Had to use my 45. Hope this never happens again.

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Post by propellerhead »

Whew! You had me there for a while. :)

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Post by mikesrex »

propellerhead wrote:Whew! You had me there for a while. :)
me too!

I always dread the day I will have to "call 1911" but try to be sure I am practiced enough to be able to draw and respond appropriately to the situation.

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Post by elwood blooz »

Lumberjack98 wrote:
Kalrog wrote:Dang. I was about to yell at you for typing this in a public forum... but wow. Heart rate going down.

Dang! Sure had me going on that one. Great scenario to think about.
+2 I think I need meds to bring my heart rate down!
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Re: Wow!


Post by Mithras61 »

RoundRock_Gun_Fan wrote:If your having dreams (nightmares) like this I suggest you stop eating spicy food before you go to sleep!!! :razz:
One of my biggest fears is what happened to you as far as the gun not coming out. I have a P229 that I carry in a Galco summer comfort IWB and I haven't had any issues yet.
I did buy a Uncle Mikes, Fobus knock off, with tension screws. I adjusted the tension screws to the point where the gun won't fall out when you flip it over, but when I put it on my belt I can't get the gun to budge. :???: If I take it off the belt and pull on it the gun comes right out! Still trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong! Needless to say I haven't worn it yet.
Let's just pray your nightmare never comes true!

Not meaning to hijack the thread, but...

When you put the holster on, it develops a slight curve that increases the pressure on the pistol. Retention settings for the holster may have to be somewhere between "it doesn't fall out when it's off my belt" and "it doesn't fall out when I drop my pants" for you to be able to get it out. Personally, I've found that "just barely tight enough to feel" when it is OFF my belt makes it "about right" when it is ON my belt. YMMV...
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Re: Wow!


Post by LedJedi »

Mithras61 wrote: Not meaning to hijack the thread, but...

When you put the holster on, it develops a slight curve that increases the pressure on the pistol. Retention settings for the holster may have to be somewhere between "it doesn't fall out when it's off my belt" and "it doesn't fall out when I drop my pants" for you to be able to get it out. Personally, I've found that "just barely tight enough to feel" when it is OFF my belt makes it "about right" when it is ON my belt. YMMV...
I was thinking that might be the case too, but I don't have an adjustable holster so i dont know first hand. The additional pressure on the holster of having it squeezed between belt and body will change the tension on the gun. That should be taken into account I think.

I've stopped wearing my little $15 neoprine holster all together now. I just wear the gun tucked inside my waistband. It's not exactly the best option, but I can't re-holster with that squishy holster anyway and putting my pants on with the holster and gun already in place is a pain.

I have found that very elastic belts are nice. They work well for me. I can easily cynch them tight when i'm packing, but when I take it off to go into work i can easily loosen them up. Works well for me. Can't wait till that Milt Sparks holster comes in with the spring around the rim to keep the holster open.

I think I just hijacked my own thread. :)
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Post by dws1117 »


I see that you've ordered a quality holster. Don't neglect to order a good belt made for carrying a gun. It really is a system. The belt can make all the difference. The most expensive quality leather holster won't live up to the hype without a good belt to support it.

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Post by BShook »

Man, you definitely had me going... heart rate going back down... lol.

Thanks for posting - that's very thought-provoking.

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Post by Will938 »

After I saw that you were posting this on the forum and that you had used deadly force, I figured it was a dream :lol:

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Re: Had to use my 45. Hope this never happens again.


Post by dihappy »

LedJedi wrote:it’s best to write down what you remember as soon after it happens as possible, because memory tends to fade, especially traumatic events.
Hi :)

Actually sudies show that Adrenaline is what keeps memory ingrained and You wouldnt forget this if it happened for real :D

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Post by NcongruNt »

Most of my gun nightmares involve equipment failure more than anything else. I had a dream the other night where I was fighting in some sort of street warfare with a Dragunov rifle, but it was like I was shooting on primers only. My shots weren't having any affect, and were barely breaking skin at a range of about 20 yards. I wasn't even getting enough recoil force for ejection and had to cycle each round manually.

When I first got my license, I was in a living situation that did not allow me to have a gun in the house (under my lease agreement). I had a nightmare where I needed my pistol because of a nighttime break in, but it was locked up in my van. I moved shortly after getting my license, and the main reason was the "no guns" issue. I've not had this one again.

I had a dream a couple of months ago similar to the Dragunov one, where my PA-63 exhibited the same behavior - the gun fires but does nothing to its intended target. It was a nighttime break in, and my gun had no effect, even after multiple shots at point-blank range.

I've read on these forums that it's a relatively common dream for police officers to have... pull the trigger and nothing happens. It certainly seems to be a recurring theme for me thus far.

I need to get to the range and work out the cobwebs in my head. :fire Someday I'll buy that Dragunov. I sure do dream about it enough. ;-)



Post by California »

BrassMonkey wrote:Man,
That's horrible.

You know, touching your weapon could be interpreted as deadly force, in which case, I fear you would be the one going to jail...
The good thing though is bad guys don't call the police.

If it were my dream, the moment I saw the training gun I would have drawn and shot him.
What's to stop someone from painting a little orange circle on the end of a real gun to make it "look fake"
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Post by seamusTX »

California____ wrote:The good thing though is bad guys don't call the police.
Actually, they sometimes do.

ElGato tells about one of his alumni who was involved in a road-rage incident. The other driver was driving erratically, tailgating, screaming, etc.; and the CHL holder drew his weapon.

The idiot stopped his road rage behavior and called 911.

- Jim
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Post by carlson1 »

California wrote:
BrassMonkey wrote:Man,
That's horrible.

You know, touching your weapon could be interpreted as deadly force, in which case, I fear you would be the one going to jail...
The good thing though is bad guys don't call the police.

If it were my dream, the moment I saw the training gun I would have drawn and shot him.
What's to stop someone from painting a little orange circle on the end of a real gun to make it "look fake"
California please check your PM's.

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Re: Had to use my 45. Hope this never happens again.


Post by g31357 »

glad to see your ok after that incident.

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Re: Had to use my 45. Hope this never happens again.


Post by johnson0317 »

I dunno...

...lot can happen in four and a half years.
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