Feedback: 2009 TexasCHLforum Day at PSC

Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton

Which format would you prefer for the 2010 TexasCHLforum Day at PSC?

Continue with shorter mini-clinics to increase the variety of courses available to participants.
Offer longer clinics even though it will reduce the number of courses a participant can attend.
Total votes: 21

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Re: Feedback: 2009 TexasCHLforum Day at PSC


Post by GlockenHammer »

G.C.Montgomery wrote:My only feedback is that I wish we had a bay in which to discuss/introduce defensive rifles/carbines just as we have a defensive shotgun event. That's likely a 90-minute event if we could do it at all. Still, I think it might be a useful thing for many people. OK, I'll admit it, I just want an excuse to use "evil black rifles."
Can I sign up for Gary's rifle class now? :drool:

I seriously enjoyed the event, but I'd like to see a stronger social element. We know each other so well by our screen names and yet we can be in the same class with each other and not have known it. I'd like to see each person get two nametags--one with their real name and one with their screen name (they can wear either or both at their choice). I know a lot of people had to travel home, but would a social event early in the evening on the last day (say dinner at 6) work for those within the Dallas/Austin/San Antonio range? Guns are always fun, but getting this group of folks together is what is truly unique about this event.

I wish there was a way we cold offer more. I like the smaller classes, but it's sad that so many didn't get to attend them because they were sold out. Not sure what to do about that... More bays, more instructors, more often?

As for shorter/longer clinics, I think a mix is appropriate, depending on the subject matter and instructor. I could have used another 15 minutes for the "short course" version of shooting on the move. My last class got a little extra that would have been nice to do in the earlier classes.

I think it might be a good idea to have more "beginner" classes first thing in the morning so that later classes could build on those skills as the day progresses.
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Re: Feedback: 2009 TexasCHLforum Day at PSC


Post by gwashorn »

I think most of the comments are right on. I know it is a lot of work and next year I want to volunteer now to help. I agree a social event geared to help everyone put a face to a screen name would be nice if possible. I am newer to the forum. Maybe something during the lunch time so as not to add to the work but to do something more than rubbing elbows while getting good food. Everyone was so nice to meet.

More shooting time for some of the classes would be good. Poor Ed was so out of breath.... breathe Ed. Hard to add more time and let more people do these great things as well unless as suggested a method to add an additional 1/2 or 1 day for shooting classes. I like G.C.'s idea on the carbine and it would take more time but I am signing up for that one right now. Gary, I did my push ups. Perhaps some of the training could be done by using the Mom and Pop range to add shooting ranges and even the rifle bay. that would allow for more classes at the same time. Would require more trainers too I know. Just throwing out ideas. Maybe a first day like we had for the way it was done and a second day geared for us more hard core persons that want the extra with longer times etc. I am willing to pay for that as well. All in all, I came away with a great smile and lots to now take to the range and practice what I was given. I really appreciate the instructors who I had and for what I gained from them. Thanks

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Re: Feedback: 2009 TexasCHLforum Day at PSC


Post by TLynnHughes »

There is some good feedback in this message string.

I like the idea of building on the skills you learn as the classes progress. I don't know if that's possible logistically.

I would have been happy just to get into ONE of the practical application type classes. Although, I did go to 3 of the blue building classes and all were excellent. But if anything could be done to allow more people to take classes, that would be great.

Having been toward the back of the line for food, there wasn't any place left inside to sit, so I did miss out on some of the socializing. I know this would be more work, but maybe having tables set up so that everyone could eat outside together would be nice (provided it's not 100 degrees).

Someone suggested a two day event...while again, I know this would be a lot more work...a lot of people do drive a long ways for this event. If it were a two dayer, that me be good for those folks....maybe even a day and a half.

OR...maybe we could do like they often do at high school reunions and set up a casual gathering at a local restaurant the night before so folks could mingle and get to know each other and then by the time we hit the range the next day, we'd all be good friends. :mrgreen:

Just some additional thoughts....

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Re: Feedback: 2009 TexasCHLforum Day at PSC


Post by Skiprr »

gwashorn wrote:More shooting time for some of the classes would be good. Poor Ed was so out of breath.... breathe Ed.
Wasn't that the truth?

I knew I'd be presenting material that might be unfamiliar territory to most CHL holders. I scheduled 15-minutes of (I felt) critical lecture so we'd had time left to really shoot something.

Alas, with barrages against six steel targets just a berm and 20 yards away, I was shouting the best I could to provide the prep material. I was definitely sucking wind, and I have no idea if my students heard everything I said.

Speaking of which, if you attended my ECQ mini-clinic you received a CD containing expanded course material in a PDF file. I prepped this because a 45-minute mini-clinic can only offer an introduction to the material.

An updated version of the PDF is available online. If you attended one of my three mini-clinics, send me a PM.
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Re: Feedback: 2009 TexasCHLforum Day at PSC


Post by Lumberjack98 »

I had a wonderful time and can't thank everyone enough for all of their hard work and dedication.

I would offer the following suggestions:

1. A safety briefing at the very beginning. I did observe some unsafe gun handling. Primarily as people we getting or putting firearms in their vehicles. Muzzles were being pointed all over the place. Either have everyone go to the firing line or go to the berm directly in front of their vehicles.

2. This has been said already, but I will jump on the bandwagon as far as having peoples Texas CHL forum login names on their name tags. I would have loved to have met more of the members here.

3. An off site dinner was a fantastic suggestion for those that may want to continue visiting with fellow shooters.

4. Give Charles and Co. a raise for everything they do! :patriot:
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Re: Feedback: 2009 TexasCHLforum Day at PSC


Post by Liberty »

jimlongley wrote:Looking back over my presentation I can see that I was able to get the pertinent information out, and had most of the relevant questions answered, but we could have easily filled another half hour with side questions and pictures that I have. Next year I will have more.
You class was not only informative,
You made it interesting ..
Thanks muchly ..

Liberty ..
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