Fixed Blade EDC

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Fixed Blade EDC


Post by cmgee67 »

I’m venturing off into trying carrying a fixed blade for daily carry starting today. I’ve got several choices so I think that I am going to try each on every day. Since I shoot right handed I tend to carry a knife on my left side. I cut with my left hand but I’m right eye dominant and shoot right handed. Go figure. I used to carry my knife on my right side for years. Then one day I realized that I would open the knife right handed and immediately transfer it o my left hand for use. I know I’m smart like that. I used to carry strong side at 4:00 concealed but for a few years now I’ve been AIWB so it doesn’t really matter which side I carry a fixed blade on but it used to. I usually have to carry a right hand sheath backwards on my left hand side because there are not too many left handed knife sheaths unless you get a custom made. I like the one handed manipulation of grabbing a knife. That’s why I tend to carry spyderco and bench made folders. But a fixed blade is always “open” and no locks to fail or pocket clips to bend.

Anyway who else carries a fixed blade? I’m all ears on the subject. I’ll be starting with my enzo trapper 95 or my
Bark river mini kephart.
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Re: Fixed Blade EDC


Post by Lena »

or depending on what I am doing or going an OTF which I really like also

I designed it friend made it for me carbon steel right side about 3;00
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Re: Fixed Blade EDC


Post by Rafe »

I carry a fixed blade when the attire of the day allows it. I ended up preferring to carry horizontally, at the back of the belt, OWB, hilt facing the offside hand. Plusses and minuses. On the minus end, it limits the size of the knife; carrying--at least for me--a big ol' 10" blade & 15" OAL ain't gonna cut it (no pun intended). The one I use came with a Kydex sheath that included a horizontal mount, so that's actually why I gave it a try in the first place. It's a for-purpose fighter made from an S30V block that's almost 1/4" thick and has a 4" blade and about 8" OAL. Flush up against my back it's very concealable; that's one of the plusses.

While I would normally draw it with my left hand, I want to be able to get to with the right, as well. A typical left-side vertical mount I can't reach with my right hand. I think a lot of that depends on the individual, though. Minus: horizontally it's a small-of-back carry. It isn't uncomfortable unless I have to sit against a hard-back chair, but it can cause some wear on shirts and car seats over time. Plus: the SOB carry means that nothing interferes with gun or spare mags, each of which I carry at pretty much 3:00 and 9:00. Wallet is in a front pocket, so no interference there, either. Minus: putting it back in the sheath when it's on the belt took a lot of practice with a very sharp knife. :???: That's a tiny little target to get the point of the knife into when you have to do it completely blind. Plus: it isn't a bad knife-draw motion, and since it's coming from behind you it may be less obvious what you're up to, if you ever find yourself in that situation.
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Re: Fixed Blade EDC


Post by The Annoyed Man »

I’m left handed. I have 2 or 3 pretty good fixed blade knives, plus a couple of cheaper ones, but I don’t carry them, preferring a folder for EDC for all the usual reasons. Also, I am a committed southpaw, with little or no chance of ambidexterity. Since I already carry a pistol strong side, there’s no chance that I’ll add a knife to that side. I already carry a couple of backup mags and a flashlight on the offside, so there’s no practical room there for a fixed blade knife in addition. At my age and physical condition, there’s NO chance that I’d choose a knife over a gun in a fight, even within near contact distance. Therefore, any knife I carry is there pretty much only for use as an as-needed regular cutting tool; and the only things that need fear it are boxes, envelopes, promising-looking pieces of wood, and the occasional apple. And for that kind of use, a good folder is more than adequate.

That said, I do keep a Gerber LMF II Infantry knife (10.59" overall, 4.84" blade) in my survival bag, complete with the molle sheath and sharpener. It’s a heavyweight, and was originally designed for downed aircrew to be able to cut their way out of an aircraft. It’s a real bruiser. And I also have a Benchmade Fixed Contego 183 (10.18" overall, 4.97" blade). It’s a pretty nice knife, and like all Benchmades, sharp as hades. But the injection-molded sheath that came with it is kind of a joke, and completely useless for a left handed person. I’m going to have my son custom make me a kydex sheath that will better fit my needs.
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Re: Fixed Blade EDC


Post by carlson1 »

I carry a KA-BAR TDI LE Fixed Blade, but I carry it in a NSR Tactical Horizontal sheath.


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Re: Fixed Blade EDC


Post by grnamin »

Achter Knives Podenco or Amtac Blades Northman. I like knives that aren't purely for defensive purposes, but are built to be both utilitarian and defensive.

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Re: Fixed Blade EDC


Post by crazy2medic »

Boot knife
Boot knife
Boot knife
Knife I carry in the small of my back
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Re: Fixed Blade EDC


Post by carlson1 »

crazy2medic wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:55 pm 1623365495233-1916823612.jpg
Boot knife
Knife I carry in the small of my back
What brand is the boot Knife?

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Re: Fixed Blade EDC


Post by crazy2medic »

Gerber, my sister bought it for me many years ago
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Re: Fixed Blade EDC


Post by jbirds1210 »

I love having a knife with me. While I am mostly a Spyderco fan, I have not found any of their fixed blades all that exciting. I have a Half Face Blade Crow Jr. and really like it a lot.
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Re: Fixed Blade EDC


Post by The Annoyed Man »

I just remembered the other day that I also have a 3” EDC knife, but hadn’t been carrying it because it came with right handed sheath. My son gave it to me for my birthday a couple of years ago. It’s a Bradford Guardian 3. Mine has the OD green scales, but the blade steel is N690, not the M390. My son assures me that N690 is pretty good blade steel. I have no real knowledge of these matters.

The knife had lain in a drawer until I remembered it the other day, and so I ordered both a ambi kydex sheath and a lefty leather sheath for it. It’s a pretty nice knife, so I may begin carrying it soon.
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Re: Fixed Blade EDC


Post by Lena »

I drew this one out and a friend made it for me the blade is carbon steel and almost 1/4" thick very easy to sharpen and holds a good edge, one of my 2 daily carry knives the other is an OTF 3-1/2" carbon steel I am addicted to.
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Re: Fixed Blade EDC


Post by cmgee67 »

Looks great! And TAM that’s an awesome knife. I need to get one of those in my hands. So far fixed blade edc has been awesome and I really like it. This last week I’ve been back to pocket knife carry due to what I’ve been doing at work. But I enjoy the extra pocket space I’ve had since carrying a fixed blade

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Re: Fixed Blade EDC


Post by LTUME1978 »

A while back, Andy put up a post about a knife class he went to and how they used paring knifes in that class. That had me on the lookout for a small fixed blade knife but I never bought anything until a few weeks ago. I was at a class at CSAT and saw this knife (they have someone on staff that makes knifes). It will fit the pocket of a sports coat or suit jacket or in a pants pocket. The sheath will push off with your thumb of hook on the pocket and pull off.

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Re: Fixed Blade EDC


Post by LTUME1978 »

Another option to a fixed blade knife is The Hammer. This was developed by one of the instructors at CSAT. Coy showed us part of the training video he is putting together on how to use The Hammer. He was using the plastic training version but still had the black belt that he was working with tapping out frequently. I have this and the knife above as the intermideate tools to go between talking and shooting. I am on the emergency response team at the church I attend and we are seeing more mentally ill people causing problems this year. Hope I never have to use any of these but would rather have them and not need them than wishing I was not empty handed.
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