To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown

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Re: To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown


Post by atxgun »

dadoo wrote:
flb_78 wrote:I guess this falls into the same category with someone stealing your dope. :leaving
You can't steal my dope. I sent him to college! :anamatedbanana

Except for the "armed robbery" part, you really hope this was true. I was empaneled for a jury in Dallas where the 'alleged' perp tried to rob a CHL holder. The kid indicated he had a gun in his belt, whereupon the "victim" actually produced his gun and held the kid for the cops. Soon as the defending atty found out I was a gun owner I was excused from the jury so I don't know how it ended up, but the kid was a three time loser who could go away for life.

What?! isn't it supposed to be a jury of your peers? That seems like getting excused from a vehicular manslaughter case after they find out you own a car.
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Re: To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown


Post by AJSully421 »

fake but funny
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Re: To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown


Post by DoubleActionCHL »

It's obviously a fake. There's a distinct dichotomy between a man who carries a gun and a man who wears Burberry. It's unlikely one would do both. ;-)
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Re: To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

I have no idea what burrberry is and don't even care enough to google it for educating....but I think the add is a joke. This would be cool if it really happened, but I'm not buying it.
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Re: To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown


Post by Liberty »

03Lightningrocks wrote:I have no idea what burrberry is and don't even care enough to google it for educating....but I think the add is a joke. This would be cool if it really happened, but I'm not buying it.
A Burberry is a very nice raincoat. It provides excellent concealment.
Burberry also makes other stuff
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Re: To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown


Post by DoubleActionCHL »

03Lightningrocks wrote:I have no idea what burrberry is and don't even care enough to google it for educating....but I think the add is a joke. This would be cool if it really happened, but I'm not buying it.
Burberry is an overpriced designer brand, much like Coach or Louis Vuitton. It's very popular with women and a small percentage of men. :???:
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Re: To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown


Post by Crossfire »

DoubleActionCHL wrote:It's obviously a fake. There's a distinct dichotomy between a man who carries a gun and a man who wears Burberry. It's unlikely one would do both. ;-)
I think you should not be so quick to label us. You might be very surprised at who carries a gun.
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Re: To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown


Post by longtooth »

I live so far in the country that we dont have Burberrys, just DewBerries. We make pies out of them.

You can teach me at the TSRA gun show in 6 weeks though.
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Re: To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown


Post by AWB09 »

Burberry:trench coat::Stetson:cowboy hat
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Re: To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown


Post by wheelgun1958 »

The real question in this story is, just who got mugged?

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Re: To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown


Post by DoubleActionCHL »

Crossfire wrote:
DoubleActionCHL wrote:It's obviously a fake. There's a distinct dichotomy between a man who carries a gun and a man who wears Burberry. It's unlikely one would do both. ;-)
I think you should not be so quick to label us. You might be very surprised at who carries a gun.
First off, if it isn't blatantly obvious... I'm KIDDING! Secondly, who is 'us'? And third, I suppose even 'Burberrians' have the right to self-defense. :mrgreen:

I had a young gentleman show up for a CHL class wearing a Burberry golf shirt, replete with khaki plaid collar. If the poor guy didn't have a complex when he got there, I'm sure he did when he left! Of course, it was all in fun, but one of the students suggested that he might be more comfortable in the Ladies Only class. :smilelol5:
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Re: To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown


Post by Tass »

I had a young gentleman show up for a CHL class wearing a Burberry golf shirt, replete with khaki plaid collar. If the poor guy didn't have a complex when he got there, I'm sure he did when he left! Of course, it was all in fun, but one of the students suggested that he might be more comfortable in the Ladies Only class.
Hey! I was in the Ladies Only class....I'd have made fun of his attire too!

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Re: To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown


Post by kingalls »

Burberry sounds like some fruit to make pies. Real men wear Carhartt jackets.
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Re: To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown


Post by Fangs »

I wear the skin of that grizzly bear I killed that one time with a sharpened stick. How's that for being a real man?

(Ok, so I'm full of it, but I liked the way it sounds)
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Re: To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown


Post by PArrow »

dadoo wrote:
flb_78 wrote:I guess this falls into the same category with someone stealing your dope. :leaving
You can't steal my dope. I sent him to college! :anamatedbanana

Except for the "armed robbery" part, you really hope this was true. I was empaneled for a jury in Dallas where the 'alleged' perp tried to rob a CHL holder. The kid indicated he had a gun in his belt, whereupon the "victim" actually produced his gun and held the kid for the cops. Soon as the defending atty found out I was a gun owner I was excused from the jury so I don't know how it ended up, but the kid was a three time loser who could go away for life.
OK here's one for you legal eagles out there. I know that if I'm asked by a LEO I'm required to inform them if I'm carrying, but what about at jury selection. I wouldn't be carrying, so am I required to answer the question "Do I have a CHL" or anything similar to that?
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