open carry

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Re: open carry


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

jordanmills wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:My biggest concern is that places with no 30:06 signs may have no signs because the owners of the business aren't thinking about it all. Now make it an issue with a few folks walking in wearing guns and those very same store owners may decide they don't like guns walking around their shops.
Unfortunately, HB2756 specifically changes the wording of TPC §30.06 such that a 30.06 sign would apply to both open-carry and concealed-carry. This is the worst case scenario that should have been avoided by leaving TPC §30.06 alone and either establishing a separate sign for open-carry, or simply not addressing open-carry and letting the generic "no guns" signs be sufficient for prohibiting open-carry.

This isn't really freshman Representative Lavender's fault, since he didn't draft the bill. A former (banned) Member of TexasCHLforum claims to have written it and I suspect this is true.

From my reading of it, the 30.06 sign would apply to licensed open carry even if it weren't changed. The only way to prevent that would be to create a separate license under a separate code for licensed open carry. It does not apply to unlicensed open carry. This is definitely not a worst case scenario.
No it wouldn't. TPC §30.06 clearly applies only to concealed carry. Even the required language for written notice under TPC §30.06 makes it clear that it applies only to concealed carry: ""Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by holder of license to carry a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (concealed handgun law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun"

Here is just one more quote to support this position, "
  • (2) received notice that:
    (A) entry on the property by a license holder with a concealed handgun was forbidden; or
    (B) remaining on the property with a concealed handgun was forbidden and failed to depart."
I will say that the structure of HB2756 is a problem, even in terms of TPC §30.06 that are unrelated to the specific amendment to TPC §30.06. It's a 29 page bill that unnecessarily amends numerous code provisions opening them up to anti-gun amendments. A two page bill would have done the job with little risk.

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Re: open carry


Post by Oldgringo »

I don't need OC but I do need my Texas CHL. We have it pretty good with our Texas CHL rules/regs and our unique Texas 30.06 sign.

IOW, if it ain't broke, it don't need fixin'.

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Re: open carry


Post by wgoforth »

Texas_Tactical wrote:
freestoneflash wrote:Does anyone know of any of our legislators talking about bring up open carry of our chl license holders? I know that our (texas) CHL is better than some other states but I would still like not to arrested or threatened if I accidentally had my weapon exposed. I would like to be able to carry on my belt with shirt covering. Any thoughts?
Your not going to get arrested for your shirt accidentally coming up(see PC quoted below.) You can carry with it outside your waistband with a shirt over it just be sure it doesn't uncover your weapon easily.

HOLDER. (a) A license holder commits an offense if the license
holder carries a handgun on or about the license holder's person
under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code,
and intentionally fails to conceal the handgun."

I think if CHL holders had a choice of concealed or open carry it would be interesting. However I don't see it happening.
Not will avoid the time (after some money spent) but numerous people have been cuffed and stuffed because people panicked when seeing a firearm that should have been concealed better, and called the law about "man with a gun" and police not always knowing the law like they should. There are great LEO's, and then there are plenty who think they are the only ones who should be allowed to carry. You and I know the laws on this because this is our interest, but LEO's don't know all the stipulations of every law. They tend to arrest and let the judge sort it out. In fact, there have been a couple on this forum that have had some altercations in this regards.
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Re: open carry


Post by jordanmills »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
jordanmills wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:My biggest concern is that places with no 30:06 signs may have no signs because the owners of the business aren't thinking about it all. Now make it an issue with a few folks walking in wearing guns and those very same store owners may decide they don't like guns walking around their shops.
Unfortunately, HB2756 specifically changes the wording of TPC §30.06 such that a 30.06 sign would apply to both open-carry and concealed-carry. This is the worst case scenario that should have been avoided by leaving TPC §30.06 alone and either establishing a separate sign for open-carry, or simply not addressing open-carry and letting the generic "no guns" signs be sufficient for prohibiting open-carry.

This isn't really freshman Representative Lavender's fault, since he didn't draft the bill. A former (banned) Member of TexasCHLforum claims to have written it and I suspect this is true.

