Fidgitty - checking concealment

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Re: Fidgitty - checking concealment


Post by silverbear »

SecedeTX wrote:But I am a Sagitarious...." onclick=";return false; :tiphat:
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Re: Fidgitty - checking concealment


Post by handog »

Travis wrote:
bdickens wrote:Most people are so oblivious to what's going on around them, you could open carry and they wouldn't notice.
The others would think you a LEO.

I beg to differ. While MOST may be oblivious there are some who will notice if yor gun is exposed for even a second. It's the 1-2% that you need to wory about. If you don't see them running out the door in fear for their life don't worry, you will know you were made soon enough.
Last edited by handog on Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fidgitty - checking concealment


Post by glbedd53 »

Handog should know. I'm always tuggin on my shirt tail too.

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Re: Fidgitty - checking concealment


Post by Pb_shutr »

The Annoyed Man wrote:
Teamless wrote:Thanks for all of the replies, much as I had expected, its just a time thing.

But most of all, I have to give it up for TAM :thumbs2: , he is so blunt, pointed and much the same demeanor that I carry in my life, I like your response the best!
The Annoyed Man wrote:Strap it on. Wear it. Forget about it.
Thanks for the props, but I can't claim credit for that one. I actually learned it here, just like everyone else.

This is as good a place as any to bring a couple of things up which are related...

First, when you first start to go out in public while packing, you're going to suddenly feel like everyone is staring at you and knows you have a gun; and you're going to get positively light-headed the first time you are around a cop while carrying. There is a point at which one's paranoia actually becomes suspicious behavior in itself, and it will draw unwanted attention. The best antidote is to calm down about it.

The best way to do this is to remind yourself that: A) you have a 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms, and by choosing to carry a gun, you are positively affirming that right, which makes you a good citizen; and B) you are committing no crime because the great state of Texas, in its wisdom, has seen fit to affirm your right to carry a gun in a concealed manner, making you a trusted citizen. (Whether or not the state should have any say one way or the other in whether you can be trusted with carrying a concealed gun is a separate issue. But for purposes of CHL, they do, which makes you good to go.)

The first few days you carry, you will likely feel exhilarated, as if you are "getting away with it." But that feeling will wear off soon enough, and pretty soon, you may not feel fully dressed if you leave home without your pistol.

Secondly, don't worry about "printing." Printing is not a crime. Intentional failure to conceal is a crime, and a zealous prosecutor (search for handog's thread on the matter of being falsely accused and arrested for an alleged intentional failure to conceal) might jack you up if your gun actually shows and the cops get involved. But, and here's another one I cannot claim any credit for, "concealed" means "concealed." The vast majority of people are not even noticing what you're wearing, let alone if there appears to be something underneath it. They're just not that observant. They are operating in condition white most of the time — unlike most CHLers who operate in (or at least should be operating in) condition yellow most of the time. But even if someone notices that you have some object on your belt which is printing against your shirt a little bit, there is no way on God's green earth for that person to know if it is a gun, a PDA, a pair of glasses in a case, or any one of a number of other possibilities. If it were an arrestable offense, the jails would be full of people who got picked up because their crackberry printed against their shirt.

There are things you can do to mitigate printing, both by choosing the right fit of clothes, and also choosing shirts with darker colors and patterns on them — hence all the Hawaiian shirts you see on CHLers. These days, I just assume that anybody I see with a Hawaiian shirt is probably armed, and I probably have as good a chance of being right as being wrong about it. But the bottom line is, don't worry about it too much. I have made my clothing choices, and I stick to those kinds of choices, and it works. And if you think you have to worry about printing in the Walmart parking lot, try being on stage in front of hundreds of people every week like I do! You learn to stop worrying about printing in a big hurry that way.

Thanks for the words of wisdom Annoyed Man. I will soon be expiriencing what you have written. Just received my plastic and waiting for my Crossbreed Supertuck to come in.
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Re: Fidgitty - checking concealment


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Pb_shutr wrote:Thanks for the words of wisdom Annoyed Man. I will soon be expiriencing what you have written. Just received my plastic and waiting for my Crossbreed Supertuck to come in.
You're very welcome. And, welcome to the board by the way and congratulations on your first post. I assume you'll be carrying that Kimber? Good choice! I frequently carry a stainless Kimber Ultra. I love that little gun.
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Re: Fidgitty - checking concealment


Post by stevie_d_64 »

The Annoyed Man wrote:
Teamless wrote:Hints, tips, tricks or just don't worry, its concealed?
Strap it on. Wear it. Forget about it.
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Re: Fidgitty - checking concealment


Post by loneranger4x4 »

when I first started carrying a long, long time ago (4months ago) I found myself checking all the time when I wore a different shirt that I hadn't tried before. but once you find the shirts that conceal well and get confident about their ability to keep your weapon covered, you stop thinking about it as much. now the only time I check is when I get out of the truck or stand up from a chair. even then, you will find ways to check without making it obvious. like the old "reach back and adjust your wallet or cell phone, then adjusting your shirt over the wallet or cell phone. I wear my cell on my belt exactly where my iwb holster is, so if i need to check it, I just mess with my cell phone.
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Re: Fidgitty - checking concealment


Post by SecedeTX »

At this point, NOT having the firearm on makes me fidgitty. Think about it, before you had your license, how often were you looking at everyone around you to see if they had "gun shaped" lumps under their clothes? For me, never did before, now it's like a sport to try to spot someone.

