Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability

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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by TxRVer »

Rafe wrote: Thu Jan 20, 2022 8:37 pm
It had to be the worst presidential address in my lifetime. And polls are showing that, as of the first one-year anniversary of his four-year term, only 28% of Americans think Joe Biden should run again in 2024.
It makes me wonder what's wrong with 28% of Americans.

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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by srothstein »

TxRVer wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 9:36 am
Rafe wrote: Thu Jan 20, 2022 8:37 pm
It had to be the worst presidential address in my lifetime. And polls are showing that, as of the first one-year anniversary of his four-year term, only 28% of Americans think Joe Biden should run again in 2024.
It makes me wonder what's wrong with 28% of Americans.
Nothing at all. They are all Republicans who want to make sure no strong democrat runs against their choice.
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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by LTUME1978 »

Not sure on that. I have talked to democrats that think Biden is doing a wonderful job. I don't know what they are thinking but I am concerned that there are many delusional democrats share that line of thinking.
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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by Rafe »

LTUME1978 wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 2:25 pm Not sure on that. I have talked to democrats that think Biden is doing a wonderful job. I don't know what they are thinking but I am concerned that there are many delusional democrats share that line of thinking.
I saw Steve's tongue firmly in his cheek, but you're right about many staunch dems thinking the Uncle Joe is the bestest president ever. And they'll probably continue to think that way until a loaf of bread costs $10, interest rates take a leap up, and the stock market dives. And maybe even after that.

Every year we're inching closer to the future--intended to be comedic but gettin' scarier by the day--predicted by the 2006 movie Idiocracy. From way back in college I have a friend, now living in Northern California, who thinks Joe is doing a great job. For Christmas, I sent him a copy of this book: Weaponized Lies: How to Think Critically in the Post-Truth Era, by Daniel Levitin. To my friend's credit, he read some of it. Or maybe he just looked through the index. Donald Trump is mentioned on only one page out of 320, but that's the one my friend found to throw back at me. That one mention was about Trump saying that Muslims in Jersey City had cheered when the Twin Towers came down, that he'd seen it on TV. Didn't happen. But, you know, you can't trust anything conservatives say or do. The 9/11 Jersey City claim is right up there in scope with Bill Clinton blatantly lying about Monica Lewinski, Obama's great recession, Hillary's Benghazi, Schumer's Russia-Russia-Russia, BLM's arson and looting, and Biden's...well, Biden's everything. But if I were to pick the most obvious single-point cluster fiasco, I'd say Afghanistan.
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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by philip964 »

Palestinians cheered on TV after the twin towers came down.

Ukraine could be Xiden’s worst. We will know in a month. That is if we still have internet and electricity.
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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by Rafe »

philip964 wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 11:16 pm Palestinians cheered on TV after the twin towers came down.
Which may be what Trump saw on TV. But there was no public-gathering cheering in Jersey City.
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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


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Dow drops 1,000 points as markets extend their slide in 2022 ... e-in-2022/

(Note that Fox TV reports that Dow has recovered slightly as of now, down only 830 points rather that the 1,000 this morning. How well does everybody think Branden is doing with the economy?)
The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped more than 1,000 points Monday as financial markets buckled in anticipation of inflation-fighting measures from the Federal Reserve and fretted over the possibility of conflict between Russia and Ukraine....

Stocks have fallen sharply so far this year as the market readies for the Fed to raise interest rates to try to tame inflation, which is at its highest level in nearly four decades....

The Fed’s benchmark short-term interest rate is currently in a range of 0% to 0.25%. Investors now see a nearly 65% chance that the Fed will raise the rate four times by the end of the year, up from a 35% chance a month ago, according to CME Group’s Fed Watch tool.
(Well, I had four follow-on paragraphs written, neglected to save it to the clipboard, and previewing the post wiped them out. Sigh. I'll never learn. Suffice to say I gave a lot of reasons why I'm becoming increasingly worried over the economy, to the point that I fear even Obama's Great Recession may, in hindsight, look like only a brief appetizer. And the mid-terms cannot come soon enough.)