From my reading of it, the 30.06 sign would apply to licensed open carry even if it weren't changed. The only way to prevent that would be to create a separate license under a separate code for licensed open carry. It does not apply to unlicensed open carry. This is definitely not a worst case scenario.
No it wouldn't. TPC §30.06 clearly applies only to concealed carry. Even the required language for written notice under TPC §30.06 makes it clear that it applies only to concealed carry: ""Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by holder of license to carry a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (concealed handgun law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun"

Here is just one more quote to support this position, "
  • (2) received notice that:
    (A) entry on the property by a license holder with a concealed handgun was forbidden; or
    (B) remaining on the property with a concealed handgun was forbidden and failed to depart."
I will say that the structure of HB2756 is a problem, even in terms of TPC §30.06 that are unrelated to the specific amendment to TPC §30.06. It's a 29 page bill that unnecessarily amends numerous code provisions opening them up to anti-gun amendments. A two page bill would have done the job with little risk.

I don't belive so. Yes, the sign is specific to "concealed", and 30.06(a)(2) refers to receiving notice of entry with "a concealed handgun". However, that's just for giving notice. 30.06(a)(1) refers to ANY possession of a handgun under the authority of the relevant chapter, without regard to it being concealed or not. So, assuming that ch 411 magically changed right now to allow concealed or open carry, or the legal definition of "concealed" was changed to allow open carry, I could receive notice that concealed carry is prohibited on some property and then commit trespass if I OCd a handgun under the authority of ch 411.
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Re: open carry


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

wgoforth wrote:Not will avoid the time (after some money spent) but numerous people have been cuffed and stuffed because people panicked when seeing a firearm that should have been concealed better, and called the law about "man with a gun" and police not always knowing the law like they should.

Where did you get that information? I have to throw the flag on this one. This scenario RARELY happens.
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Re: open carry


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

jordanmills wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
jordanmills wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:My biggest concern is that places with no 30:06 signs may have no signs because the owners of the business aren't thinking about it all. Now make it an issue with a few folks walking in wearing guns and those very same store owners may decide they don't like guns walking around their shops.
Unfortunately, HB2756 specifically changes the wording of TPC §30.06 such that a 30.06 sign would apply to both open-carry and concealed-carry. This is the worst case scenario that should have been avoided by leaving TPC §30.06 alone and either establishing a separate sign for open-carry, or simply not addressing open-carry and letting the generic "no guns" signs be sufficient for prohibiting open-carry.

This isn't really freshman Representative Lavender's fault, since he didn't draft the bill. A former (banned) Member of TexasCHLforum claims to have written it and I suspect this is true.

From my reading of it, the 30.06 sign would apply to licensed open carry even if it weren't changed. The only way to prevent that would be to create a separate license under a separate code for licensed open carry. It does not apply to unlicensed open carry. This is definitely not a worst case scenario.
No it wouldn't. TPC §30.06 clearly applies only to concealed carry. Even the required language for written notice under TPC §30.06 makes it clear that it applies only to concealed carry: ""Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by holder of license to carry a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (concealed handgun law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun"

Here is just one more quote to support this position, "
  • (2) received notice that:
    (A) entry on the property by a license holder with a concealed handgun was forbidden; or
    (B) remaining on the property with a concealed handgun was forbidden and failed to depart."
I will say that the structure of HB2756 is a problem, even in terms of TPC §30.06 that are unrelated to the specific amendment to TPC §30.06. It's a 29 page bill that unnecessarily amends numerous code provisions opening them up to anti-gun amendments. A two page bill would have done the job with little risk.

I don't belive so. Yes, the sign is specific to "concealed", and 30.06(a)(2) refers to receiving notice of entry with "a concealed handgun". However, that's just for giving notice. 30.06(a)(1) refers to ANY possession of a handgun under the authority of the relevant chapter, without regard to it being concealed or not. So, assuming that ch 411 magically changed right now to allow concealed or open carry, or the legal definition of "concealed" was changed to allow open carry, I could receive notice that concealed carry is prohibited on some property and then commit trespass if I OCd a handgun under the authority of ch 411.
You are discounting the importance of the required element of "effective notice." Without it, there can be no arrest or conviction for criminal trespass and you acknowledge that the notice is only to persons carrying concealed.

It's ironic that the main concern about open-carry expressed by many people was the likelihood that the legislature would amend TPC §30.06 to apply to both open-carry and concealed-carry. Instead of taking steps to prevent this, HB2756 does precisely this! There's no way to defend the amendment to TPC §30.06.