Situational awareness is up more now, but carrying has become my new normal.

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Re: Fidgitty - checking concealment


Post by Pb_shutr »

Hello guys, I just got back from vacation in Arkansas. I received my Crossbreed Supertuck before I left and broke it in best I could before leaving. I wore the Supertuck and my Kimber virtually the entire time on vacation. While walking the streets of Hot Springs, we had to walk right past an LEO performing a sobriety test on a suspected intoxicated person. I did feal a little strange walking past the LEO with my Kimber strapped on, but I was confident and cool (well it was actually HOT) as I knew I was well within the laws of Arkansas and Texas. I rode nearly 300 hundred miles around Hot Springs on my motorcycle, and I carried my Kimber along the way. I had absolutely no retension issues with the Supertuck, and it is very comfortable. After two weeks of wearing it now, I am gaining confidence while carrying. I am definitely thinking about senarios when the use of it would be justified. I hope I will never need to use it, but I will strive to always have it on me just in case.
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Re: Fidgitty - checking concealment


Post by Teamless »

Pb_shutr - sounds like a great experience!
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Re: Fidgitty - checking concealment


Post by USA1 »

Pb_shutr wrote:Hello guys, I just got back from vacation in Arkansas. I received my Crossbreed Supertuck before I left and broke it in best I could before leaving. I wore the Supertuck and my Kimber virtually the entire time on vacation. While walking the streets of Hot Springs, we had to walk right past an LEO performing a sobriety test on a suspected intoxicated person. I did feal a little strange walking past the LEO with my Kimber strapped on, but I was confident and cool (well it was actually HOT) as I knew I was well within the laws of Arkansas and Texas. I rode nearly 300 hundred miles around Hot Springs on my motorcycle, and I carried my Kimber along the way. I had absolutely no retension issues with the Supertuck, and it is very comfortable. After two weeks of wearing it now, I am gaining confidence while carrying. I am definitely thinking about senarios when the use of it would be justified. I hope I will never need to use it, but I will strive to always have it on me just in case.
That's all fine and dandy but you left out some very pertinent information. :waiting:

Such as....What kind of Kimber was it? :razz:
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Re: Fidgitty - checking concealment


Post by Kevinf2349 »

USA1 wrote: That's all fine and dandy but you left out some very pertinent information. :waiting:

Such as....What kind of Kimber was it? :razz:
A loaded one :)
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Re: Fidgitty - checking concealment


Post by Pb_shutr »

USA1 wrote:
Pb_shutr wrote:Hello guys, I just got back from vacation in Arkansas. I received my Crossbreed Supertuck before I left and broke it in best I could before leaving. I wore the Supertuck and my Kimber virtually the entire time on vacation. While walking the streets of Hot Springs, we had to walk right past an LEO performing a sobriety test on a suspected intoxicated person. I did feal a little strange walking past the LEO with my Kimber strapped on, but I was confident and cool (well it was actually HOT) as I knew I was well within the laws of Arkansas and Texas. I rode nearly 300 hundred miles around Hot Springs on my motorcycle, and I carried my Kimber along the way. I had absolutely no retension issues with the Supertuck, and it is very comfortable. After two weeks of wearing it now, I am gaining confidence while carrying. I am definitely thinking about senarios when the use of it would be justified. I hope I will never need to use it, but I will strive to always have it on me just in case.
That's all fine and dandy but you left out some very pertinent information. :waiting:

Such as....What kind of Kimber was it? :razz:
It definitely is a loaded one! The Kimber is a Tactical Pro II .45.
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Re: Fidgitty - checking concealment


Post by handog »

Fidgitty - checking concealment

Is something I still struggle with regardless of how well concealed my pistol is. If you can “strap it on and forget about it" more power to you.
But remember, the second amendment has been trampled on. You could find yourself taking a ride for exorcising your right to bearing arms. You will be released but not without punishment. :cup: The back seat of a Police vehicle is very tight. When the door is opened you will wonder how a full size adult can fit inside such a small space. While crammed into the backseat and trying to take pressure of your hand cuffed wrists you will notice that the front seat has plenty of leg room. Then you get to rub elbows with a bunch of other jailbirds for a day or two while they sort out their paperwork. :grumble
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Re: Fidgitty - checking concealment


Post by terryg »

handog wrote:Fidgitty - checking concealment

Is something I still struggle with regardless of how well concealed my pistol is. If you can “strap it on and forget about it" more power to you.
But remember, the second amendment has been trampled on. You could find yourself taking a ride for exorcising your right to bearing arms. You will be released but not without punishment. :cup: The back seat of a Police vehicle is very tight. When the door is opened you will wonder how a full size adult can fit inside such a small space. While crammed into the backseat and trying to take pressure of your hand cuffed wrists you will notice that the front seat has plenty of leg room. Then you get to rub elbows with a bunch of other jailbirds for a day or two while they sort out their paperwork. :grumble
handog - based upon your past experience - I think you get a partial pass here ...
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