Concealed Carry Reciprocity is on the Move: Your Lawmakers Need to Hear from You NOW!

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Re: Concealed Carry Reciprocity is on the Move: Your Lawmakers Need to Hear from You NOW!


Post by oohrah »

bblhd672 wrote:Reminders sent.

I expect nothing from the Republican majorities in the House and Senate. I don’t expect President Trump to receive a bill to sign into law.
:iagree: We're all living in a pipe dream if we think is really going to happen.
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Re: Concealed Carry Reciprocity is on the Move: Your Lawmakers Need to Hear from You NOW!


Post by RoyGBiv »

Trying to find the recorded vote I came across the markup session transcript. Interesting reading through some of this.. ... script.pdf (opens PDF file)

Among the many amendments offered was one to prohibit "permit shopping". For example, a California resident would not be allowed to get a permit from Arizona and then carry in California. This amendment was not adopted (8 Aye / 17 No).

The final vote was 19 Aye / 11 No, but I've not found a breakout by party. See page 306 for the final vote by name. If anyone wants to translate names to D's and R's, please let us know the results.. :mrgreen:

I've been searching for an amended version of HR 38 but so far have been unsuccessful. Searching the transcript, it appears only 2 amendments were added...

Issa - Extends LEOSA to Federal Judges
King - Allows Congressmen from states without license programs to carry.

If the House can pass this and the Senate not screw it up, this appears to be an awesome Bill. I'm cautiously optimistic.
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Re: Concealed Carry Reciprocity is on the Move: Your Lawmakers Need to Hear from You NOW!


Post by TreyHouston »

I have no problem making this about Judges and the Congressmen, just make sure we stay on the coattail! :clapping:
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Re: Concealed Carry Reciprocity is on the Move: Your Lawmakers Need to Hear from You NOW!


Post by RoyGBiv »

Adding to above...

Amendment to maintain ban on "high capacity" magazines where states have banned them - failed. :hurry:

Amendment to allow states to prohibit (blanket prohibition) carrying on private property (restaurants, bars, daycare, etc.) - Failed, HOWEVER, the Bill allows private property owners to prohibit carry on their property. Interesting discussion starting around page 69 through 89.

Amendment to disallow a person who is barred from possessing a gun by state law from carrying in that state. Addresses the different disqualifiers by state. ex. A person is allowed to carry by FL law, but would not be allowed to carry in NY due to some aspect of NY law... This amendment failed.

Amendment to maintain prohibition on ACE (Army Corps) land... Failed!! :thumbs2:

Amendment(s) to allow police to detain you to verify that your documents and license are valid (my simplification) - Failed.

Amendment to carve out Washington DC from the Bill - Failed.
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Re: Concealed Carry Reciprocity is on the Move: Your Lawmakers Need to Hear from You NOW!


Post by canvasbck »

Goodlatte (R) VI
Chabot (R) OH
Issa (R) CA
King (R) IA
Gohmert (R) TX
Jordan (R) OH
Marino (R) PA
Labrador (R) ID
Collins (R) GA
DeSantis (R) FL
Buck (R) CO
Ratcliffe (R) TX
Roby (R) AL
Gaetz (R) FL
Biggs (R) AZ
Rutherford (R) FL
Handel (R) GA
Franks (R) AZ
Johnson (R) LA

Nadler (D) NY
Lofgren (D) CA
Jackson Lee (D) TX
Cohen (D) TN
Cicilline (D) RI
Deutch (D) FL
Swalwell (D) CA
Lieu (D) CA
Raskin (D) MD
Schneider (D) IL
Johnson (D) GA

Abstain or not present (wasn’t clear):
Sensenbrenner (R) WI
Smith (r) TX
Gowdy (R) SC
Farenthold (R) TX
Conyers (D) MI (He must have had a date)
Gutierrez (D) IL
Bass (D) CA
Richmond (D) LA
Jeffries (D) NY
Jayapal (D) WA
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Re: Concealed Carry Reciprocity is on the Move: Your Lawmakers Need to Hear from You NOW!


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

canvasbck wrote:Ayes:
Goodlatte (R) VI
Chabot (R) OH
Issa (R) CA
King (R) IA
Gohmert (R) TX
Jordan (R) OH
Marino (R) PA
Labrador (R) ID
Collins (R) GA
DeSantis (R) FL
Buck (R) CO
Ratcliffe (R) TX
Roby (R) AL
Gaetz (R) FL
Biggs (R) AZ
Rutherford (R) FL
Handel (R) GA
Franks (R) AZ
Johnson (R) LA

Nadler (D) NY
Lofgren (D) CA
Jackson Lee (D) TX
Cohen (D) TN
Cicilline (D) RI
Deutch (D) FL
Swalwell (D) CA
Lieu (D) CA
Raskin (D) MD
Schneider (D) IL
Johnson (D) GA

Abstain or not present (wasn’t clear):
Sensenbrenner (R) WI
Smith (r) TX
Gowdy (R) SC
Farenthold (R) TX
Conyers (D) MI (He must have had a date)
Gutierrez (D) IL
Bass (D) CA
Richmond (D) LA
Jeffries (D) NY
Jayapal (D) WA
So pretty much a straight party line vote. That does not bode well for us, especially in the Senate.
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Re: Concealed Carry Reciprocity is on the Move: Your Lawmakers Need to Hear from You NOW!


