iratollah wrote:
Early one morning during dove season a couple of bird hunters pulled an Easy Rider on me trying to scare me with their shotgun. They did a fine job of it. I felt the blast from their shotgun roll across my back and the back of my helmet. I gassed it and got the heck out of there. Shooting back would have made no sense.
Hi guys -
Noob to the forum, first post and all.
The "Easy Rider" thing is terrifying. Good on you for keeping the rubber side down and getting out of there. I imagine your sphincter didn't unpucker for hours.
I carry a Kahr PM9 in a pocket holster most of the time but it doesn't work well on the bike. I'll sometimes carry in my riding jacket although I tend to agree that if I were to get off at speed, I wouldn't really want it there. So, much of the time I'll carry in the back of my Wolfman Explorer Lite tank bag... there's a little rear facing pocket that fits the Kahr well. Problem is, it's not always easy to slip it discretely out if you're in a grocery store parking lot surrounded by people, and it's not secure enough to leave it in there. Thus the jacket pocket carry. Also, these issues make it basically impossible for me to carry while commuting, because I don't want to leave the gun on the bike and I can't take it in to work. There are challenges with every method of carry I suppose...
Regarding the tucked or untucked shirt, I can't recommend enough getting good riding gear. ATGATT (All The Gear All The Time) and all that. If you're commuting in a city, you will have close calls from other idiot drivers, and if you're commuting in the country you will have close calls from other idiot animals (or drivers). I've had both, including a deer that hit me broadside and a guy who pulled out from behind a bunch of corals while I was on a dirt access road in boonieville Wyoming. I T-boned him. Last year I was first on the scene (ok... first who would actually do something) and got to patch up a sport biker who was wearing a helmet, t-shirt, and jeans (no gloves or anything else). I burned through my 4x4s and roller bandages very quickly on his legs, arms, and hands. There wasn't much I could do about his back and shoulders. A guy merged into him and he lost it on Braker heading towards MoPac in Austin. We weren't even going that fast, but he donated a suprising amount of meat to the road, especially from his knees which had been protected by Levis. His helmet was shredded on one side from grinding his face on the road (lucky for him, or he wouldn't have had a face).
Just something to think about. Thanks for the great site and good information, I've been lurking on and off for awhile.