Austin Gun Show Troubles?
Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
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Re: Austin Gun Show Troubles?
Do you need a permit from the City to run a gun show?
If not, the guy should have just done it and told the Feds and the Police to go take a flying leap.
If not, the guy should have just done it and told the Feds and the Police to go take a flying leap.
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Re: Austin Gun Show Troubles?
He needs permission from his landlord. They only gave him 2 days notice, so his options were pretty limited.marksiwel wrote:Do you need a permit from the City to run a gun show?
If not, the guy should have just done it and told the Feds and the Police to go take a flying leap.
Re: Austin Gun Show Troubles?
I lived and worked there and the Dallas area for a decade in the 80's. I don't even recognize it anymore, when I visit or pass through. From Richardson to McKinney is practically a single metropex now, quickly being taken over by 'progress'. I hope you are right and it stays as conservative as you claim. A couple gun ranges up there have closed, have they not? What's next?03Lightningrocks wrote:I guess you would just have to visit here to understand. I grew up here and this area has been conservative as long as I can remember. The dynamics of what it takes to make a libtard a libtard, just don't exist here. Even when our spoiled children go off to college and become temporary libtards, they change their minds about equal distribution of wealth, just a few years after they get their first real job...LOL.
I'm just hoping that people will heed the words in your sig and "get involved".
I believe there is safety in numbers..
numbers like: 9, .22, .38, .357, .45, .223, 5.56, 7.62, 6.5, .30-06...
numbers like: 9, .22, .38, .357, .45, .223, 5.56, 7.62, 6.5, .30-06...
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Re: Austin Gun Show Troubles?
It has grown so quick I hardly recognize it. I used to hunt rabbits with a shotgun where my house sits now. This area has become one great big slab of concrete stretching from South Dallas North through McKinney. Now they are beginning to work the areas north of McKinney.... what next? We will be able to drive from Sherman all the way to south Dallas and never see open land. Great place to make money...horrible place to retire...IMHO. My plan is to retire in the sticks somewhere...if any are left in 20 years.O6nop wrote:I lived and worked there and the Dallas area for a decade in the 80's. I don't even recognize it anymore, when I visit or pass through. From Richardson to McKinney is practically a single metropex now, quickly being taken over by 'progress'. I hope you are right and it stays as conservative as you claim. A couple gun ranges up there have closed, have they not? What's next?03Lightningrocks wrote:I guess you would just have to visit here to understand. I grew up here and this area has been conservative as long as I can remember. The dynamics of what it takes to make a libtard a libtard, just don't exist here. Even when our spoiled children go off to college and become temporary libtards, they change their minds about equal distribution of wealth, just a few years after they get their first real job...LOL.
I'm just hoping that people will heed the words in your sig and "get involved".
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Re: Austin Gun Show Troubles?
OK, Alex Jones is a nutjob (IMHO), but it is worth your time to listen to these segments from his show that GeoJAP has so generously posted. I received a reply email from someone with Texas Gun Shows also pointing me to the Alex Jones Show segments via this link" onclick=";return false;GeoJAP wrote: Interview on Alex Jones radio show (say what you want about Alex, but he's a die-hard 2nd Amendment supporter):
" onclick=";return false;
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The gun show's promoter is not the bad guy in this. He was given notice of all this on Thursday, knowing full well all his vendors would be setting up the next day. He was basically presented with an ultimatum from HEB, steered by BATFE and APD, to either post these "rules" or you don't have your show.
Anyway, listen to at least some of this (while trying to filter out Mr. Jones' insane ranting and raving) to get a better idea of what happened. Interestingly, the names of all the APD, BATFE, HEB, and North Austin Events Center players were mentioned in the show.
I'm waiting for cooler heads than Alex Jones to start planning what to do to resist this oppression. Godspeed to TSRA's attorneys etc.
I'm also seriously considering attending the next show just as a show of support.
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Re: Austin Gun Show Troubles?

Oldgringo ... !
Austin Police chief ... IS FROM CALIFORNIA ... !
He transplanted from the CHP (California Highway Patrol)
BUT.... I don know if he is to blamed, for this kinda' action ?!

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Re: Austin Gun Show Troubles?
>The police also made a big show to intimidate people at the gun show. A vendor was placed in handcuffs by APD
>and lead through the crowd for everyone to see. He was taken outside but was released and not arrested.
That is so wrong. I hope the vendor filed a complaint (" onclick=";return false;).
>and lead through the crowd for everyone to see. He was taken outside but was released and not arrested.
That is so wrong. I hope the vendor filed a complaint (" onclick=";return false;).
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Re: Austin Gun Show Troubles?
austinrealtor wrote: I'm waiting for cooler heads than Alex Jones to start planning what to do to resist this oppression. Godspeed to TSRA's attorneys etc.
I'm also seriously considering attending the next show just as a show of support.

