Gender -Male
Profession/school status -Senior Analyst, Supply Chain MBA
Marital status -Twice Divorced
Years CHL -< 1 year
Texas State Representative House District -2nd Congressional District Ted Poe
Carry guns/equipment -Glock 27 and XD40
Moderator: carlson1
Preacherman wrote:Age -60
Gender -Male
Profession/school status - Pastor - Dr. of Ministry from Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis
Marital status - Married 35 years to the same lady (She's from Taiwan, we met in Philadelphia in school)
Years CHL - 3 years in Tennessee, where I live (But I like Texas!)
Carry guns/equipment - PF9 or P3AT
From time to time I play the cello with the Chattanooga Symphony Orchestra
I pastor Wayside Presbyterian Church in Signal Mtn, TN