0 Days to Parking Lot!!!!!!!!!!

CHL discussions that do not fit into more specific topics

Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton

Will the parking lot law have a significant impact on how often you carry?

Yes - without a doubt
Some impact - the law will help, but I don't drive to work everyday
No - my employer is cool about guns (including those self employed)
No - no guns at work but parking lot has not been off limits
No - don't ask, don't tell - employer says no but my personal security trumps my job security
No - don't work, just fish - (I'm retired suckas!!)
No - too big of a chance of it being stolen from the car
No - the law left me out in the cold - I still can't store it in my car at work
Total votes: 194

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Re: 38 Days to Parking Lot - Poll - revote


Post by Ameer »

Texas legislators should have removed the state's restrictions on carry if they're going to force companies to remove their restrictions. Talk about slimy hypocrites.
I believe the basic political division in this country is not between liberals and conservatives but between those who believe that they should have a say in the personal lives of strangers and those who do not.

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Re: 38 Days to Parking Lot - Poll - revote


Post by JeepGuy79 »

The Annoyed Man wrote:I am self-employed, and I have no parking lot. I do have a driveway. My office is the converted front bedroom of my house. However, and I extend this invitation to all board members who care to make the drive to Grapevine, if you park in my driveway, you must NOT leave your weapon in your car. It could be stolen from there. You MUST carry it into my house and then show it to me so that I can show you mine. Also, the Vice President in charge of Me (my wife) will want to see your gun too, and then show you hers. Her other title is Director of First Impressions. If you're not carrying a 1911, you'll have to make up for it in personal charm. Otherwise, I'm afraid we can't do business together.
:mrgreen: :lol: :smilelol5: "rlol"

Ahhhhh.... I crack myself up. :mrgreen:

Note to self: From now on when in Grapevine area carry a 1911 just in case. If I break down or something there I don't want to get turned away for my Glockage.
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Re: 38 Days to Parking Lot - Poll - revote


Post by terryg »

The Annoyed Man wrote:I am self-employed, and I have no parking lot. I do have a driveway. My office is the converted front bedroom of my house. However, and I extend this invitation to all board members who care to make the drive to Grapevine, if you park in my driveway, you must NOT leave your weapon in your car. It could be stolen from there. You MUST carry it into my house and then show it to me so that I can show you mine. Also, the Vice President in charge of Me (my wife) will want to see your gun too, and then show you hers. Her other title is Director of First Impressions. If you're not carrying a 1911, you'll have to make up for it in personal charm. Otherwise, I'm afraid we can't do business together.
:mrgreen: :lol: :smilelol5: "rlol"

Ahhhhh.... I crack myself up. :mrgreen:
TAM, you were who I was thinking about when I added the self-employed inclusion to the gun friendly employer option. I assumed that anyone on this site who is self employed would, by definition, be working for an employer who is 'cool about guns'. I am glad to see that my deductive prowess was once again spot on. :mrgreen:
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Re: 38 Days to Parking Lot - Poll - revote


Post by gmckinl »

JeepGuy79 wrote: Note to self: From now on when in Grapevine area carry a 1911 just in case. If I break down or something there I don't want to get turned away for my Glockage.
AndyC already gave you the solution...
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Re: 38 Days to Parking Lot - Poll - revote


Post by terryg »

JeepGuy79 wrote:I work at a university with only 1 and sometimes 2 armed guards for the entire campus. The dean is 100% against campus carry and in the employee and student handbook it states no guns on campus or in parking lot. It's not a tiny campus... we have 4 buildings at this location and another going up right now (many are 4story) and we have two 2 story buildings at another location in town that never has armed security. I am concerned for students and staffs safety if some nut job ever decides to go on a rampage here because our one armed guard will likely be in their kawasaki utv taking a nap in a parking lot half a mile from the main buildings. We are inside of a residential area with little police presence and response time would likely be 10+ minutes for our cops to get here and realize they are not prepared for something like this.

I am not trying to be paranoid but school shootings are nothing new, they just seem to be getting worse every time there is one. Our state nor our campus takes our safety seriously and if I kept a gun in my car and used it to save myself or others on campus property I would be fired and then arrested. People in schools and other state buildings are probably more likely to have a mass shooting, and we are the ones excluded from law changes. I guess it is good for those that can have a gun in their car and it is a step toward less bull laws but I don't think I will be effected ever from the change.
HI JeepGuy79,

I also work for a university that is very anti-gun and very much understand your predicament. The law does little to remedy the situation on campus. What it does do, however, is prevent you and I from being disarmed on the drive to and from work.

