Today in Trump's 1st term as President

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Jusme »

bblhd672 wrote:President Trump's first Supreme Court Justice confirmed. ... court.html


The retaking of America begins, let's hope and pray the trend continues. Wouldn't hurt my feelings if a few more SCOTUS justices retire in the next three years.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by TexasJohnBoy »

apostate wrote:
TexasJohnBoy wrote:Nuclear Option Deployed ... rsuch.html
Calling the Reid Rule a nuclear option is typical MSM hysterics.
Completely support the naming convention of the Reid Rule. That's what it is.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by TexasJohnBoy »

Pawpaw wrote:
TexasJohnBoy wrote:
Pawpaw wrote:So, the Dimocrats get to take their own medicine.

Don't forget, we will the next time the shoe is on the other foot as well. I don't really think this is a good thing, and its a situation that was forced by both parties on all accounts.

But yes, we'll get Gorsuch on the bench.

Get ready for the filibuster on legislation to go away before too long as well.
Don't forget that the whole "60 vote" thing was an artificial construct put in place during a more "genteel" time in American politics.

In recent years, compromise has only meant conservatives caving in to liberal demands. When the rule was not convenient for the left, they abolished most of it. The only chance of the libtards learning a lesson is for the Republicans to use the Dimocrat's own tactics to jam our agenda down their throats for a change. Give them a taste of their own medicine.

When they had the majority in the House, Senate, and White House, they lorded it over us. Now it's our turn and I say, "Make hay while the sun shines." Giving them any consideration has done nothing but bite us in the butt. Now it's their turn in the bowl.
*Nod. Just saying that when the control is with the other party, there will be no way to slow down their appointees either. Their lording of power is absolutely the reason we got here.

I'll also add the note that I am very happy that Gorsuch has been seated, I just hope the maneuvers don't bite us too hard as it has for the Dems. I'm so incredibly happy that Hilldebeast didn't get to pick this seat.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by TexasJohnBoy »

Jusme wrote:
bblhd672 wrote:President Trump's first Supreme Court Justice confirmed. ... court.html


The retaking of America begins, let's hope and pray the trend continues. Wouldn't hurt my feelings if a few more SCOTUS justices retire in the next three years.
Ahem - Ruth - *Cough*
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Jusme »

TexasJohnBoy wrote:
Jusme wrote:
bblhd672 wrote:President Trump's first Supreme Court Justice confirmed. ... court.html


The retaking of America begins, let's hope and pray the trend continues. Wouldn't hurt my feelings if a few more SCOTUS justices retire in the next three years.
Ahem - Ruth - *Cough*

I think some have already passed on but have not gotten the memo. I'm not naming names, but a ruthless SCOTUS wouldn't hurt my feelings. :biggrinjester:
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Pawpaw »

TexasJohnBoy wrote:
Pawpaw wrote:
TexasJohnBoy wrote:
Pawpaw wrote:So, the Dimocrats get to take their own medicine.

Don't forget, we will the next time the shoe is on the other foot as well. I don't really think this is a good thing, and its a situation that was forced by both parties on all accounts.

But yes, we'll get Gorsuch on the bench.

Get ready for the filibuster on legislation to go away before too long as well.
Don't forget that the whole "60 vote" thing was an artificial construct put in place during a more "genteel" time in American politics.

In recent years, compromise has only meant conservatives caving in to liberal demands. When the rule was not convenient for the left, they abolished most of it. The only chance of the libtards learning a lesson is for the Republicans to use the Dimocrat's own tactics to jam our agenda down their throats for a change. Give them a taste of their own medicine.

When they had the majority in the House, Senate, and White House, they lorded it over us. Now it's our turn and I say, "Make hay while the sun shines." Giving them any consideration has done nothing but bite us in the butt. Now it's their turn in the bowl.
*Nod. Just saying that when the control is with the other party, there will be no way to slow down their appointees either. Their lording of power is absolutely the reason we got here.

