First time seeing obvious "printer"

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Re: First time seeing obvious "printer"


Post by ScottDLS »

Maybe he was carrying illegally and that's why he was acting so carefully. :smilelol5:
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Re: First time seeing obvious "printer"


Post by goose »

Soccerdad1995 wrote:I see folks carrying on occasion. I always notice their eyes and body language first, then I look for signs of a weapon on the appropriate side depending on whether they are left or right handed.
I have on occasion seen people that appeared to have good situational awareness and thought, "they may well be a resource if something goes south."

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Re: First time seeing obvious "printer"


Post by thetexan »

Nuts4hotwheels wrote:I was under the impression that if I was in a store displaying a 30.07 sign, that I had to be completely concealed including printing. So, as long as the firearm is not visible, it is considered concealed? That puts me at ease. I love this forum, I am always learning something new.
Not intentionally whole or in plain view of another a public place. The gun DOES have to be completely 'NOT DISPLAYED IN WHOLE OR IN PART' to be concealed. Printing is not a factor. Just because someone can tell by looking at your skin tight tee shirt that you are obviously carrying a Glock 19 GEN 4!!!!!!!! means nothing. Now, they may still call the cops because they panic and see a man with what they think is a gun but you have not violated the rules regarding concealed or open carry display.

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Re: First time seeing obvious "printer"


Post by casp625 »

Whenever I go to places like HEB, I just pull my shirt out to cover up. However, I also wear shirts that are near form fitted, so you can generally make out the handle of a handgun when my body shifts positions. Of course, sometimes my holster also hangs below the bottom of my shirt, but I don't consider this open carry either. No part of the handgun is visible in either situation and I haven't had any issues yet.

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Re: First time seeing obvious "printer"


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

goose wrote:
Soccerdad1995 wrote:I see folks carrying on occasion. I always notice their eyes and body language first, then I look for signs of a weapon on the appropriate side depending on whether they are left or right handed.
I have on occasion seen people that appeared to have good situational awareness and thought, "they may well be a resource if something goes south."

Toms or Pauls?
Captain Toms. Thanks for reminding me of the name.

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Re: First time seeing obvious "printer"


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

casp625 wrote:Whenever I go to places like HEB, I just pull my shirt out to cover up. However, I also wear shirts that are near form fitted, so you can generally make out the handle of a handgun when my body shifts positions. Of course, sometimes my holster also hangs below the bottom of my shirt, but I don't consider this open carry either. No part of the handgun is visible in either situation and I haven't had any issues yet.
I haven't been able to get a definitive answer on whether an exposed holster is a problem at a 30.07 posted place. Logic dictates that it couldn't possibly be an issue, so I don't really worry about it.

I have walked into a 30.06 (and 30.07) posted location with an empty holster on full display once. I was working outside, extremely thirsty, and went to the nearest convenience store to get some water. They were dual posted, and I didn't feel like taking my belt off and on twice, so I put the gun in my console and went in. The cashier got big eyes, but didn't say anything to me.

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Re: First time seeing obvious "printer"


Post by crazy2medic »

Several months ago saw a guy in line at walmart, I noticed the outline of a magazine in the front right pocket of his pullover, but no telltale sign of his pistol, I ask him left handed or right, he said right handed, then he looked down like he was trying to figure out how I knew, I told him I could see the outline of his mag, he said oh okay. What had my curiosity was if he was right handed why was his mag in the right front pocket, he would have to shift the pistol to his off hand to draw the mag to reload, guess he'll figure that out eventually.
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Re: First time seeing obvious "printer"


Post by Ryan »

wtgib wrote:
Nuts4hotwheels wrote:I was under the impression that if I was in a store displaying a 30.07 sign, that I had to be completely concealed including printing. So, as long as the firearm is not visible, it is considered concealed? That puts me at ease. I love this forum, I am always learning something new.
I don't believe there is anything in the LTC laws that say anything about "printing". You could wear your tightest fitting shirt that would clearly outline your handgun but as long as it is covered you are concealed.
With a 1911 in an OWB holster, this is how I feel when I do attempt to conceal.
But I don't give it a second thought either. I really only conceal when I run into a 30.07
And then this is what it looks like while I'm inside, I'm sure.


(Photo property of Lucky Gunner)
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Re: First time seeing obvious "printer"


Post by goose »

Ryan wrote: Image
(Photo property of Lucky Gunner)
I think that picture was taken Sunday morning at HEB!! :-)
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Re: First time seeing obvious "printer"


Post by casp625 »

Soccerdad1995 wrote:
casp625 wrote:Whenever I go to places like HEB, I just pull my shirt out to cover up. However, I also wear shirts that are near form fitted, so you can generally make out the handle of a handgun when my body shifts positions. Of course, sometimes my holster also hangs below the bottom of my shirt, but I don't consider this open carry either. No part of the handgun is visible in either situation and I haven't had any issues yet.
I haven't been able to get a definitive answer on whether an exposed holster is a problem at a 30.07 posted place. Logic dictates that it couldn't possibly be an issue, so I don't really worry about it.

I have walked into a 30.06 (and 30.07) posted location with an empty holster on full display once. I was working outside, extremely thirsty, and went to the nearest convenience store to get some water. They were dual posted, and I didn't feel like taking my belt off and on twice, so I put the gun in my console and went in. The cashier got big eyes, but didn't say anything to me.
Handgun <> holster... No where in the law does it say a holster has to be concealed, if 30.07 posted.

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Re: First time seeing obvious "printer"


Post by thetexan »

An empty holster is not a legal issue. None of the LTC rules including 30.06/.07 speak to handgun or carrying paraphernalia. No applicable violation.

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Re: First time seeing obvious "printer"


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

thetexan wrote:An empty holster is not a legal issue. None of the LTC rules including 30.06/.07 speak to handgun or carrying paraphernalia. No applicable violation.

Yes, I'm pretty solid on an empty holster. Where I am less certain is if I am carrying using a T-shirt as a cover garment and the holster (but no part of the gun) is partially visible under the bottom of the shirt. Possibly combined with some degree of "printing" for the rest of the gun. Would this situation be OK for a 30.07 posted location?
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Re: First time seeing obvious "printer"


Post by mcscanner »

My experience is that shirts of heavier cloth and/or patterned help to reduce "printing" what is being covered. If the person you saw was wearing a belt I suspect the grip to body gap could result from a OWB holster. I use IWB of the shirt-tuck and non shirt-tuck style for a G26 and G43. Neither allow a gap for the shirt to drop into. I do have a OWB paddle style for carry in the field and it does have a sizable gap.
goose wrote:I have occasionally seen belt clips for a holster. And once I was kind of sort of sure I could see a gun. This was the first and only time I really knew.

It was at HEB yesterday morning. Guy had a full sized something or other. And it was covered well with a t-shirt. Except that the shirt was thin and it constantly draped to the rear of the grip, between his body and the grip. I watched a bit from afar in both the produce section and the meat isle. What was patently obvious to me, not another soul seemed to notice. But it left me feeling uneasy about some of my favorite t-shirts. This is only an issue because I truly do want concealed to be concealed. I wondered if a heavier weight shirt would hang less on the grip. But I also wondered if he had on a belt. When I am wearing a good belt my own pistols are generally held close to my body. The "printer" was getting a pretty good gap between his torso and the grip if he leaned over at all.

I finally decided that it was mainly a reminder to always belt up. I have on occasion gone without a belt when using the G43 and even rarely with the 26. I won't anymore.

1) Belt.
2) No one notices. Or at least not many, if any.
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