For the sake of argument, let's assume that TPC §30.06 would be a gray area if HB2756 were to pass without an amendment to TPC §30.06. HB2756's amendment of TPC §30.06 removes any question as it absolutely does make it apply to both open-carry and concealed-carry. In terms of its impact on concealed-carry, this is a worst case scenario.

This bill probably won't go anywhere, based upon the lack of co-authors/sponsors and the fact that we are essentially working with only half a session because of the time that will be spent on redistricting and budget. Nevertheless, serious consideration should be given to a committee substitute to fix HB2756's problems.

TPC §30.06 wrote:Sec. 30.06. TRESPASS BY HOLDER OF LICENSE TO CARRY CONCEALED HANDGUN. (a) A license holder commits an offense if the license holder:
  • (1) carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, on property of another without effective consent; and

    (2) received notice that:
    • (A) entry on the property by a license holder with a concealed handgun was forbidden; or

      (B) remaining on the property with a concealed handgun was forbidden and failed to depart.
(b) For purposes of this section, a person receives notice if the owner of the property or someone with apparent authority to act for the owner provides notice to the person by oral or written communication.

(c) In this section:
  • (1) "Entry" has the meaning assigned by Section 30.05(b).

    (2) "License holder" has the meaning assigned by Section 46.035(f).

    (3) "Written communication" means:
    • (A) a card or other document on which is written language identical to the following: "Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by holder of license to carry a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (concealed handgun law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun"; or

      (B) a sign posted on the property that:
      • (i) includes the language described by Paragraph (A) in both English and Spanish;

        (ii) appears in contrasting colors with block letters at least one inch in height; and

        (iii) is displayed in a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public.
(d) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.

(e) It is an exception to the application of this section that the property on which the license holder carries a handgun is owned or leased by a governmental entity and is not a premises or other place on which the license holder is prohibited from carrying the handgun under Section 46.03 or 46.035.
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Re: open carry


Post by flintknapper »

"Oldgringo" wrote:
I don't need OC but I do need my Texas CHL.
That's great, and if that is YOUR would be free exercise it. But others would like to have the choice to do either.
We have it pretty good with our Texas CHL rules/regs and our unique Texas 30.06 sign. you're speaking for everyone. Some would disagree. ;-)
IOW, if it ain't broke, it don't need fixin'.
It IS "broke". Not CHL, but "IT" (the RIGHT to carry any legal firearm) was "broken" sometime back in the 1870's here in Texas. I would like to see that right restored. You would think all pro-gun owners would want that too.
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Re: open carry


Post by flintknapper »

Chas wrote:
This bill probably won't go anywhere, based upon the lack of so-authors/sponsors and the fact that we are essentially working with only half a session because of the time that will be spent on redistricting and budget. Nevertheless, serious consideration should be given to a committee substitute to fix HB2756's problems.

Agreed. It is problematic.

Not well thought out... and too lengthly.
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Re: open carry


Post by jordanmills »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:You are discounting the importance of the required element of "effective notice." Without it, there can be no arrest or conviction for criminal trespass and you acknowledge that the notice is only to persons carrying concealed.

It's ironic that the main concern about open-carry expressed by many people was the likelihood that the legislature would amend TPC §30.06 to apply to both open-carry and concealed-carry. Instead of taking steps to prevent this, HB2756 does precisely this! There's no way to defend the amendment to TPC §30.06.

For the sake of argument, let's assume that TPC §30.06 would be a gray area if HB2756 were to pass without an amendment to TPC §30.06. HB2756's amendment of TPC §30.06 removes any question as it absolutely does make it apply to both open-carry and concealed-carry. In terms of its impact on concealed-carry, this is a worst case scenario.

This bill probably won't go anywhere, based upon the lack of so-authors/sponsors and the fact that we are essentially working with only half a session because of the time that will be spent on redistricting and budget. Nevertheless, serious consideration should be given to a committee substitute to fix HB2756's problems.

The law says that one has received effective notice by the conspicuous posting of a sign with specified verbiage (and other factors not relevant to this point), regardless of the actual verbiage on the sign. I don't believe there could be any provision for directing the notice to any group of people.

