Good Contact - Harris County Deputy

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Good Contact - Harris County Deputy


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

Yesterday as I was on my way to work I got stopped by a Harris County deputy who wanted to have a chat about my speed. We were on a freeway (Westpark Tollway) and I stopped next to a concrete barrier, so not a lot of room. I was OC'ing a 1911 on my right hip and when he approached on the passenger side I had my window rolled down and handed him my LTC and DL. He told me that he clocked me at 86 in a 65. Supposedly Laser but my detector never lit up so I'm not sure he actually got my car as we came over a rise.

No mention whatsoever of my gun. Just a reminder to slow down and of course a citation (I almost never get warnings). Just wanted to report the positive contact.
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Re: Good Contact - Harris County Deputy


Post by suthdj »

Yup speeding, my crime of choice.
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Re: Good Contact - Harris County Deputy


Post by rotor »

86 in a 65 and he would probably not give a warning. Do you think the radar detector makes a ticket more likely though?

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Re: Good Contact - Harris County Deputy


Post by TresHuevos »

rotor wrote:86 in a 65 and he would probably not give a warning. Do you think the radar detector makes a ticket more likely though?
I've been told so by LEOs. It's called pre-meditated speeding. I'll rely on Waze to let me know if there are police ahead and it's usually pretty good especially on well traveled roads.
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Re: Good Contact - Harris County Deputy


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

rotor wrote:86 in a 65 and he would probably not give a warning. Do you think the radar detector makes a ticket more likely though?
My wife consistently gets warnings for these and a myriad of other things. Last time was changing lanes in the middle of an intersection, expired registration, no proof of insurance, and of course 15 over the limit. Who do I contact about this blatant bias against men?
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Re: Good Contact - Harris County Deputy


Post by Pariah3j »

rotor wrote:86 in a 65 and he would probably not give a warning. Do you think the radar detector makes a ticket more likely though?
I actually got out of a couple tickets on the basis of having the detector back when I had one. First one was a DPS trooper who claimed he got me from the feeder and then raced up and caught me at the feeder ramp before I made it there - I just looked at him and said, if I was doing the speed you claim, you wouldn't have caught me by time I got to the feeder ramp. I let him know, I knew exactly where he pinged me and that I wasn't going the speed he was saying (I was speeding, but didn't admit to it :mrgreen: ) but I wasn't going the 90ish he was saying. I politely argued my point and he basically threw his hands up and gave me a warning.

Second time, I'm pretty sure it was a bad read/target but I don't know how fast I was going, however there were people passing me. I told the cop that and that my detector hadn't lit up like it had been painted and I guess he agreed. That time no ticket or warning.
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Re: Good Contact - Harris County Deputy


Post by treadlightly »

There's something better than a radar detector. If you're really observant you can see what I think of as hobo marks. Like in the depression when a certain mark would mean hot soup, or another mark would mean railroad police could catch you here.

Because I am so attuned to the underground, I see what others might think of just widely separated sticks and planks. But to me, they mean something. They were put there by others who went before. Precise instructions for thwarting local speed traps.

Check them out, next time you really want to trick a speed trap. There will be a stick, a metal pipe really, with a plank on the top with a numeric code. Take careful note of that numeric code. It's the secret.

If the numeric code says 65, for example, that's how to hypnotize cops so they won't be able to stop you. Drive that speed and it just about incapacitates them. I shouldn't say that because I hate to interfere with law enforcement, but it works. I saw a cop with a radar today, but I was two steps ahead of him. Saw that hobo code 30, was rolling about 29, actually, and I was totally invisible.
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Re: Good Contact - Harris County Deputy


Post by WTR »

Unfortunately,I know of a few roads that those signs range from 45 to 70 every few miles.
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Re: Good Contact - Harris County Deputy


Post by Jusme »

treadlightly wrote:There's something better than a radar detector. If you're really observant you can see what I think of as hobo marks. Like in the depression when a certain mark would mean hot soup, or another mark would mean railroad police could catch you here.

Because I am so attuned to the underground, I see what others might think of just widely separated sticks and planks. But to me, they mean something. They were put there by others who went before. Precise instructions for thwarting local speed traps.

Check them out, next time you really want to trick a speed trap. There will be a stick, a metal pipe really, with a plank on the top with a numeric code. Take careful note of that numeric code. It's the secret.

If the numeric code says 65, for example, that's how to hypnotize cops so they won't be able to stop you. Drive that speed and it just about incapacitates them. I shouldn't say that because I hate to interfere with law enforcement, but it works. I saw a cop with a radar today, but I was two steps ahead of him. Saw that hobo code 30, was rolling about 29, actually, and I was totally invisible.
Ok treadlightly, as a former LEO, I must protest the fact, that not only have you discovered the secret to being invisible to radar guns, but the fact that you have used the internet to "unmask" this top secret information. I'm not sure how you came to be in possession of this information, but rest assured it will be reported, and there will be an investigation. I was forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement when I left law enforcement, and have not provided this information to anyone.
You obviously don't understand how much damage you may have caused, to the law enforcement community. How are they going to be able to reach their ticket "quotas" now? They will not be able to ask the question, ""do you know how fast you were going?" Their health will decline because they will be able to sit in their vehicle and actually finish their coffee and doughnuts, without having their break time interrupted, by a speeding motorist. You sir, are in big trouble!!

