Authoritarians must be panicked that their illegitimate grasp on power is slipping away with such a well armed population.This figure represents a bump of some 4.6 million rifles since the last estimate was conducted just two short years ago.
Report: Over 24.4 million AKs & ARs in Circulation
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Report: Over 24.4 million AKs & ARs in Circulation
America is becoming better armed by the day: Report: Over 24.4 million AKs & ARs in Circulation
JOIN NRA TODAY!, NRA Benefactor Life, TSRA Defender Life, Gun Owners of America Life, SAF, VCDL Member
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The last hope of human liberty in this world rests on us. -Thomas Jefferson
LTC/SSC Instructor, NRA Certified Instructor, CRSO
The last hope of human liberty in this world rests on us. -Thomas Jefferson
Re: Report: Over 24.4 million AKs & ARs in Circulation
Everybody needs to read the last few paragraphs of that short article mentioning our good buddy, Jerry "Nads" Nadler D(NY):
Man; I feel like I've received that many email ads just this year from companies who have me on their mailing lists.
Still, even with this revised estimate, it's very difficult for me to get my head around the notion that there are only 24.4 million ARs, AKs, and variants (meaning, of course, all stripped lowers sitting in safes, as well) in circulation in the U.S. All imports and all manufacturers? I don't doubt that only a modest number would have been sold prior to 1990, but they were being sold and the majority of those would still "in the wild" and functioning, as well. Let's say that accounts for the 0.4, roughly; that's likely a conservative number. Then if CONUS-manufactured ARs account for about 85% of the 24 million, that's 20.4 million. Even a decade ago we had at least 280 AR manufacturers active in the U.S; I'll bet there's more now. Over a span of 30 years, all manufacturing of AR lowers or complete rifles, SBRs, and pistols amounted to only about 2,400 units per manufacturer per year? From the niche manufacturers to the big names like S&W?“So, to clarify, Mr. Chairman, you’re saying it is the point of the bill to ban weapons that are in common use in the United States today?” said Bishop.
“Yes,” replied Nadler.
Man; I feel like I've received that many email ads just this year from companies who have me on their mailing lists.

“Be ready; now is the beginning of happenings.”
― Robert E. Howard, Swords of Shahrazar
― Robert E. Howard, Swords of Shahrazar
Re: Report: Over 24.4 million AKs & ARs in Circulation
Well, this doesn't count all of the ones that were lost in boating accidents.Still, even with this revised estimate, it's very difficult for me to get my head around the notion that there are only 24.4 million ARs, AKs, and variants
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Re: Report: Over 24.4 million AKs & ARs in Circulation

Diplomacy is the Art of Letting Someone Have Your Way
Colt Gov't Model .380
Colt Gov't Model .380
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Re: Report: Over 24.4 million AKs & ARs in Circulation
I believe, and I've submitted this before, if the time has come that we need to hide our weapons, then the time has come that we may need to use them.
I've read the Declaration of Independence a few times lately. It seems to be deja vu all over again. I think this is what keeps patriots at bay:
"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. "
But I'm just a dumb ole country boy.
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Re: Report: Over 24.4 million AKs & ARs in Circulation
Experts make case for AR-15
“They are a perfect self-defense firearm for a dizzying array of reasons, including low recoil, great ergonomics, and easy customization.”
JOIN NRA TODAY!, NRA Benefactor Life, TSRA Defender Life, Gun Owners of America Life, SAF, VCDL Member
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The last hope of human liberty in this world rests on us. -Thomas Jefferson
LTC/SSC Instructor, NRA Certified Instructor, CRSO
The last hope of human liberty in this world rests on us. -Thomas Jefferson
Re: Report: Over 24.4 million AKs & ARs in Circulation
Add modularity, the ability to configure in various for-purpose lengths, ease of maintenance, availability of parts and repair, numerous optics and accessory options, a wide variety of instruction and training choices, and a common, globally available NATO caliber.Paladin wrote: ↑Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:31 pm Experts make case for AR-15
“They are a perfect self-defense firearm for a dizzying array of reasons, including low recoil, great ergonomics, and easy customization.”

...And I still can't believe there are only 24.4 million ARs and AKs in all variants and configurations and stripped lowers out there in the 50 states.
“Be ready; now is the beginning of happenings.”
― Robert E. Howard, Swords of Shahrazar
― Robert E. Howard, Swords of Shahrazar