stevie_d_64 wrote:But by how we are in lock-step in defending the political efforts to protect the Right to Keep and Bear Arms...
I don't think NRA members on the whole are in such lock step. Maybe they are in lock step in defending political efforts to protect their right to own a gun for
some purpose, but I don't think even the majority of those who own more than two guns likely really support our right to own guns for purposes such as armed self-defense, defense of property, or defense of our liberty from an oppressive government.
Quite frankly I think the 2nd Amendment is very clearly intended to guarantee our right, even our obligation, to keep and bear arms against an oppressive government,
period. The right to use arms in self defense or for hunting should be considered natural law, basic human rights, not which has to be enumerated by the Constitution.
So in reality, I truly and fundamentally believe that the vast majority of Americans do not support the 2nd Amendment in its clear purpose: to guarantee our right to be equipped for defense of our liberty against a tyrannical government. In fact, only a true fringe of Americans do support such a right, and by the way, most regular Americans think those of us who support such a right are kooks or wackos. This is the fringe that mainstream America thinks includes those like Timothy McVeigh.
It is a lack of education about US History and the Constitution as a whole that leads to this fundamental misunderstanding of our rights.
I also think the lack of unity in purpose of 2A supporters is hurting our cause and takes away from the potential effectiveness of the NRA.
I disagree...Our individualism is what is unique...We all have a root issue, but support it within these niches we are a part of within the community of gun owners...I would no more dismiss a duck hunter or deer hunter (or hunter in general) because they do not champion as much our right to keep and bear arms just because some of us do not hunt...That is where Jim Zumbo got into trouble a year or so ago...The NRA is going to keep plodding along and try to keep the overall issue alive and well regardless of our niches we occupy in the community of gun ownership...
On the contrary, I stand by my statement. I don't have any statistical or numerical data to support my supposition, but it is my firm belief that the majority if NRA members are simply hunters and really do not want the government to infringe on their right to their hobby. It might as well be the National Fantasy Football Association or the National Fishing Association. I think if you peeled off all of the "hunters only" single-issue NRA members then we would reveal only a small number of kooks like us who actually support the right to bear arms against oppression.
The problem with an organization with blurry or (in my humble opinion) flatly misdirected purpose like this is that it's very easy for politicians who truly and absolutely do not support the RKBA as it is enumerated in the Constitution to claim to be in concert with the majority of the members of the NRA in their support of ownership of arms suitable only for sport and "commonsense regulations" which relieves us of our ability to actually bear arms against oppression or tyranny.
IMHO, we would be better off with a different organization without such a history or baggage. We need to be educating our children of the necessity of an armed society in order to counterbalance against tyranny of government. I hate to say it, but hunting is irrelevant as an important, fundamental use of firearms in comparison to defense of freedom, in today's society. It would be far different if we didn't have government handing out trillions of dollars to buy votes and so much store-bought food on tables in America that one of our biggest problems as a culture is figuring out how to not eat
too much. We can talk about the value of the NRA to support hunting when the infrastructure has imploded and every one of us has to go out in our back yard and bag squirrels in order to keep our family from starving. But that will happen only long after the need for armed defense of our freedom and our way of life by an armed society.