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Re: Good Contact - Harris County Deputy


Post by Abraham »

I've never understood the need to speed, even when I was a whippersnapper...

Just drive the darn speed limit.

Have a lead foot?

Use your cruise control or some meditation that'll aid you in the understanding going some faster won't make a bit of difference in your getting wherever your destination is by any serious time measurement.

But yes, whoever you are, you're the center of the universe and so special you can't drive the speed limit.

Love to get into high speed crashes and take out innocent lives?

By all means, speed, speed, speed.

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Re: Good Contact - Harris County Deputy


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

Abraham wrote:I've never understood the need to speed, even when I was a whippersnapper...

Just drive the darn speed limit.

Have a lead foot?

Use your cruise control or some meditation that'll aid you in the understanding going some faster won't make a bit of difference in your getting wherever your destination is by any serious time measurement.

But yes, whoever you are, you're the center of the universe and so special you can't drive the speed limit.

Love to get into high speed crashes and take out innocent lives?

By all means, speed, speed, speed.
Good point. And believe it or not, I usually do drive the speed limit. Sometimes I will get caught up with the flow of traffic and will find myself going faster. This was one of those times. Usually I am the guy that everyone is weaving around as I plug along at 5-10 mph less than everyone else.

Since we are veering slightly off topic here, let me make one request for all of my fellow drivers who are travelling at the posted speed limit. Please don't ever visit the left lane unless you are coming up on one of the rare exits from that lane. Slow drivers in the left lane are a much greater danger than speeders, IMHO. And by "slow drivers" I mean drivers who are travelling slower than the traffic around them, regardless of their speed relative to the limit. Basically if you can't see any vehicles for a quarter mile in your lane front of you, and you aren't in the far right lane, then move over.
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Re: Good Contact - Harris County Deputy


Post by The Annoyed Man »

I'm generally a "go with the flow of traffic" driver. I do have a radar/laser detector, but I don't use it to's more of a "there's cops around, so pay attention" kind of thing. If traffic is moving slower than the speed limit, I will try to work my way around it. In that regard, I'm kind of a "either lead, follow, or get the heck out of the way" driver. On the open road......say Interstate 40 between Amarillo and Albuquerque, I do speed, but no what I would call excessively so. If the limit is 70, I'll be doing 75-80. But then, so is almost everyone else. When I head that way next month, I'll be towing a trailer, so going a LOT slower..

I used to speed all the time, particularly if I was on a motorcycle. But my last moving violation was in a car on Christmas Eve 1999 - for speeding of course - doing 65 in a 55 zone on a long steep downhill straightaway on a mountain road. It was my first moving violation in a long time. I had coasted to that speed rather than accelerated to it, and I wasn't intentionally trying to go faster; I just wasn't paying attention, and it was a radar speed trap. I bought my first radar detector shortly after that. Haven't had a moving violation since.

And like Soccerdad1995 said, if you're holding up traffic in the left lane, even if you are going over the speed limit, PLEASE get the heck out of the way. Move over and let people pass. Don't be a selfish (or self-righteous) twit. The frustration you cause the other drivers actually increases the danger on the road. Yes, they should remain calm, but human nature is what it is, and many won't. Get out of their ways, and let them by. If they want to kill themselves, let them, but don't be stupid and make yourself the object of their road rage. Get out of the way.

When I was racing bikes, we had a rule, which was that it was incumbent on the person making the pass to make the pass safely. If you extend that to the road, and you deliberately deny an impatient driver the opportunity to make the pass safely, then he/she will make it UNsafely, and that may bet you or someone else hurt.
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Re: Good Contact - Harris County Deputy


Post by lowdogtx »

rotor wrote:86 in a 65 and he would probably not give a warning. Do you think the radar detector makes a ticket more likely though?
Did with me you played the game and lost . Most instant on radars beat them anyway unless you do a nose dive :tiphat:

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Re: Good Contact - Harris County Deputy


Post by treadlightly »

Jusme wrote:Ok treadlightly, as a former LEO, I must protest the fact, that not only have you discovered the secret to being invisible to radar guns.... You sir, are in big trouble!!
In trouble? But officer, I didn't give away all the secrets, like how the red octagon really doesn't mean the same thing as the inverted red and white triangle that I still think is yellow!

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Re: Good Contact - Harris County Deputy


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

lowdogtx wrote:
rotor wrote:86 in a 65 and he would probably not give a warning. Do you think the radar detector makes a ticket more likely though?
Did with me you played the game and lost . Most instant on radars beat them anyway unless you do a nose dive :tiphat:
Well mine was a laser based ticket, so a radar detector would not have worked at all. But, my detector also picks up laser, and it never went off, so either it failed, or my car was not actually hit by the laser. Laser detectors are usually pointless since it is hard to pick up that narrow beam unless it is hitting you, and then it is too late to adjust speed.

BTW, my detector routinely picks up instant-on radars. It has a range of 5 miles forward, so unless the roadway is empty, or no one is tempting fate at all, it will usually go off for repeated short bursts as I approach the LEO's position.
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