surprise_i'm_armed wrote:terryg:
What's on the shopping list for your next carry gun?
Do you have a good feel for what you want, or are you
amenable to buying whatever brand's fan gets to you first? :-)
Thanks SIA - and I did add my location. Alvin, TX - just south of Houston.
I am not picky about brands - reliability is obviously important. It doesn't have to work all the time, just when I need it ...
I am open to any suggestions - but I do have an active family and so money is tight. Thats why I want to be sure I know exactly what I want.
Here are my targets/thoughts:
1. Size/weight are important. I have an old .45 1911 knockoff (a Llama) that belonged to my Dad. It shoots great (I know quality can be kinda hit or miss - but it has been reliable) - I've kept it for home defense - but its not exactly a good CC weapon. Anyway, I have carried it IWB around the house several times to test size and weight. I even went hiking with it while on vacation this past week (private property as I did not have my CHL in hand at the time). It weighs about 2lbs, 13oz fully loaded - thats a bit much. My hip is pretty sore after toting it around for a while. So I definitely want something lighter than that. The Tomcat fully loaded is about 1lb 1oz - I barely notice it on my hip - so I know I can go bigger - I just don't know how much bigger.
2. I would like 10+ rounds - 12 to 13 would be even better - but I know I am pushing my size/weight restrictions.
3. I probably want 9mm. I like shooting .45 and I like the stopping power. But I also like to shoot a bit and .45 ammo cost $$$. 9mm seems to be a pretty good balance of stopping power vs. $ with each trigger pull. Plus the rounds are lighter than .45. But I am open to other calibers as well as long as the meet that formula.
4. I think I like DA/SA. Somehow with the kids around (random hugs and all), I like the thought of knowing that there is no stored energy in the hammer mechanism. DAO might be ok as well. Maybe more time packing will change my mind on this ...
5. I like the 1911 style safety lever - I don't know what else to call it. A full sweep of the thumb near the first joint - it feels solid and natural. I can reliably hit it while still drawing. I don't like the high safety lever of say the Beretta PX4SC.
6. I'm not sure what I think of only having passive safety mechanisms (i.e. Glock style). I might be warming up to the idea - but I might need more time still. I might be more comfortable with that concept in a DA/SA weapon - so at least you have the stiff first pull. But I am not aware of any passive safety models that are not SA only.
Although I have currently only experimented with IWB, I am probably going to try OWB and think I might prefer that. (At least I only have to think about CCW factors when buying shirts. With IWB, you have to buy bigger pants.) In fact, that is my next step - to find a good OWB holster for the Tomcat and try that around for a while. In the end, I think I will like having both options available.
Here are some of the models on my current list of consideration:
Taurus Millennium
Springfield XD
CZ 2075 Rami
Taurus PT24/7
Ruger SR9c
Thanks in advance,
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