Bought my first Can Yesterday

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Bought my first Can Yesterday


Post by getnit1 »

I have been wanting one since I started walking or so it seems. I decide to do a 22lr since I have a pistol already threaded and my 8 year old daughter loves to shoot it. Called a local dealer and went by to check them out he had many to choose from and we shot them all so I could compare. I chose a SWR Warlock with the quick detach. It seemed the quietest and was his personal favorite as well. He helped me fill out all the paperwork and I sent it off today. Now I wait just like when I got my first CHL in 96. He said it is taking 2-4 months on average. Maybe since I already have an FFL a little quicker. He said another customer has an FFL and it is usually 2 months every time. I should have put this in the waiting room. The hardest part is the idea that I am out close to $700 right now with the $200 government tax stamp, fingerprints, photos and the purchase of the silencer and have nothing but receipts to show for it and it may be like that for 2-4 months or longer. lol

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Re: Bought my first Can Yesterday


Post by TexasVet »

Did you do the trust or the Chief LEO route ?

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Re: Bought my first Can Yesterday


Post by chabouk »

Don't you love paying such a premium for government permission to own something that you should be able to cash-and-carry?

The free market value for most cans (in a free society, of course) would be $50-250.
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Re: Bought my first Can Yesterday


Post by Oldgringo »

:headscratch What is a "can"?
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Re: Bought my first Can Yesterday


Post by Purplehood »

I am guessing that it is a Silencer.
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Re: Bought my first Can Yesterday


Post by Oldgringo »

Purplehood wrote:I am guessing that it is a Silencer.
That's kinda' what I thought too. :eek6

Now comes the second question, "why". For that kind of money one could get any one, or more, of several really nice guns that go BANG.
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Re: Bought my first Can Yesterday


Post by LostInAustin »

Can=Suppressor ;-)
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Re: Bought my first Can Yesterday


Post by RECIT »

That does sound like a lot of money considering the only bonus is not having to wear ear protection. If you went to a public range you have to wear ear protection anyway. Its not a suppressed .308 sniper set up or anything...I want one, but I am NEVER going to spend that kind of money on something like that.
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Re: Bought my first Can Yesterday


Post by Chuck TX »

Nice. :thumbs2:

You didn't go with a Trust?
Oldgringo wrote:
Purplehood wrote:I am guessing that it is a Silencer.
That's kinda' what I thought too. :eek6

Now comes the second question, "why". For that kind of money one could get any one, or more, of several really nice guns that go BANG.
Yes, can is lingo for a suppressor.

Why get a can?

A can will definitely wind up getting more use than just another gun with folks that desire one. It's extremely quiet on a .22LR too. Very effective. Quite useful, especially if you don't only shoot at run of the mill ranges. If someone is just a collector a can is sort of useless, except for the cool factor, if someone is a shooter a can is about the most fun you can have. Only problem is one turns into two, two turns into three, etc.

As for being expensive, like most things, you get what you pay for with cans for effectiveness and longevity.
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Re: Bought my first Can Yesterday


Post by getnit1 »

Sorry it has taken me so long to reply to everyone, took my 8 year old daughter camping this weekend. Poor snipe, LOL. I did not go with the trust. When I am going to purchase an expensive FA weapon I would probably do that. But since no problems with my CLEO signing I did not see the need and the tax stamp is almost half of the item. I already have an FFL on file with the BATF so privacy is not an issue. My wife or daughter would never go and use it without me. So I decided to save the money from creating a trust and use that towards the next one. I've already got an itch to go get a 9mm already. I understand what is meant about not spending the money to pay for one I never though I would either. Then I decided before someone gets stupid and makes the price of these stamps $5000.00 each or whatever I would buy the NFA items I want. And yes it burns me up to have to pay what I did pay but I thought I would get it over with now.
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Re: Bought my first Can Yesterday


Post by Purplehood »

When I was a youngin' my Father made a suppressor for our .22LR out of one of those foam hair-curlers that your Mom might have used. He pretty much taped it to the muzzle and used it to dispatch a critter in our back yard. The single shot was about as noticeable as slight-flatulence but with a gunpowder aroma. I only noticed it because I was right there and watching.
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Re: Bought my first Can Yesterday


Post by TLE2 »

I've heard that you can make a suppressor out of valve springs, washers and an appropriately sized tube, but I've never tried it.
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Re: Bought my first Can Yesterday


Post by p99guy »

Considering everybody that has a car,lawn mower, motercycle,chain saw, gasoline electric generator allready owns a silencer....and would be quite cheesed off if their neibors didn't, I find it halarious the stigma of one for a firearm(one of the loudest things around) brings even from fellow shooters.
(yes, the life long media endocranation worked like a charm)

The gun control act of 1934 only included silencers because of was the depression and somebody might kill a deer out of season to feed their family if they had one (oh MY!)

Even the Europeans...some of the most stuffed shirts around when it comes to gun rights allow over the counter sales of sound suppressors, and encourage use of them. They arent as rude to neibors when your .308 sounds like a regular Ruger 10/22...that is nowhere near the "silent" of the movies, but darn sure less annoying than repeated booms from a .308 to Suzy Homemaker two miles away.

Yes, I own "silencers" and the tax stamps to go with them. Just remember under current laws....home brewing one without proper registration is good for 10 years in a Federal penetentury and up to 100,000.00 in fines, so bear that in mind before you go tinker. ( with a approved BAFE Form 1/with tax stamp you can build one of your own.....But the factory built ones are the best way to go. Did you know Remington Arms owns Advanced Armament Corp?
So yes...even Remington builds "Silencers"
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Re: Bought my first Can Yesterday


Post by The Annoyed Man »

I shot a friend's AR-15 patrol rifle with a can on it once. It was an eerie experience. It was significantly less loud, but that is not to say that it was silent. It wasn't that little "spitting" sound you hear on TV. It is my understanding that a cartridge has to be sub-sonic to realize the full potential of a silencer, and even then, the degree to which the cartridge is silenced is somewhat dependent on the caliber. That said, I'll bet that a .22LR would be pretty pleasant to shoot with a silencer mounted.
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Re: Bought my first Can Yesterday


Post by p99guy »

Yes, a .22LR with subsonic ammo (I use CCI standard velocity) is quieter than a lot of pellet guns....supersonic .22LR bullets are still somewhat loud due to the sonic crack the bullet makes. But Bullet noise is a moving noise....when firing my suppressed 10/22 at Alpines rimfire range, using supersonic sounds like the target is shooting, instead of me lol a = firearm vantriloquist act!

The are 3 types of noise you have to deal with shooting a firearm.... Mechanical noise of the action working, Muzzle blast, and bullet noise.

A suppressor than goes on the end of the barrel simply dampens Muzzle blast....and does nothing for the other two.

intregal suppressors, often incorporate vented barrels to keep the bullets velocity below it works on Muzzle blast, and bullet noise.

Mechanical noise is a function of the a single shot, like a TC Contender with suppressor is going to be quieter than the same caliber semi auto with suppressor using the same ammo(because of the bolt or slide reciprecating)
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