Isn't this the legislature making the spoken-of amendment? Haven't you yourself said that the only way to get such a bill passed would be to make that amendment? If they're basically following what you (possibly unintentionally) set out as instructions for passage of such an open carry provision, why are you now decrying it? I agree that it does remove any question, and makes our above discussion on the applicability of 30.06 notice nothing more than fun game of arguing technicalities.

I agree with your assessment of the bill's prospects of passage, and the reasons you base it on. I don't see them as problems though - I see them as concessions necessary (in your own estimation!) to give a bill of this sort a chance of passage at this time.
Sec. 30.06. TRESPASS BY HOLDER OF LICENSE TO CARRY CONCEALED HANDGUN. (a) A license holder commits an offense if the license holder:

(1) carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, on property of another without effective consent; and
(color and bolding mine)
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Re: open carry


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:My biggest concern is that places with no 30:06 signs may have no signs because the owners of the business aren't thinking about it all. Now make it an issue with a few folks walking in wearing guns and those very same store owners may decide they don't like guns walking around their shops.
Unfortunately, HB2756 specifically changes the wording of TPC §30.06 such that a 30.06 sign would apply to both open-carry and concealed-carry. This is the worst case scenario that should have been avoided by leaving TPC §30.06 alone and either establishing a separate sign for open-carry, or simply not addressing open-carry and letting the generic "no guns" signs be sufficient for prohibiting open-carry.

This isn't really freshman Representative Lavender's fault, since he didn't draft the bill. A former (banned) Member of TexasCHLforum claims to have written it and I suspect this is true.


This is the very reason for my concern about the posting of 30:06 signs. The person drafting that bill was probably trying to strengthen the position of open carry by tyeing it in with concealed carry. Instead of strengthening the right to open carry, it risks taking away the right of concealed carry in businesses that presently have no clue we are armed.

I find it somewhat ironic that while OC proponents will tell me that I am worrying about something that won't happen these same folks aren't willing to take that risk themselves by writing into the bill that a gun buster sign is enough to keep them out. Gosh... if they are so sure the public won't react in a negative way, why are they not willing to bet on it?
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Re: open carry


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

jordanmills wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:You are discounting the importance of the required element of "effective notice." Without it, there can be no arrest or conviction for criminal trespass and you acknowledge that the notice is only to persons carrying concealed.

It's ironic that the main concern about open-carry expressed by many people was the likelihood that the legislature would amend TPC §30.06 to apply to both open-carry and concealed-carry. Instead of taking steps to prevent this, HB2756 does precisely this! There's no way to defend the amendment to TPC §30.06.

For the sake of argument, let's assume that TPC §30.06 would be a gray area if HB2756 were to pass without an amendment to TPC §30.06. HB2756's amendment of TPC §30.06 removes any question as it absolutely does make it apply to both open-carry and concealed-carry. In terms of its impact on concealed-carry, this is a worst case scenario.

This bill probably won't go anywhere, based upon the lack of so-authors/sponsors and the fact that we are essentially working with only half a session because of the time that will be spent on redistricting and budget. Nevertheless, serious consideration should be given to a committee substitute to fix HB2756's problems.

