Subtle Harassment tonight?

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: Subtle Harassment tonight?


Post by RoyGBiv »

speedsix's not like it was a business card...I just hope there doesn't arise a need before he gets it replaced where he's not carrying.........
This is what bothers me... The LEO, after realizing that our OP was sober, drug free and a licensed CHL, did nothing to help him find his lost CHL. If the OP is to be believed, the LEO gave him a bit of "tough luck son" when the LEO was told the CHL was lost. Not only is the CHL holder out the replacement fee, but he's also out the ability to carry outside his vehicle until the replacement arrives. IMO, any reasonable officer, when faced with a sober citizen looking for his CHL, should make at least some effort to double check and spend a minute to assist an honest citizen find the wayward license. Even if the only reason is to convey to the citizen that the officer is on his side and interested in helping to resolve the issue.

It's this seeming lack of care/interest that I find disconcerting.

Either the LEO was (as the OP accuses) deliberately taking the CHL, or, didn't care enough to spend a minute and help an honest guy find a missing document after a stop. Turn the spotlight on and check the roadway between the vehicles, turn the dome light on, get out and check the seat and the floor of the squad car, tell the OP that if the CHL turns up by the end of his shift, he'll get a call. Less than 60 seconds to turn this negative thread into a positive. The lack of doing so in itself speaks negatively on the intentions of this LEO, further reinforcing the OP's feeling (even if later proven incorrect) that the lost document was likely intentional.
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Re: Subtle Harassment tonight?


Post by sjfcontrol »

Americanritual wrote: He escorted me back to my vehicle and gave me a warning wrapped around my license. I told him to have a safe night. I got in and as I was putting my license away I noticed my CHL was missing.

I checked everywhere, just in case, but I knew what was going on. I left my vehicle and flagged him down. He rolled his window down and I told him he'd forgotten to give me my CHL back. He said he gave me everything back, that he always did the same thing, and took them all with the insurance card. He did not take or even request my insurance card.

He asked me to check my vehicle again. It was hard not to laugh and smile in the disgust of this abuse of power. He came around to the passenger window (still rolled down). I said, I tell you what, should you happen to find it after all could you send it to me? He assured me that he always followed the same procedure, asking for all three forms of identification. He never asked for my insurance.

He said let me check for you, to make absolutely sure. I gave my vehicle one last look though I knew it was in vain. As I was waiting I noticed he turned his lights out. I turned my inside light off, and looked outside. He had stealthily driven off into the grass, unlawfully confiscating my CHL. His name is J Simpson, officer 10885, Region 1, District A, Area 08. This was issued in Ellis County, but he works for Dallas. Beware.

This isn't real clear. Was the "lost" CHL being used as an excuse for the officer to search the OP's car?
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Re: Subtle Harassment tonight?


Post by speedsix », he meant that he would check the patrol car...instead, he left...
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Re: Subtle Harassment tonight?


Post by tacticool »

The Annoyed Man wrote:
tacticool wrote:
sugar land dave wrote:Knowing that a question had arisen about the return of CHL, did the LEO search? How long? How long do you think he should search? He did say that he would mail the license back if found.
If a valet can't find your car, how long do you think they should search? If they can't find it, who do you think should pay to replace your car?
Your valet parking ticket has a disclaimer on it. Either you or your insurance company will be paying for that new car.
The victim pays the price. The loser gets off free to victimize again.

That's a great example of the childish behavior by many in society who refuse to accept adult responsibility for their own actions. And we let those losers vote. No wonder we got Obama. :bigmouth
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Re: Subtle Harassment tonight?


Post by sjfcontrol »

speedsix, he meant that he would check the patrol car...instead, he left...
Ah -- that makes more sense (I guess....) :headscratch
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Re: Subtle Harassment tonight?


Post by WildBill »

sugar land dave wrote:
WildBill wrote:...About a week later I got a call from the rental car company saying that they had found the GPS case while cleaning the car.

My point is that the GPS case is much bigger than a CHL and can be easily lost in a vehicle.
WB, are you agreeing with one of my points? :shock: I may have to go celebrate with a nice cool tall glass of milk.
Make it a chocolate. :lol:
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Re: Subtle Harassment tonight?


Post by tacticool »

Not milk of magnesia?
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Re: Subtle Harassment tonight?


