jdm wrote:I really hope Obama won't win. I certainly will vote the right way, but there are going to be millions of first time voters for Obama. I attended the Texas Democrat primary caucas and saw a hundred college kids who don't know any better, and entire families from grandma in a wheelchair down to the 18 year old son in full baggy FUBU gear, voting for Obama. They brought their kids, including infants, so eveybody could vote. The Hillary voters were either mom or dad from a family, the kids stayed home and somebody of voting age washome watching them. The media and Chicago democrat machine will take care of the propaganda and fraud to ensure Obama wins. We can work hard and give, but I that will make the eventual defeat more bitter.
Back to the topic at hand...what do we do? Million man (armed) march on DC? Civil disobedience? Stock up on black powder rifles and lead smelting equipment?
We do have a few things going for us here,
1. Obama is going to have a tough go in swing states like Florida. Large Jewish population, and his anti-Israel associations won't help him there. Historically, Democrats get about 85-90% of the Jewish vote, if Obama gets only 75%, he is hurting. Also large elderly population in the Sunshine State (Heaven's waiting room). Those folks turn out, most likely for a trusted figure (McCain), not an unknown quantity (Obama). Also his stated to desire to talk to dictators like Castro and Hugo Chavez without preconditions isn't winning him any love from the Cuban community.
2. These college kids love to register to vote in the primary in March, but by November, most of them will be staying home. Moral, dont count your drunk 22 year old before he's voted.
Don't despair, it ain't over yet.