The law says that one has received effective notice by the conspicuous posting of a sign with specified verbiage (and other factors not relevant to this point), regardless of the actual verbiage on the sign. I don't believe there could be any provision for directing the notice to any group of people.
I'm not sure what you mean, but if you are saying that the current wording of TPC §30.06 would apply to both open-carry and concealed-carry you are wrong. It's clear and unambiguous by the express language required. Your contention that a trespass notice cannot be directed "to any group of people" is also in error. It's done all the time and TPC §30.06 is a great example. It applies only to people who are 1) licensed CHL's; and 2) who are carrying a concealed handgun.
jordanmills wrote:Isn't this the legislature making the spoken-of amendment?
No, this isn't the "legislature" screwing up TPC §30.06, it's the person/persons who drafted this bill and sent it to Rep. Lavender, a first term Representative.
jordanmills wrote:Haven't you yourself said that the only way to get such a bill passed would be to make that amendment?
No, that's not what I said, so quit twisting my words to support this very poor bill. In response to concerns about an epidemic of 30.06 signs being posted if open-carry passed; open-carry supporters naively suggested that the legislature could create two different signs, one for open-carry and TPC §30.06 for concealed-carry. (Apparently, open-carry supporters didn't want to be subject to pre-30.06 "ghost buster" signs.) I said the legislature wouldn't create a two-sign requirement (ex. TPC §§30.06 & 30.07), but that doesn't mean you become your own enemy, or throw CHL's under the buss, by creating a worst case scenario. Had HB2756 left TPC §30.06 alone, then someone would have to offer an amendment that would apply TPC §30.06 to both open and concealed carry. If the bill drafters' homework had been done, this amendment could be countered, but if the amendment carried, then you need a bill author who has the courage to kill his own bill. Who knows, we may have gotten lucky and the bill could get passed without anyone thinking about trespass signs at all. Not now; the only way to get rid of the amendment to TPC §30.06 is to offer a committee substitute, committee amendment, or floor amendment and that will call everyone's attention to trespass signs.
jordanmills wrote:If they're basically following what you (possibly unintentionally) set out as instructions for passage of such an open carry provision, why are you now decrying it?
There's nothing about HB2756 that comes remotely close to what I suggested. I listed precisely what was wrong with the horrendous bill suggested for Texas in 2009, noting that it was far too long and unnecessarily opened up massive sections of the Government Code and Penal Code to anti-gun amendments. I also said that open-carry could be achieved with a one or two page bill. HB2756 looks nothing like my suggestions, so don't try to blame this albatross on me.

jordanmills wrote:I agree that it does remove any question, and makes our above discussion on the applicability of 30.06 notice nothing more than fun game of arguing technicalities. I agree with your assessment of the bill's prospects of passage, and the reasons you base it on. I don't see them as problems though - I see them as concessions necessary (in your own estimation!) to give a bill of this sort a chance of passage at this time.
Apparently you are willing to sacrifice the protection of TPC §30.06 currently enjoyed by 461,000 CHLs to get open-carry passed. I am not.
jordanmills wrote:Sec. 30.06. TRESPASS BY HOLDER OF LICENSE TO CARRY CONCEALED HANDGUN. (a) A license holder commits an offense if the license holder:

(1) carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, on property of another without effective consent; and
You have to read the entire code provision, not just the language on which you want to focus. The required notice applies only to carrying a concealed handgun, thus TPC §30.06 applies only to concealed-carry. Your arguments about TPC §30.06 are simply wrong, but I understand you feel the need to try to defend that portion of HB2756 that amends 30.06. Otherwise, you would be forced to admit that the Bill throws CHL's under the buss and invites the very problem that concern many CHLs - an epidemic of new 30.06 signs.

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Re: open carry


Post by Oldgringo »

flintknapper wrote:"Oldgringo" wrote:
I don't need OC but I do need my Texas CHL.
That's great, and if that is YOUR would be free exercise it. But others would like to have the choice to do either.
We have it pretty good with our Texas CHL rules/regs and our unique Texas 30.06 sign. you're speaking for everyone. Some would disagree. ;-)
IOW, if it ain't broke, it don't need fixin'.
It IS "broke". Not CHL, but "IT" (the RIGHT to carry any legal firearm) was "broken" sometime back in the 1870's here in Texas. I would like to see that right restored. You would think all pro-gun owners would want that too.
As I attempted to opine earlier, OC would be nice but please not at the expense of our CHL and the protection of our 30.06 signs. Should OC somehow pass, I expect that the OC sightings would be few and far between after the "new" wears off. What, I fear, would be a more frequent sighting is the "new and improved" version of {no guns allowed} signs.

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Re: open carry


Post by wgoforth »

03Lightningrocks wrote:
wgoforth wrote:Not will avoid the time (after some money spent) but numerous people have been cuffed and stuffed because people panicked when seeing a firearm that should have been concealed better, and called the law about "man with a gun" and police not always knowing the law like they should.

Where did you get that information? I have to throw the flag on this one. This scenario RARELY happens.
Police/LEO's do not always know law. There was a person on here that had leaned forward in his seat at come city building. He let, drove down street... was pulled over, cuffed and stuffed. One person told me in a restaurant, thei gun was in holster under their coat. Police came. As you say, RARELY happens, but I was responding to the one who said you cannot be arrested. Cannot is a strong/absolute term. You can be arrested anytime for about anything. Making it stick is another matter. I was told by a state trooper he would arrest anyone carrying CHL in a mall regardless of whether it had a 30.06 or not. Recall man shot to death in Nevada for accidental exposure in a Walmart? Bottom line is, check your concealment method and make everybody happy.
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Re: open carry


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

wgoforth wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:
wgoforth wrote:Not will avoid the time (after some money spent) but numerous people have been cuffed and stuffed because people panicked when seeing a firearm that should have been concealed better, and called the law about "man with a gun" and police not always knowing the law like they should.

