now im going to bed

Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
swc007 wrote:mannnnn first off im a college student haha... never do i call on parties but this group was crazy loud and im trying to study... so i made the call and the cops won't give the residents that much stuff if they just comply BUT here is what happened... cops come with in 15 min which is really good for a non emergency call... when cops get to the apt. door u can hear them LOCK the door and turn off the music....like the police are going to leave haha...after police stand there a while people finally open the door and the guy said... "everyone already left" (big lie) when asked why he didn't open the door guy made up another lie... the cop told him to clear everyone out and yelled "everyone out now!" around 30 people come out of this Apartment
so the entire time this guy argues with the police officer (bad thing to do) and it was pretty obvious he had some drinks... suprised he didn't get busted with PI... BUT after all of his back talk the cop gave like a $600 dollar ticket
( i would of arrested him on anything that would get him in jail for the night)... i don't feel bad about it cause if the guy would of complied with the police he wouldn't of ever gotten that ticket... he was very disrespectful
... i had to keep myself from laughing because he must of lied to the police officer atleast 6 times... anyways i found this funny... it was 3 A.M. i am studying for a test and could hear the music from my room... it was like i was at the party when i went into my living room.....earlier tonight i went out on the balcony and found out a girl was beaten up by some guy
... so it was a pretty eventful night at my apt. complex(hope the guy gets caught)
now im going to bed..... this was my first call to police for noise complaint and i have lived at my apt. complex for a few yrs
WOW!swc007 wrote:just found out the guy that was back talking the police was taken to jail for false identity... gave police the wrong name... FAIL
gigag04 wrote:Can't get a PI in a residence. If the cops ask you to step out, then they can't charge it.
Can't get a PI in a residence. If the cops ask you to step out, then they can't charge it.
I agree with you 100%, but I have seen it happen MANY times (not at my current agency). I have arrested a person standing on their sidewalk when I arrived. He ended up thanking me for arresting him.gigag04 wrote:Can't get a PI in a residence. If the cops ask you to step out, then they can't charge it.
When kids do this, I get them kicked out.glock27 wrote:he shouldnt had open the door in the first place...
I'm still trying to figure out how one of our local cops failed to get through a door at a frat house: I did a couple of service calls there, and the door in question is one of the flimsiest hollow-core-interior-door-repurposed-as-an-exterior-door things I've ever seen. Considering he had a running start and weighed around 275, it should have been just like the cartoons with a cop-shaped hole right through, but somehow, he bounced off, cracking two ribs thanks to his habit of keeping a bottle of Tylenol tucked in between his shirt and armor.gigag04 wrote:When kids do this, I get them kicked out.glock27 wrote:he shouldnt had open the door in the first place...