RoyGBiv wrote:Similarly, BHO may be charged with something stemming from fraudulent/records-manipulation birth certificate (long form) or whatever, but will he be convicted? Of course not.... He'll claim that someone else did the deed and he had no knowledge. In the mean time, the real issues will be obscured by the media feeding frenzy.
The GOP needs to win on the issues. Guilty or not of anything, BHO needs to go down on his lack of Presidential merits.
I'll point out here that Nixon didn't "do the deed" with the burglary at the Watergate Hotel, nor did he have any prior knowledge of it. He did, however, participate in a coverup of the crime.
Even if Obama had no knowledge of forging a birth certificate and inserting it into the official Hawaii records, by displaying said certificate on the White House web site and/or not denouncing it after its release would amount to conspiracy, just as Watergate was a conspiracy.
Am I enamored at the prospect of a President Biden? Absolutely not. I've always felt that Obama selected Biden as his VP to be a life insurance policy of sorts. However, I'm less enamored at having someone in the White House who, either by action or omission, commits or covers up something as serious as the falsification of official government records. We vilify Nixon for covering up a break-in of the Democrat headquarters by his party's operatives; I say covering up forged government documents inserted into official government records is worse.
That doesn't even begin to touch the question of why the birth certificate would need to be forged and inserted into the record books in the first place, if this allegation proves to be true.
“I’m all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let’s start with typewriters.” - Frank Lloyd Wright
"Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of arms" - Aristotle