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Post by nitrogen »

[This is a repost of something I posted on another forum. This happened in a rather conservative part of California, but it's a nice reminder as to how we're all ambassadors for the pro gun cause]

So I was in California last week with a really good friend and her family.

Been working on their anti-gun-edness for a few months on and off with successive visits. They saw a lot of things through my eyes, understood and accepted a lot of my arguments. They were ready to have fun. They learned and knew the safety rules. They had even agreed to let their children come with us shooting, so I was excited.

So we get to the Yolo Sportsman Association, and we're walking, and one of the kids screams, "The're going to kill us when we get there we gotta go!"

Then I see the following 2 bumper stickers on a truck we just passed in the parking lot:



(These are pics I found on the internet, not pictures I took.)

So thanks, whoever you were. You helped 5 people cement their fear of guns and the 2nd amendment. You cemented the stereotype that "gun nuts" are dangerous, scary people who shouldn't have guns. You cemented 3 kids fear of guns, and helped them grow up to be anti-gunners just like their parents.
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Post by C-dub »

These are okay, while we get stopped and or harassed for having "Don't Tread On Me" or any other anti-Obama bumper stickers. :grumble
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Post by Zee »

This stuff makes me squirm. Every time I see something like this that appears to provide proof that pro-gun people are just kill-happy, snake-handling hillbillies I cringe and understand how the stereotype continues to stand.
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Post by C-dub »

Nitrogen, I forgot to add my regret that your attempt ran afoul because of some ignoramus. I hope you will able to explain to them that those that would display such bumper stickers are just as distasteful to us morally balanced conservatives as they are to liberals.

Did I say that right?
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Post by joe817 »

Yes C-Dub you did. Those are morally reprehensible and disgusting. No mentally healthy person would EVER put a sticker like that on their vehicle. That is a product of a sick mind.
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Post by TxDrifter »

I understand that it is not an appropriate bumper sticker and albeit it a sick sense of humor, but it is humor nonetheless. If they are that thin skinned and closed minded to see the humor in it, then that is a problem in and of itself. Maybe they should be sure to observe the lack of humor in some of their compatriots when they have displays like this: ... f&oq=&aqi=

Remind them that there are people that go too far with images and words in every group with an opinion and tolerance, a supposed hallmark of liberalism, is necessary. I would also be willing to bet that once you met the person that s/he is not mentally unstable and probably pretty average and just likes shock humor. Likely a fan of stuff like the Simpson's, South Park, etc. depending on their age. I personally would not put one of those on my vehicle and none of my friends have one either. Although I do have a Gadsden sticker on my truck under the Tony Stewart 14 sticker. Typical redneck, right? LOL
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Post by The Annoyed Man »

I had a liberal acquaintance at church tell me just 2 weeks ago that he thought Christian conservatives are not really Christian, and that Bush and Cheney should be tried and hung as war criminals, and that all he wanted was a little justice.

I told him I love him anyway.

Nitrogen, the world is full of idiots of all stripes. What can I say?
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Post by Tha_Veteran »

"Fight terrorism shoot a democrat" ? That sounds like terrorism. Killing a democrat would be killing an American.
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Re: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.


Post by Dragonfighter »

Humor yes, distasteful? Yes. But a young child who knows mom and dad are (likely) democrats are not going to "get it". OTOH, the parents share responsibility for seeding such an irrational fear of guns that a child old enough to read would...well, not "get it".
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Post by Oldgringo »

Dragonfighter wrote:Humor yes, distasteful? Yes. But a young child who knows mom and dad are (likely) democrats are not going to "get it". OTOH, the parents share responsibility for seeding such an irrational fear of guns that a child old enough to read would...well, not "get it".
I think I have to agree. Any kids who scream "there going to kill us" at the sight of a bumper sticker (however inappropriate) has either been indocrinated and/or has a higher sense of humor than er, uh...some others.

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Re: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.


Post by chabouk »

The top sticker is only partially visible, but it looks like the "terrorist hunting permit" that has similar wording.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone consider that to be in equally bad taste?

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Post by Zee »

Yes it is. It sounds mighty primative.
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Post by marksiwel »

Did the kids consider themselves Democrats?

Thats strange
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Re: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.


Post by nitrogen »

The kids consider themselves democrats because their parents are mostly democrats; they arent really old enough to think for themselves on these matters yet.

For what it's worth, the kid now admits her fear was pretty irrational, but it's easy to revert to those things in stress I think.
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