Post by RoyGBiv »

canvasbck wrote:Conyers (D) MI (He must have had a date)
Not a funny situation, but I laughed at the gallows humor.
Thanks for the party id's.
Soccerdad1995 wrote: So pretty much a straight party line vote. That does not bode well for us, especially in the Senate.
A few Ds, like Manchin, will be in a tight spot if they vote against this bill.
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Re: Concealed Carry Reciprocity is on the Move: Your Lawmakers Need to Hear from You NOW!


Post by JustSomeOldGuy »

I sincerely hope Blake (the Flake) Farenthold loses his NRA 'A' rating for skipping this one....
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Re: Concealed Carry Reciprocity is on the Move: Your Lawmakers Need to Hear from You NOW!


Post by TreyHouston »

JustSomeOldGuy wrote:I sincerely hope Blake (the Flake) Farenthold loses his NRA 'A' rating for skipping this one....
Yes, any nay votes or no vote need to be bumped down at least 2 grades!!!
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Re: Concealed Carry Reciprocity is on the Move: Your Lawmakers Need to Hear from You NOW!


Post by RPBrown »

Like I said earlier, I contacted my Representative and didn't expect much if anything because he has that bid D by his name. I just got a reply from him and here is what he said:


Congress of the United States // House of Representatives // Washington, DC 20515

December 1, 2017
Mr. Raymond P. Brown
1909 Rusdell Dr
Irving, TX 75060-6550

Dear Mr. Brown,

Thank you for contacting me to express your thoughts and concerns regarding H.R. 38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

As you may know, this bill was introduced by Representative Richard Hudson (R-NC) in January 2017. If enacted, H.R. 38 would amend the federal criminal code to require all states to recognize other states' permits allowing for concealed carrying of firearms.

I support the Second Amendment and an individual's right to bear arms, and am committed to enacting responsible and sensible laws that will continue to improve our safety while preserving those rights. Currently, H.R. 38 has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee. Should legislation regarding this issue come to the House floor for a vote, please rest assured that I will keep your views in mind.

Thank you again for contacting me. I welcome any further comments you have on this issue or any other topic important to our country. As an engaged and thoughtful citizen, you play a critical role in our country's democracy. I encourage you to stay in touch with me through my official website,, page, and @RepVeasey Twitter account.

Marc Veasey
Member of Congress

I have my thoughts on this reply but would like to hear your thoughts
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Re: Concealed Carry Reciprocity is on the Move: Your Lawmakers Need to Hear from You NOW!


Post by TreyHouston »

I keep snowflakes thoughts and ideas everytime I go to the range too!!

I hate blanket answers like that! Do they REALLY CARE?? No,...
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Re: Concealed Carry Reciprocity is on the Move: Your Lawmakers Need to Hear from You NOW!


Post by bblhd672 »

RPBrown wrote:Like I said earlier, I contacted my Representative and didn't expect much if anything because he has that bid D by his name. I just got a reply from him and here is what he said:


Congress of the United States // House of Representatives // Washington, DC 20515

December 1, 2017
Mr. Raymond P. Brown
1909 Rusdell Dr
Irving, TX 75060-6550

Dear Mr. Brown,

Thank you for contacting me to express your thoughts and concerns regarding H.R. 38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

As you may know, this bill was introduced by Representative Richard Hudson (R-NC) in January 2017. If enacted, H.R. 38 would amend the federal criminal code to require all states to recognize other states' permits allowing for concealed carrying of firearms.

I support the Second Amendment and an individual's right to bear arms, and am committed to enacting responsible and sensible laws that will continue to improve our safety while preserving those rights. Currently, H.R. 38 has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee. Should legislation regarding this issue come to the House floor for a vote, please rest assured that I will keep your views in mind.

Thank you again for contacting me. I welcome any further comments you have on this issue or any other topic important to our country. As an engaged and thoughtful citizen, you play a critical role in our country's democracy. I encourage you to stay in touch with me through my official website,, page, and @RepVeasey Twitter account.

Marc Veasey
Member of Congress

I have my thoughts on this reply but would like to hear your thoughts
He will keep your views in mind while voting the way he is expected to vote by Demorat leadership.
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Re: Concealed Carry Reciprocity is on the Move: Your Lawmakers Need to Hear from You NOW!


Post by ELB »

A non-governmental site that tracks legislative actions has the following comment on HR 38:
On House Schedule

The House indicated that this bill would be considered in the week ahead.

This was added some time today, it wasn't there this morning.

Also, this governmental site has info on the bill: ... ll/38/text
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Re: Concealed Carry Reciprocity is on the Move: Your Lawmakers Need to Hear from You NOW!


Post by TreyHouston »

ELB wrote:A non-governmental site that tracks legislative actions has the following comment on HR 38:
On House Schedule

The House indicated that this bill would be considered in the week ahead.

This was added some time today, it wasn't there this morning.

Also, this governmental site has info on the bill: ... ll/38/text
Govtrack says this bill has a 11% chance of being passed. Only a few reasons but I like this one:

“The bill's primary sponsor is a Republican.”

Hahaha thats so SAD AND TRUE!!!
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Re: Concealed Carry Reciprocity is on the Move: Your Lawmakers Need to Hear from You NOW!


Post by RoyGBiv »

please rest assured that I will keep your views in mind.
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