The instruction sheets that came with the press and dies leave a lot to be desired in my opinion..... or maybe I'm just dense. I guess maybe I should have bought the Lee manual, too. Oh well......
It took forever to finally get a round with the right OAL, flare and crimp. Let's just say that I'm now very proficient with the bullet puller that I almost didn't buy, thinking I could put it off till later.

After I got it set up correctly my son muscled me out of the way and proceeded to load 50 rounds of 9mm. He couldn't understand what all the trouble I was having was all about.

We went to the range today and I fired the 50 rounds that we loaded and much to my astonishment, they all functioned perfectly in my Springfield XD's. I couldn't tell any difference between the hand loads and the Blazer that I also had with me.
On top of that, we both came home with just as many appendages and a lot more brass than we left home with. No exploding rounds or squib loads.
Needless to say, I'm happy with the Lee press kit. A Dillon it's not, but it got the job done at a very good price.
All's good at the little house on the prairie tonight!
Except.......I did manage to leave one of my Kel-Tec mags at the range.

The saga begins........