Post by Deltaboy »

Sad to hear this here in TX. I expect State Troppers in our State to act properly 24/7 or get another job. I don't care what any of them think about CCW. They take a oath to uphold the LAW and that includes the ones they don't like. This Officer needs some retraining. FYI if you thing I am harsh I serve as a LEO volunteer Minister. :txflag: :fire
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Re: Subtle Harassment tonight?


Post by AEA »


The guy registered and made the OP and has not been back since!
Those responding are BEATING A DEAD HORSE on this one! :deadhorse:
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Re: Subtle Harassment tonight?


Post by Mr.ViperBoa »

sugar land dave wrote:This is your first post, and I agree with TAM above, however I find it distressing that anyone would go on a website and make accusations about an officer while naming said person. For all you know he may have accidentally lost your CHL card between his seat and console. At 2:15 in the morning, trying to see by overhead light, there are shadows within any car where an id card can hide. You've made an unprovable charge against an officer here and named him. I won't speak for others here, but I believe your post to be quite unfair to this particular officer and to law enforcement in general.

By the way, It might be good to drive a little slower at 2:15 am. A larger percentage of drivers at that hour HAVE been drinking or doing drugs.
Thats ridiculous. I didn't hear him accuse the officer of anything. Just stated that the Officer didn't return his CHL. Thats not an accusation, its a fact if he is telling the truth. I don't care if it is 215 am or pm. Going 3 miles over the speed limit isn't hurting anyone. Might not have even showed he was going 3 over in his car. I drive 3 or 4 different vehicles a week and I doubt any of the speedometers are dead on. If someone cant come in here and tel his story and explain what happen, why do we have the forum to begin with?
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Re: Subtle Harassment tonight?


Post by AEA »

My train of thought is if he wanted info or was even curious what the responses to his post would be, he MIGHT come back to the Forum to check the thread.

I guess he just forgot he posted here? :confused5
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Re: Subtle Harassment tonight?


Post by KD5NRH »

AEA wrote:My train of thought is if he wanted info or was even curious what the responses to his post would be, he MIGHT come back to the Forum to check the thread.
Looks like they'll be playing at The Prophet on August 6. Anybody closer want to go ask him in person?
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Re: Subtle Harassment tonight?


Post by Purplehood »

My guess is that the OP found his CHL in his car later...just a guess.
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Re: Subtle Harassment tonight?


Post by sugar land dave »

Mr.ViperBoa wrote:
sugar land dave wrote:This is your first post, and I agree with TAM above, however I find it distressing that anyone would go on a website and make accusations about an officer while naming said person. For all you know he may have accidentally lost your CHL card between his seat and console. At 2:15 in the morning, trying to see by overhead light, there are shadows within any car where an id card can hide. You've made an unprovable charge against an officer here and named him. I won't speak for others here, but I believe your post to be quite unfair to this particular officer and to law enforcement in general.

By the way, It might be good to drive a little slower at 2:15 am. A larger percentage of drivers at that hour HAVE been drinking or doing drugs.
Thats ridiculous. I didn't hear him accuse the officer of anything. Just stated that the Officer didn't return his CHL. Thats not an accusation, its a fact if he is telling the truth. I don't care if it is 215 am or pm. Going 3 miles over the speed limit isn't hurting anyone. Might not have even showed he was going 3 over in his car. I drive 3 or 4 different vehicles a week and I doubt any of the speedometers are dead on. If someone cant come in here and tel his story and explain what happen, why do we have the forum to begin with?
My opinion disagrees with your opinion, this time.

Bands have one-hit wonders. Forums have one-hit trolls. Forum rule number 9. Blatant, global, or rampant law enforcement bashing is prohibited. Discussions of specific identifiable events presented factually are fine.
If you come on this forum and with your first post bash an officer by name, then I am going to question the post.

OP posted in several places on the web. To me, that is blatant, that is global, and that is rampant. I have no way to know if the OP presented fact since I only have his point of view presented.

BTW, you could have posted your opinion without the personal attack "That's ridiculous." Ouch!

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Re: Subtle Harassment tonight?


Post by sugar land dave »

tacticool wrote:Not milk of magnesia?
Hey! Don't be dissing my Milk of Magnesia!
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