consequence is not.
Again, not trying to defend his position but I think you've misunderstood my point. I didn't say his position or taking it were admirable. What I find admirable are the things he has done in his life to put in in the position that he can.
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Re: Nobel Laureate Professor: I'm Banning Guns in My UT Classroom


Post by VMI77 »

jerry_r60 wrote:
VMI77 wrote:
jerry_r60 wrote:It would be nice to be in a position to be able to stand by what you think without concern for consequences.
Actually, that "ability" is one of the big reasons the country is so screwed up....people doing what they think without any concern for the consequences...because for some people there are no consequences. Standing by something is easy and meaningless if there are no consequences. So, if this guy is really in the position to say and do what he wants without consequence there is actually nothing admirable about him at all in taking the position he has taken.

You taking a position and risking your job would be admirable. Him taking a position immune from consequence is not.
Again, not trying to defend his position but I think you've misunderstood my point. I didn't say his position or taking it were admirable. What I find admirable are the things he has done in his life to put in in the position that he can.
We may be talking across each other. What I'm getting at is that while it might personally be nice to be able to do whatever one wants without consequences, having people with such immunity is not necessarily good for everyone else. As far as this particular guy is concerned it may not matter very much, but Hillary Clinton is in such a position with dire ramifications for the country and the world.
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Re: Nobel Laureate Professor: I'm Banning Guns in My UT Classroom


Post by jerry_r60 »

VMI77 wrote:
jerry_r60 wrote:
VMI77 wrote:
jerry_r60 wrote:It would be nice to be in a position to be able to stand by what you think without concern for consequences.
Actually, that "ability" is one of the big reasons the country is so screwed up....people doing what they think without any concern for the consequences...because for some people there are no consequences. Standing by something is easy and meaningless if there are no consequences. So, if this guy is really in the position to say and do what he wants without consequence there is actually nothing admirable about him at all in taking the position he has taken.

You taking a position and risking your job would be admirable. Him taking a position immune from consequence is not.
Again, not trying to defend his position but I think you've misunderstood my point. I didn't say his position or taking it were admirable. What I find admirable are the things he has done in his life to put in in the position that he can.
We may be talking across each other. What I'm getting at is that while it might personally be nice to be able to do whatever one wants without consequences, having people with such immunity is not necessarily good for everyone else. As far as this particular guy is concerned it may not matter very much, but Hillary Clinton is in such a position with dire ramifications for the country and the world.
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Re: Nobel Laureate Professor: I'm Banning Guns in My UT Classroom


Post by Diesel42 »

A long time ago, I had a physical chemistry professor that was 86 years old, a leading authority in physical chemistry, and kooky as heck. He was VERY opinionated and tossed out judgments that were offensive and often unfounded. All of us taking the course were in the same majors and we knew each other well.

After a week or so, it became clear that this professor lit up like a light every time a cute Co-Ed walked into class. A quick student meeting one day solved the problem of his outbursts. The front row seats were reserved for ladies wearing shorts or skirts and they would demurely smile whenever he got excited about politics or his feelings.

It was my first lesson in a field recently named, "social engineering."
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Re: Nobel Laureate Professor: I'm Banning Guns in My UT Classroom


Post by sjfcontrol »

Interesting, he invokes the first amendment to override the second. :headscratch
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Re: Nobel Laureate Professor: I'm Banning Guns in My UT Classroom


Post by Jusme »

sjfcontrol wrote:Interesting, he invokes the first amendment to override the second. :headscratch

Exactly although no one would be infringing upon his First Amendment rights by carrying a concealed handgun. He believes that his rights include infringing upon others. :rules: :rules:
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Re: Nobel Laureate Professor: I'm Banning Guns in My UT Classroom


Post by JALLEN »

gljjt wrote:Wouldn't his oral notice be a government entity giving notice not allowed by law subject to daily fines?
So UT, which gets money from the state, would get more money from the state to pay the daily fines to the state?
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