Edited: One tidbit of data that I looked up and don't want to fail to include. Brandon has done a lot of back-patting over the U.S. unemployment rate, which sits at 3.9%...using the "standard" U-3 calculation. But that wholly ignores a massive segment of the population...even on Twitter #GreatResignation has become a trending hashtag. In stark contrast to the "excellent" unemployment rate is the equally--if not more--important measure of the U.S. Labor Force Participation Rate. Right now, that stands at an alarmingly low 61.9%. This is the percentage of the total eligible-to-work U.S. population that is neither employed nor actively seeking work. Over 38% of the population who could be working, are not. It dropped briefly below that number in April/May/June 2020 when we all in initial-pandemic lockdown, but otherwise the last time the Labor Force Participation Rate was this low was in November 1976.
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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by Rafe »

Peter Doocy's better question would have been: "Mr. President, is your handling, or lack thereof, of inflation going to destroy the American economy for years to come?" With the hot mic, we might have gotten an even more colorful epithet from Uncle Joe for that one.

Found this very good, short article from The Heritage Foundation, written on January 18, about the Biden administration's economic policies and the lessons from the devastating stagflation of the 1970s that only started to improve once Ronald Reagan came into office.

America Is Lurching From Pandemic to Major Recession after Biden’s Massive Government Spending Programs Released the Inflation Kraken ... ns-massive
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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by philip964 »

If China is worried about the Nuclear Briefcase in Xiden's hands, should we be worried about the Nuclear Briefcase? Should the mainstream media be worried?

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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by philip964 » ... eme-court/

Xiden gets to pick a Supreme Court Justice. Breyer stepping down before the mid terms. Awe.

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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by Ruark »

Ruth Ginsburg clung to her Supreme Court seat specifically to try to prevent Trump from replacing her with a conservative. With the 2022 elections only a few months away, it's notable that Breyer isn't doing the same thing. Apparently it doesn't bother him that he could just wait few months so the Dems won't replace him with some woke radical lunatic - which he KNOWS they will try to do.

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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by philip964 »

See comment above.

Peppermint Patty says Biden 'stands by' promise to nominate Black woman to Supreme Court ... reme-court


Then Hil as VP.


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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by srothstein »

Whether she is qualified or not, if a black woman is appointed to SCOTUS, she will forever be handicapped with a large portion of the public for being an "affirmative action" appointee.

I doubt anyone would, but I would love to see someone file a discrimination complaint against Biden for the lack of consideration.
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Re: Joe Xiden - Breaking: Covert Illegal Immigrant Flights Exposed


Post by Rafe »

From Fox News this morning:

Bombshell video exposes cover-up of Biden's covert migrant flights from border into US suburb ... ontractors
Leaked video shows migrants being transported on secret charter flights under the cover of night from southern border states to Westchester, New York.

"The government is betraying the American people," a federal contractor told a Westchester County police officer in a conversation recorded on the officer’s body camera on the tarmac of a Westchester airport on Aug. 13, 2021.

The footage was obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request by former Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino....

The 51-minute footage of the August incident shows Westchester Police Sgt. Michael Hamborsky peppering federal contractors early in the morning with questions about the after-hours flights and why local police were not provided details.... Hamborsky asked one contractor why they were coming to suburban Westchester, which is about 35 miles outside of New York City. "You don’t want to be in somewhere the spotlight is," the contractor replied. "You want to try and be as down low as possible. A lot of this is just down-low stuff that we don’t tell people because what we don’t want to do is attract attention. We don’t want the media. Like we don’t even know where we’re going when they tell us."

"But what’s the big secret?" [Hamborsky] asked.

"You know why. Because if this gets out, the government is betraying the American people," the contractor said.

Edited: More from the New York Post:

‘Betraying the American people’: Leaked video reveals Joe Biden’s ‘hush hush’ migrant invasion ... -invasion/
While Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi go all out to protect Ukraine’s national sovereignty, at the same time they are orchestrating a clandestine invasion of America across the southern border.

Two million illegal immigrants from dozens of countries crossed over from Mexico last year, and the Biden administration is facilitating the cartels’ people-smuggling operation — at taxpayer expense.
Also, from yesterday, video from Fox of the mass release of single adult male illegal immigrants being released from federal custody in Brownsville, Texas, and then sent by taxi to Harlingen airport...not to be deported; they were now free to travel. Some were asked and they said they were on their way to Houston, Atlanta, and Miami...and they had just crossed illegally and paid a cartel $2,000 each to get them into the U.S. This after Jen Psaki assured us that the undocumented migrants being relocated into the U.S. were family units.

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