Springfield hellcat POI is off
Moderator: carlson1
Springfield hellcat POI is off
I ordered and picked up a new hellcat a few weeks ago. Right out of the box it shot low left. Made adjustments to make sure it wasn't me pushing the shots off, and when dry firing the front sight doesn't move on the trigger break. Went back out and still low left, every time I shoot it the groups are decent but always low left. This was the 1st 9mm i have owned(bought the wife a shield 2.0 9 at the same time) and the only ammo I could get at the time was some 115 gr fiochii. Her shield does fine with it good center hits, but mine is always off. Even had a couple other people try and they did the same. I plan on trying some different weight bullets to find something that hits closer. Has anyone else bought a pistol which is reviewed to be fairly accurate and had to play with the sights to get it on right out of the box? I also own a Springfield xdm in 40sw and it was and is dead on right out of the box.
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Re: Springfield hellcat POI is off
most guns aren't actually sighted in at the factory (they just eyeball center them) you'll have to adjust them to your liking.
Re: Springfield hellcat POI is off
I know that when I shoot low left it’s usually me flinching
Seriously though, at what distance were you firing?

Seriously though, at what distance were you firing?
Re: Springfield hellcat POI is off
Flinching was definitely my initial thought as well, but I've put about 100 rounds through it consistently low left. Most of my shooting has been 5-7 yards with hits roughly 3 inches low and 3 left.
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Re: Springfield hellcat POI is off
Some time back, I posted here in this forum about a first model Smith and Wesson 9mm Shield that had a point of impact issue, and received some replies that I must be at fault, via technique or flinching or whatever. Now, I fire full-house .357 Magnums out of a revolver without any serious issues, and generally hit where I'm aiming until I've put quite a few though it in a shooting session, so flinching from a 9mm wasn't my problem. I discovered, via some "empirical testing" that it was ammo sensitive. For whatever reason, it just didn't like certain 115 grain FMJs. It likes 124s just fine, and even 115s of other brands. I stay away from the brands that it doesn't like and it has made a difference. So, maybe your pistol is ammo sensitive, as well. Best of luck to you.Medley86 wrote: ↑Fri May 15, 2020 7:31 pm I ordered and picked up a new hellcat a few weeks ago. Right out of the box it shot low left. Made adjustments to make sure it wasn't me pushing the shots off, and when dry firing the front sight doesn't move on the trigger break. Went back out and still low left, every time I shoot it the groups are decent but always low left. This was the 1st 9mm i have owned(bought the wife a shield 2.0 9 at the same time) and the only ammo I could get at the time was some 115 gr fiochii. Her shield does fine with it good center hits, but mine is always off. Even had a couple other people try and they did the same. I plan on trying some different weight bullets to find something that hits closer. Has anyone else bought a pistol which is reviewed to be fairly accurate and had to play with the sights to get it on right out of the box? I also own a Springfield xdm in 40sw and it was and is dead on right out of the box.
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Re: Springfield hellcat POI is off
If you can, try shooting with arms supported and seating. That'll help you figure out if it's you or the sights.
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Re: Springfield hellcat POI is off
The only handguns I've needed to sight in initially are revolvers. I've only had two bottom feeders that didn't shoot right out of the box. The first one is a Rock Island 1911 which had a bad barrel fitment, so the sights weren't the problem. The second is an FN that was ammo sensitive. Hotter ammo shot higher. But there was no issue with left/right accuracy.
When you look at the sights from the top view, do both the front and rear sights look perfectly centered on the slide? Normally, they should be perfectly centered from the factory, but you never know when someone may have fallen asleep when installing them on your gun. You may need to drift one of them back center. If they're already centered, then you'd want to look elsewhere.
Also, has anyone else shot the gun with similar results? That would eliminate the human factor.
When you look at the sights from the top view, do both the front and rear sights look perfectly centered on the slide? Normally, they should be perfectly centered from the factory, but you never know when someone may have fallen asleep when installing them on your gun. You may need to drift one of them back center. If they're already centered, then you'd want to look elsewhere.
Also, has anyone else shot the gun with similar results? That would eliminate the human factor.
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Re: Springfield hellcat POI is off
What kind of sight picture are you using? I don't have a Hellcat, but when I got my Sig P290, I constantly shot low. Found that I was not using the correct sight picture. I was trying to use the center hold sight picture, where the top of my sights would split the target in half. I then learned that the Sig pistol was set up for "combat sight picture" where you align the dots on the front and rear like normal, but you cover the center of the target with the dot.
Not sure if that is your issue, but just a thought.
Not sure if that is your issue, but just a thought.
Re: Springfield hellcat POI is off
They do appear centered and have had other shoot it with pretty much the same results, one of the others was even left handed which could mean its the sights and not mestrogg wrote: ↑Sat May 16, 2020 12:39 pm The only handguns I've needed to sight in initially are revolvers. I've only had two bottom feeders that didn't shoot right out of the box. The first one is a Rock Island 1911 which had a bad barrel fitment, so the sights weren't the problem. The second is an FN that was ammo sensitive. Hotter ammo shot higher. But there was no issue with left/right accuracy.
When you look at the sights from the top view, do both the front and rear sights look perfectly centered on the slide? Normally, they should be perfectly centered from the factory, but you never know when someone may have fallen asleep when installing them on your gun. You may need to drift one of them back center. If they're already centered, then you'd want to look elsewhere.
Also, has anyone else shot the gun with similar results? That would eliminate the human factor.
Ruger LCP in a Talon wallet holster EDC
Re: Springfield hellcat POI is off
The sights are a u notch and dot and I'm putting the bullseye on top of the dot, thats the same hold I use on my other springfield. If I'm supposed to be covering the target with the dot that could account for the low but not the left.cyphertext wrote: ↑Sat May 16, 2020 1:50 pm What kind of sight picture are you using? I don't have a Hellcat, but when I got my Sig P290, I constantly shot low. Found that I was not using the correct sight picture. I was trying to use the center hold sight picture, where the top of my sights would split the target in half. I then learned that the Sig pistol was set up for "combat sight picture" where you align the dots on the front and rear like normal, but you cover the center of the target with the dot.
Not sure if that is your issue, but just a thought.
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Re: Springfield hellcat POI is off
If multiple people shot it low left, including both right and left handers... revert to post #2 and adjust the sights.
And you shouldn't be sighting in at 5-7 yds. Go rested @ 25yds (optimally) because the stock sights are so coarse.
And you shouldn't be sighting in at 5-7 yds. Go rested @ 25yds (optimally) because the stock sights are so coarse.
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Re: Springfield hellcat POI is off
25 yards for a defensive pistol of that size is a bit far IMO.
Psalm 91:2
Re: Springfield hellcat POI is off