Look what happened when Obama was elected, huge numbers of people showed up at gun shows and firearms stores nationwide to remedy what they saw as a potential threat. It's time to do the same thing on a local level. Show up at the next gun show and show support for you're rights.
In case you are wondering, I have nothing to do with the gun show promotions or make any profit from it.
I believe there is safety in numbers..
numbers like: 9, .22, .38, .357, .45, .223, 5.56, 7.62, 6.5, .30-06...
numbers like: 9, .22, .38, .357, .45, .223, 5.56, 7.62, 6.5, .30-06...
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Re: Austin Gun Show Troubles?
GeoJAP, thank you for taking the time to post the YouTube links to the Alex Jones Show.
I finally took the time to watch all segments, and it was time well spent. If any of you haven't yet watched all segments I ask that you try to find time to do so.
The gun show promoter was the innocent victim in this deal. He was coerced into doing something that he felt morally wrong, but was forced to because of the late date of the "meeting". He truly deserves all of our support. I totally retract my earlier post, as I now know the facts.
The one thing Alex Jones did say that hit me like a sledge hammer was that this "action" by Austin PD and BATFE is precedent setting. If they can get away with these mafia like tactics once, they can do it again.
If ever there should be a Call To Action to defend and support our 2A Rights, and the RKBA, this should be it.
I pray TSRA, with the full support of the NRA will thoroughly investigate this incident, and take ALL necessary legal and political action necessary to fully disclose the actions of Austin PD and BATFE, and to file suit, if deemed necessary under the circumstances.
I finally took the time to watch all segments, and it was time well spent. If any of you haven't yet watched all segments I ask that you try to find time to do so.
The gun show promoter was the innocent victim in this deal. He was coerced into doing something that he felt morally wrong, but was forced to because of the late date of the "meeting". He truly deserves all of our support. I totally retract my earlier post, as I now know the facts.
The one thing Alex Jones did say that hit me like a sledge hammer was that this "action" by Austin PD and BATFE is precedent setting. If they can get away with these mafia like tactics once, they can do it again.
If ever there should be a Call To Action to defend and support our 2A Rights, and the RKBA, this should be it.
I pray TSRA, with the full support of the NRA will thoroughly investigate this incident, and take ALL necessary legal and political action necessary to fully disclose the actions of Austin PD and BATFE, and to file suit, if deemed necessary under the circumstances.
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Re: Austin Gun Show Troubles?
I'll be there, I'm now in the market for an M4-gery.O6nop wrote:austinrealtor wrote: I'm waiting for cooler heads than Alex Jones to start planning what to do to resist this oppression. Godspeed to TSRA's attorneys etc.
I'm also seriously considering attending the next show just as a show of support.![]()
Look what happened when Obama was elected, huge numbers of people showed up at gun shows and firearms stores nationwide to remedy what they saw as a potential threat. It's time to do the same thing on a local level. Show up at the next gun show and show support for you're rights.
In case you are wondering, I have nothing to do with the gun show promotions or make any profit from it.
Maybe we can have a contest in a game called "Spot the Fed."

took chl renewal course 11/7/09
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sent in paperwork 11/12/09
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Re: Austin Gun Show Troubles?
I'm impressed that he had the fortitude to put the blame where it started: ATF and APD. Most would have just put up a sign banning private sales.flb_78 wrote:VENDOR NOTICE-AUSTIN SHOW ONLY:
At the direction of the Austin Police Department and the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms,
will be allowed to set up and sell firearms
at the N. Austin Show Location.
I'm reminded of some improper influence I've seen at work, where supervisors have directed subordinates to re-write memos they had submitted regarding some incident or other, to go along with the story they wanted told, rather than what actually happened. I've done some of the editing myself, in my role as a union steward. I always start those re-writes with "This is what XXXXX told me to write." Funny, those memos never make it into the final packet....
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Re: Austin Gun Show Troubles?
If I wasn't heading to vacation (which I am on right now) I'd have liked to have gone down to Austin and tried to "sell" a firearm person to person.
Since I have a CHL it'd be obvious I could not be a prohibited person.
If I could get the backing of someone like TSRA/NRA I'd love to be the test case. My life could use some interesting meaning rightnow :)
Since I have a CHL it'd be obvious I could not be a prohibited person.
If I could get the backing of someone like TSRA/NRA I'd love to be the test case. My life could use some interesting meaning rightnow :)
.השואה... לעולם לא עוד
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Holocaust... Never Again.
Some people create their own storms and get upset when it rains.
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Re: Austin Gun Show Troubles?
Sounds like HEB may pull the plug entirely on any future gun shows at the old Crocket Center. That's what Alex Jones and Darwin Boedeker, the sTexas Gun Show's promoter, were discussing on Jones' show today. Also, apparently KVUE local TV news has interviewed Boedeker and is now trying to interview APD about this for a news story. Who knows when it will run.
Anyway, here are YouTube links to today's interview etc.
" onclick=";return false;
" onclick=";return false;
" onclick=";return false;
" onclick=";return false;
Anyway, here are YouTube links to today's interview etc.
" onclick=";return false;
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" onclick=";return false;
" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Austin Gun Show Troubles?
Showing my ignorance here.... I thought you had to be an FFL to sell guns as a business in the gun shows anyway? I know there are individuals who walk around selling a gun or two, but I thought the booths selling guns had to be FFL's and had to run the background check? Don't get me wrong, I don't like gvt intereference period, but I just assumed this was already a BATF rule.
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Re: Austin Gun Show Troubles?
Well they were not allowing individuals to walk around and buy/sell guns either. As to your specfic question, I'm 99% sure it is legal for a individual to rent a table and sell guns at a gun show. I'm sure if you do it all the time you could find yourself talking to BATFE. But most shows don't let you walk in with a bag or even a dolly/pushcart, so if you have 5 or 10 rifles/shotguns you need to unload, setting up at a table is likely you're only way to do so.wgoforth wrote:Showing my ignorance here.... I thought you had to be an FFL to sell guns as a business in the gun shows anyway? I know there are individuals who walk around selling a gun or two, but I thought the booths selling guns had to be FFL's and had to run the background check? Don't get me wrong, I don't like gvt intereference period, but I just assumed this was already a BATF rule.