CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by SpringerFan »

Huge thanks to Baldeagle for keeping us all in the loop. I don't know what else to say that has not already been said. RIP brother Scott.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by baldeagle »

AndyC wrote:
baldeagle wrote:The most stunning thing of all, which I didn't include in my analysis because it wasn't pertinent, is that, after the inquest testimony is complete, the DA can dismiss jurors. This allowed him to dismiss #4 and #47, both of whom were quite active in questioning of witnesses and demonstrated that they were paying close attention. If the inquest wasn't rigged before, that sealed it for me.
Wow - I didn't know that! Thanks for that titbit
I don't know about you, but I would be highly peeved if I had just sat through a five day inquest, including a Saturday, and then, just when the case is going to the jury, I got asked to leave.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by seniorshooteress »

Is it a surprise to anyone that it was ruled "justified" in that kangaroo court. I had no doubt that would be the out come of this farce. Now comes the good part where Erik Scotts Dad, family and friends band together and sue the pants off LVPD. There may be an uprising in LasVegas.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by seamusTX »

Whitewash. Reassignment to desk duty. Shut-up-and-go-away money. I've seen this movie before. It always ends the same way.

We feel sympathy for Erik Scott and his family. The average citizen does not and will not. They will just shrug and return to their regularly scheduled "reality" programs.

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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by magillapd »

I just came across this story yesterday and spent all day reading the posts. Very interested in hearing what the final outcome will be.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by seamusTX »

Costco warns Erik Scott supporters not to picket or protest. ... HRRV00.htm" onclick=";return false;

I take back every cautionary statement I made about Costco. As far as I'm concerned, they can eat toxic waste and suffer the consequences.

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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by Hoi Polloi »

seamusTX wrote:Costco warns Erik Scott supporters not to picket or protest. ... HRRV00.htm" onclick=";return false;

I take back every cautionary statement I made about Costco. As far as I'm concerned, they can eat toxic waste and suffer the consequences.

- Jim
IIRC, his dad has been hosting a monthly vigil at the store. It seems like this is a message directly for him saying they're ready to play hardball now.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by puma guy »

seamusTX wrote:Costco warns Erik Scott supporters not to picket or protest. ... HRRV00.htm" onclick=";return false;

I take back every cautionary statement I made about Costco. As far as I'm concerned, they can eat toxic waste and suffer the consequences.

- Jim
Me thinks Costco doth protest too much!
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by seamusTX »

Oh, and this story has finally broken out of the Las Vegas media ghetto into national news: ... _news_stmp" onclick=";return false;
puma guy wrote:Me thinks Costco doth protest too much!
Huge mistake.

When events have gone this far wrong, they need to either shut up (stonewall) or bare their chest and beg for forgiveness.

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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by Ameer »

Christians say "wages of sin is death" and Las Vegas is called Sin City for a reason.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by seamusTX »

Who sinned?

Unrelated whitewash of the shooting of a mentally ill man:" onclick=";return false;

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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by OldSchool »

BaldEagle, a very well-done analysis, thank you so much. :tiphat:
Except, as of now, I'm not sure I want to hear the outcome of the civil suit, since it will also be held in LV.

Of the several times we've been there, I have never been comfortable in LV; the most time we've spent there was either in Denny's or trying to find our way out of town (over the years, there have been some interesting gotchas in heading south out of town). The people there seem to be focused on their own fun and games, and nice, polite people seem to not be welcome (the ads these days seem to say it all). (My opinion.) We have friends and family in that state, so I'm trying to keep my comments to LV itself.

We much prefer Silver Springs and Reno.

On top of that, things are really tough there since there are far fewer people with throwaway money these days. It would not be surprising that there is strong pressure to avoid, at all cost, portraying the PD as out of control (even slightly). :roll:

And, of course, this just makes the job that much tougher for the good cops at LV PD. :banghead:

Oh, yeah, did I mention that we were considering going back to CostCo recently? Need I say what became of that idea? :nono:
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by philip964 »

seamusTX wrote:Who sinned?

Unrelated whitewash of the shooting of a mentally ill man:" onclick=";return false;

- Jim
I believe tasers are generally used now on mentally ill people who have knives. Sorry forgot this is Las Vegas.
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