I'll also add the note that I am very happy that Gorsuch has been seated, I just hope the maneuvers don't bite us too hard as it has for the Dems. I'm so incredibly happy that Hilldebeast didn't get to pick this seat.
The Dimocrats are going to put the screws to us either way. History proves that over and over again. It's time to wake up and hit hard while we have a chance. There is no downside. When the Dims are in power, they'll do as they darn well please no matter what we do now.

To quote former King Barry, "Elections have consequences."
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by TexasJohnBoy »

Pawpaw wrote: The Dimocrats are going to put the screws to us either way. History proves that over and over again. It's time to wake up and hit hard while we have a chance. There is no downside. When the Dims are in power, they'll do as they darn well please no matter what we do now.

To quote former King Barry, "Elections have consequences."
:smash: :thumbs2:
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 »

Probably Trump has not had a better day than today.

It seems hard to believe, but his 1st Supreme Court nominee was approved by the Senate today and it barely made the front page.

This is a giant win for the constitution and the American people. A big loss for the big government socialists.

However, last night at Mar-a-Largo, right before entertaining the leader of the most populous country on Earth, China, at dinner, he met with his national security advisors and decided to bomb Syria for supposedly using chemical weapons against their own people.

Not suspecting Trump would be so bold, at the same time Hillary proposed the same thing, and was lauded for it by none other that Nancy Pelosi. This is something that the "line in the sand" Obama did nothing about.

To add to the winning day, in the morning, the newspapers showed Xi and Trump smiling and toasting at dinner along with the story of the successful raid on the air field where the chemical attack was launched from. It gave the the impression that China was even supporting his military action.

Not only has Trump reversed 8 years of wimpy Presidential direction, pumped moral in the military, showed the use of chemical weapons will not be tolerated, showed Kim Jung Un he should be worried, showed Putin he is no Obama, but by attacking a Russian buddy, he has shot the entire "I am a Russian puppet" down the drain.

To top it off, Joy Behar on the View, had to stop the other members of the show from gushing on Trump. " Stop I've had enough of this".

Then there was a terrorist attack in Stockholm, Sweeden today.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Liberty »

Was it a good day for America? I think so, but that is what really matters. I am just a simple guy, but I haven't put it together how us bombing Syria makes things better or safer for us. I'm not saying that it doesn't but I've been reading a little bit of Revelations and it seems to describe some of this.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 » ... -trump/amp

Leave it to MSNBC to float a conspiracy theory that Russia and Syria did this all on purpose to help Trump our of his Russia problem.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 »

Opinion | A Strike in Syria Restores Our Credibility in the World - The New York Times

Wow in the New York Times no less. Trump restores our credibility in the world.

Who would have ever thought.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by G26ster »

philip964 wrote:Opinion | A Strike in Syria Restores Our Credibility in the World - The New York Times

Wow in the New York Times no less. Trump restores our credibility in the world.

Who would have ever thought.
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Who would have ever thought.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by TexasJohnBoy »

US Drops largest non-nuclear bomb on ISIS in Afghanistan.
The US has dropped the 'largest ever non-nuclear bomb' targeting ISIS tunnels in Afghanistan.

The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb — nicknamed the "Mother of All Bombs" (MOAB) — was dropped in at 7pm. local time today (4pm UK time).

The Pentagon confirmed the strike was carried out using a 21,000lb weapon

The target was ISIS tunnels and extremists in the Achin district of Nangarhar province.

It is believed to be the first time the bomb has been used in the battlefield. ... r-10221557
The U.S. military dropped the largest non-nuclear bomb in eastern Afghanistan on Thursday just days after a Green Beret was killed fighting ISIS there, a U.S. defense official confirmed to Fox News.

The GBU-43B, a 21,000-pound conventional bomb, was dropped in Nangarhar Province. ... illed.html
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by TreyHouston »

I have suddenly noticed a "shift in the wind" with the MSM. Wonder what happened and how long it will last...
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by dale blanker »

TreyHouston wrote:I have suddenly noticed a "shift in the wind" with the MSM. Wonder what happened and how long it will last...
Yes, I have noticed that too. For example, Joe Scarborough ("Morning Joe") has shifted lately from being critical on Trump's tweets to criticizing Steve Bannon and predicting his removal. Interesting...
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