fill out the forms and do a computer check
What is done with the info are any permanent
records kept by state or fed of the purchase???
New Hampshire keeps a perm. record of gun purchases

Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
The short answer is: In Texas, No.tommyg wrote:When I buy a gun they take the usual info and
fill out the forms and do a computer check
What is done with the info are any permanent
records kept by state or fed of the purchase???
New Hampshire keeps a perm. record of gun purchases
That reminds me of a story I read one time. During the Clintonian Era, an FFL was forced out of business due to some clerical errors. All the guns themselves were accounted for, just some of the I's weren't dotted and t's not crossed...this was an older gentleman who had been in business for MANY years, somewhere in the Mid-West...anyway, he hired a couple of guys to pack up the place and wouldn't you know it? One of the guys was a smoker and just happened to knock a lit cigarette into the filing cabinet with all the records...hard for the BATFE to read ashes, I'd guess. Darn the luck.smoothoperator wrote:The dealer is required to keep the records. If they go out of business, they're supposed to send the forms to ATF unless they were destroyed in a flood or something. Meanwhile, the ATF can come and copy any records they want and there are many reports of them copying information during "inspections" of dealer records.
Oh MAN!!!USA1 wrote:Want to know the truth? The government is secretly compiling a huge database with all of our sensitive information. They know what guns you own, how many guns you own, and where you live. On 12-21-12 they will send men in black suits to your house to confiscate your weapons. If you do not comply, you will mysteriously disappear.
I need to correct a few misstatements in your post:alpmc wrote:When you purchase a gun in Texas, a background check is performed by calling FBI NICS (not a computer), a reference number is issued by FBI NICS to be written on the transaction form and your are approved or denied. As was stated, the dealer is required to keep the records until they go out of business at which time they are supposed to send the forms to ATF. The ATF can come and copy any records they desire during inspections. An active CHL voids the need to call FBI NICS, but your CHL info is written on the transaction record.
The Multiple Transaction Form. The only time your info is transferred to the ATF is when you purchase more than one HANDGUN at a time! Then a copy of the transaction record goes to the ATF, and a copy also goes to the local Sheriff's Dept. If you want buy more than one handgun at a time, buy them five days apart from one another and you can avoid the multiple handgun transaction form.
Handguns only....this does not apply to longuns.
i'll answer the door in my tighty whities, wearing my Spanish Conquistador-style foil hat and ask them if the Mothership is finally here to take me homeUSA1 wrote:Want to know the truth? The government is secretly compiling a huge database with all of our sensitive information. They know what guns you own, how many guns you own, and where you live. On 12-21-12 they will send men in black suits to your house to confiscate your weapons. If you do not comply, you will mysteriously disappear.
U meen sumptin lik ths?PBratton wrote:USA1 wrote:.
(We REALLY need a Tin Hat smilie)
To whom do you charge a fee for storing 4473 forms?OldCannon wrote:2) 4473 is retained by FFL business owner for 20 years (this is why I charge a fee, in fact, otherwise I'd do it for free, but one of these days, storing and securing all those 4473 is gonna cost me real money).
So your saying that all multiple transactions must be reported by Texas gun dealers.......even long guns? Please tell us more on this matter with source references to the regulations.OldCannon wrote:3) Multiple Transaction Forms apply to long guns as well in states bordering Mexico due to new regulations.