Pulled over driving last Saturday

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: Pulled over driving last Saturday


Post by n5wd »

Rex B wrote:Traffic tickets are just a revenue stream for most government entities.
it doesn't have much to do with public safety IMO.
In my previous life, I was a street medic for MedStar, the EMS provider in Fort Worth and 14 adjacent jurisdictions, one of which included the little town where one night, I watched a grown police officer of many years experience cry as he watched one of his town's kids being put onto the coroner's stretcher after a fatal speed-induced MVA. At the time, I didn't know whether the kid was family or what, so I didn't intrude into the officer's space. A few days later, we were in that town, again on a call, and the same officer was working it with us. I inquired as to the kid that was DOS (dead on scene) to give him my condolences - he replied that no, he wasn't family or anything like that, just another one of the town's kids that he had tried to steer onto the right path. It seems the kid had a lead foot. Sometimes, giving him warnings instead of a citation, sometimes giving him a break on the speed so as to not cost him as much. Seems it didn't work that night.

Believe what you want. There may be burgs where tickets are just a revenue stream. But I know for a fact that it's not that way for most of the LEOs I've ever worked with.
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Re: Pulled over driving last Saturday


Post by Mach1 »

We all have moments when our attention lags. However, a willfull decision to routinely exceed (or not achieve) the posted speed limit is not a responsible act. The concept of a speed zone is pretty simple...if everyone drove the limit, neither too fast or too slow, traffic would flow.

Do you speed while your children are in the car? Seems to me that is telling them it is OK to pick and choose which law(s) to follow..

That said, I sometimes do get in a hurry.. :lol::
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Re: Pulled over driving last Saturday


Post by Oldgringo »

Mach1 wrote:We all have moments when our attention lags. However, a willfull decision to routinely exceed (or not achieve) the posted speed limit is not a responsible act. The concept of a speed zone is pretty simple...if everyone drove the limit, neither too fast or too slow, traffic would flow.

Do you speed while your children are in the car? Seems to me that is telling them it is OK to pick and choose which law(s) to follow..
Well said! :clapping:

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Re: Pulled over driving last Saturday


Post by XnTx »

Within reason, I prefer to be ahead of the pack so I have fewer rocks, alligators, ladders, weed wackers, drunks, texters, etc to look out for. I'm not going road rage to be in front. It all depends on the flow of traffic, the driving inabilities of my fellow motorists, and their perceived insurance coverage. I drive defensively, albeit a little fast. When on open road with limited traffic I have no problem setting the cruise control at the speed limit and putzing merrily along.

My children are CHL and have told me of their warning tickets. If legitimately caught I will pay. Kudos to the op and leo for a good encounter.
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Re: Pulled over driving last Saturday


Post by Tamie »

Oldgringo wrote:I just don't understand. It seems that many want to be some sort of constitutional law expert when it comes to concealed carry but; OTOH, think that posted speed limits are just for grins.

A law is a law...isn't it, or do we get to pick and choose?
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Re: Pulled over driving last Saturday


Post by Oldgringo »

Tamie wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:I just don't understand. It seems that many want to be some sort of constitutional law expert when it comes to concealed carry but; OTOH, think that posted speed limits are just for grins.

A law is a law...isn't it, or do we get to pick and choose?
Do you pay your taxes? http://www.window.state.tx.us/taxinfo/use/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Good one! :tiphat:

Like I said earlier, I am not without taint.

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Re: Pulled over driving last Saturday


Post by srothstein »

Oldgringo wrote:I'm pretty sure that I didn't break any of man's laws. :tiphat:
I am definitely not making any accusations, but here is one example of a law many people break without realizing it. Let's say you are driving down the street to the grocery store. You are paying careful attention and see that there is no one on the sidewalk as you approach the driveway. You slow down, signal, and make a right turn into the parking lot.

And you just broke the law. It is a violation of Transportation Code section 545.423. There is more to the section but it includes that a person may not cross a sidewalk without stopping.

One of my complaints about the law is that it has become so complex and has so many laws that no-one can know them and obey them all. And despite this, many people (and some judges) still will say that ignorance of the law is no excuse. I dsiagree, but I don't get to make the decision often.
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Re: Pulled over driving last Saturday


Post by Oldgringo »

srothstein wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:I'm pretty sure that I didn't break any of man's laws. :tiphat:
I am definitely not making any accusations, but here is one example of a law many people break without realizing it. Let's say you are driving down the street to the grocery store. You are paying careful attention and see that there is no one on the sidewalk as you approach the driveway. You slow down, signal, and make a right turn into the parking lot.

And you just broke the law. It is a violation of Transportation Code section 545.423. There is more to the section but it includes that a person may not cross a sidewalk without stopping.

One of my complaints about the law is that it has become so complex and has so many laws that no-one can know them and obey them all. And despite this, many people (and some judges) still will say that ignorance of the law is no excuse. I dsiagree, but I don't get to make the decision often.
Point taken. Tamie also nailed my self righteous honkey donkey. :tiphat: to both of y'all.
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