I live about 30 miles away from campus and I frequently make stops during my drive home to pickup something for the house. After Sept 1, I will no longer be forced to risk my job if I want to be able to protect myself from harm while in transit to and from work.
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Re: 39 Days to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by 5thGenTexan »

Also did not vote, no gun in building policy the last 3 places but no mention of the parking lots. Not worried about leaving the gun in the car since I have safes in the trunk of my vehicles and very well hidden kill switches so the cars can not be hot wired, on top of the standard perimeter alarm.
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Re: 39 Days to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by terryg »

5thGenTexan wrote:Also did not vote, no gun in building policy the last 3 places but no mention of the parking lots. Not worried about leaving the gun in the car since I have safes in the trunk of my vehicles and very well hidden kill switches so the cars can not be hot wired, on top of the standard perimeter alarm.
Then you should be able to vote as follows:

'No - no guns at work but parking lot has not been off limits'
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Re: 38 Days to Parking Lot - Poll - revote


Post by C-dub »

gmckinl wrote:
JeepGuy79 wrote: Note to self: From now on when in Grapevine area carry a 1911 just in case. If I break down or something there I don't want to get turned away for my Glockage.
AndyC already gave you the solution...
I'm still shaking my head looking at this. I guess I missed it when Andy posted it before.

As long as my company doesn't try something funny and somehow claim they are exempt it will drastically change how often I am able to carry.
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Re: 38 Days to Parking Lot - Poll - revote


Post by SQLGeek »

It will absolutely effect my ability to carry...in fact it was my impetus to start the process to get my CHL. My company's parking lot is posted and we have a no guns policy covering all facilities. I work in Houston so being able to have a gun in my car in the parking lot will enable me to carry when I stop somewhere after work with a reduced fear of being terminated.
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Re: 38 Days to Parking Lot - Poll - revote


Post by BLG »

SQLGeek wrote:It will absolutely effect my ability to carry...in fact it was my impetus to start the process to get my CHL. My company's parking lot is posted and we have a no guns policy covering all facilities. I work in Houston so being able to have a gun in my car in the parking lot will enable me to carry when I stop somewhere after work with a reduced fear of being terminated.

That's why I carry, too. :biggrinjester:
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Re: 38 Days to Parking Lot - Poll - revote


Post by snatchel »

The Annoyed Man wrote:I am self-employed, and I have no parking lot. I do have a driveway. My office is the converted front bedroom of my house. However, and I extend this invitation to all board members who care to make the drive to Grapevine, if you park in my driveway, you must NOT leave your weapon in your car. It could be stolen from there. You MUST carry it into my house and then show it to me so that I can show you mine. Also, the Vice President in charge of Me (my wife) will want to see your gun too, and then show you hers. Her other title is Director of First Impressions. If you're not carrying a 1911, you'll have to make up for it in personal charm. Otherwise, I'm afraid we can't do business together.
:mrgreen: :lol: :smilelol5: "rlol"

Ahhhhh.... I crack myself up. :mrgreen:

No 1911. No charm. Not good looking, or smooth talking. Glock fan club. But I eat anything put in front of me and am good at complimenting. And I go for seconds.
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Re: 37 Days to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by PracticalTactical »

Self employed. The boss sez I can carry anywhere on company property, but only if I give her a kiss upon request :)
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Re: 37 Days to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by terryg »

PracticalTactical wrote:Self employed. The boss sez I can carry anywhere on company property, but only if I give her a kiss upon request :)
Hmm - sounds like harassment - you should talk to senior management. Or even better, you should sue. Call Jim Adler - 'The Texas Hammer'. With the right lawyer, you could own that company before it is all said and done! :smilelol5:
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Re: 38 Days to Parking Lot - Poll - revote


Post by SQLGeek »

BLG wrote:
SQLGeek wrote:It will absolutely effect my ability to carry...in fact it was my impetus to start the process to get my CHL. My company's parking lot is posted and we have a no guns policy covering all facilities. I work in Houston so being able to have a gun in my car in the parking lot will enable me to carry when I stop somewhere after work with a reduced fear of being terminated.

That's why I carry, too. :biggrinjester:
:lol:: That is not how I intended to write that but it came out rather well.
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Re: 37 Days to Parking Lot - Poll


Post by GhostTX »

Before the law passed, the corporate policy for all plants was no guns at work on the premises (I'm sure we all know what that means to us Texans). After the law passed, corporate lawyers wrote out a new policy that included parking lots AND searches of vehicles on the parking lot. It also encouraged employees to narc on other employees if they know of or see a gun in the car. Then, at the end of the policy in tiny letters, to the effect of: "this policy is ineffective where these items are prohibited by law." So far, "they" have only verbally told people of the new policy, but if it every goes up on the bulletin boards, I have a copy of the law to staple next to it.

Corporate policy has never affected my decision to carry a gun in my car, because I park on a public street...right next to the building. When the law goes in effect, I may park in the parking lot just because. :coolgleamA:
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