All of my subcompacts are @7-10yrds, I feel that going beyond 15 yards, much less 25 yards is way out of scope for self defense. That’s just me. Now if main purpose is to plink around that’s different story. But at least for me, my G26 or Sig365 are not long range plinkers, I ain’t Hickok45

I’d also agree to see if you can get your sights adjusted in at 7 yard-10 max for that small of a pistol. If after adjustment it’s still off just ship it back and have it looked at.
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Agree to disagree. 25yds for many reasons
Want to be proficient at 10 yds? Train at 20yds. You may still suck at 20 but you'll improve at 10.
I'd sight it in at 25- even if you only practice and shoot 5, 7 or 10yds. Primarily then it will be GTG at any distance he's ever going to shoot that gun.
We all have our preferences, I shoot my little PF-9 to 20yds when I shoot it... walk 20 steps and see how close it is... your gun will shoot decent groups at that range. (you just have to learn to drive it) I've had to dispatch animals at that distance a number of times.
Just don't pigeonhole yourself to be an arm's length shooter.

I'd sight it in at 25- even if you only practice and shoot 5, 7 or 10yds. Primarily then it will be GTG at any distance he's ever going to shoot that gun.
We all have our preferences, I shoot my little PF-9 to 20yds when I shoot it... walk 20 steps and see how close it is... your gun will shoot decent groups at that range. (you just have to learn to drive it) I've had to dispatch animals at that distance a number of times.
Just don't pigeonhole yourself to be an arm's length shooter.