Where did you get that information? I have to throw the flag on this one. This scenario RARELY happens.
Police/LEO's do not always know law. There was a person on here that had leaned forward in his seat at come city building. He let, drove down street... was pulled over, cuffed and stuffed. One person told me in a restaurant, thei gun was in holster under their coat. Police came. As you say, RARELY happens, but I was responding to the one who said you cannot be arrested. Cannot is a strong/absolute term. You can be arrested anytime for about anything. Making it stick is another matter. I was told by a state trooper he would arrest anyone carrying CHL in a mall regardless of whether it had a 30.06 or not. Recall man shot to death in Nevada for accidental exposure in a Walmart? Bottom line is, check your concealment method and make everybody happy.
The two instances you speak of were completely different scenarios. The guy in the Costco(not walmart) was making a scene. Folks carrying guns should not be raising Cain. The other feller was just asking for it with his form of concealment. Neither situation happens often or even more than occasionally. How many years ago did that guy get shot at Costco??? Neither person deserved what happened to them but both brought the situation on themselves. Things are not that tricky. Getting arrested for it is real hard to do if one is not doing something stupid. Nobody can see through your cloths! That trooper is the rare exception to law enforcement. Most of them are not that dumb.

To say that numerous people have been arrested and cuffed while legally carrying a firearm is just false. The noobs to CC are already paranoid enough about it without the rest of us making it sound like they are risking life and liberty every time they carry concealed.

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Re: open carry


Post by wgoforth »

03Lightningrocks wrote:
wgoforth wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:
wgoforth wrote:Not will avoid the time (after some money spent) but numerous people have been cuffed and stuffed because people panicked when seeing a firearm that should have been concealed better, and called the law about "man with a gun" and police not always knowing the law like they should.

Where did you get that information? I have to throw the flag on this one. This scenario RARELY happens.
Police/LEO's do not always know law. There was a person on here that had leaned forward in his seat at come city building. He let, drove down street... was pulled over, cuffed and stuffed. One person told me in a restaurant, thei gun was in holster under their coat. Police came. As you say, RARELY happens, but I was responding to the one who said you cannot be arrested. Cannot is a strong/absolute term. You can be arrested anytime for about anything. Making it stick is another matter. I was told by a state trooper he would arrest anyone carrying CHL in a mall regardless of whether it had a 30.06 or not. Recall man shot to death in Nevada for accidental exposure in a Walmart? Bottom line is, check your concealment method and make everybody happy.
The two instances you speak of were completely different scenarios. The guy in the Costco(not walmart) was making a scene. Folks carrying guns should not be raising Cain. The other feller was just asking for it with his form of concealment. Neither situation happens often or even more than occasionally. How many years ago did that guy get shot at Costco??? Neither person deserved what happened to them but both brought the situation on themselves. Things are not that tricky. Getting arrested for it is real hard to do if one is not doing something stupid. Nobody can see through your cloths! That trooper is the rare exception to law enforcement. Most of them are not that dumb.

To say that numerous people have been arrested and cuffed while legally carrying a firearm is just false. The noobs to CC are already paranoid enough about it without the rest of us making it sound like they are risking life and liberty every time they carry concealed.
I was trying to caution against making concrete statements such as you CAN'T get arrested for it. However, I disagree that most LEO's know better. On talk show on KLBJ, A police sarge was spouting it is illegal to church carry in TX. I have found that to be fairly normal. They just don't have time to wade through it. So I don't see how any could disagree with
(1) Don't make concrete statements saying you CAN'T, because it is possible to do the ride but not the time.
(2) Check your manner of concealment, and it shouldn't be an issue
Simple as that! :)
NRA Life Member
NRA Instructor for Refuse To Be A Victim
Instructor of Basic, Advanced and Defensive Handgun, CHL" onclick=";return false;
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