Females that have a CHL...

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Females that have a CHL...


Post by calvin »

Just was wondering how many females are on here that have a CHL. I am talking to the wife about getting hers and wanted to show her that plenty of females carry.

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Re: Females that have a CHL...


Post by 74novaman »

There is a whole section for women who carry on this forum. And I know of at least 2 personal female friends who have CHLs (but don't post on message boards).

Ladies section:
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Re: Females that have a CHL...


Post by SewTexas »

there are quite a few of us. take a look at the top one or two threads in the ladies forum and let her go to those sites, but the most important thing is that you don't push her, provide her the info, let her get there on her own.
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Re: Females that have a CHL...


Post by Teamless »

My wife has hers as well
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Re: Females that have a CHL...


Post by Bear67 »

May lovely wife has hers--and she carries except at her job as a school administrator. She does not post here, but she likes to shoot and convince other ladies to get their CHL and be pro active.

Yikes, she usually out shoots me at the range with everything but a shotgun.
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Re: Females that have a CHL...


Post by Divided Attention »

Not only do I have mine, I carry everywhere legal. Enjoy the heck out of shooting and teaching others to shoot. My two daughters enjoy shooting as well and plan to get their CHL as soon as they are legal (age wise).

If you let us know your general location, there is a likelihood that we can hook your wife up with other likeminded women :hurry: if she should be so inclined!
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Re: Females that have a CHL...


Post by JustMe »

Divided Attention wrote: If you let us know your general location, there is a likelihood that we can hook your wife up with other likeminded women :hurry: if she should be so inclined!

Please do--we have women all over the state and some great womens groups that she could hook up with. I'm finding that I'm having as much fun teaching others as I have shooting for myself(well....almost!)

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Re: Females that have a CHL...


Post by S&Wgrl »

I should be getting my plastic any day now. I think it is so important for women to be able to defend themselves. I don't want to be a victim. I say be pro-active.
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Re: Females that have a CHL...


Post by Shasta »

I have mine, took my initial course with a group of couples.

Two of my sisters have theirs. My son's SO has hers as well (college student. Rides a motorcycle if she can't hitch a ride in a car)

I would honestly say that of people I KNOW IRL to have a CHL, a good 40-45% are women.

Edit to add, I am female, Shasta I-V were all ladies, :D

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Re: Females that have a CHL...


Post by mommagamber »

I have my CHL and waiting to take the instructor course to teach it.
I conceal carry because I choose not to be a victim.
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Re: Females that have a CHL...


Post by urnoodle »

Got mine too. I was neutral on the subject of guns until I was robbed of my sense of security. If I only knew then what I know now, things might have been different. Everyone should have a CHL otherwise they are choosing to become a victim. I no longer feel powerless. I am in control and I have the power to exercise it if the need arises.
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Re: Females that have a CHL...


Post by Paladin »

urnoodle wrote:Got mine too. I was neutral on the subject of guns until I was robbed of my sense of security. If I only knew then what I know now, things might have been different. Everyone should have a CHL otherwise they are choosing to become a victim. I no longer feel powerless. I am in control and I have the power to exercise it if the need arises.
Well said! :txflag:
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Re: Females that have a CHL...


Post by surprise_i'm_armed »

calvin wrote:Just was wondering how many females are on here that have a CHL. I am talking to the wife about getting hers and wanted to show her that plenty of females carry.

For an eye-opener, go to the links to the DPS database that slices and dices the statistics on each year's
most recently-awarded CHL's.

IIRC, out of the most recent year's tens of thousands of new CHL's, 22% were of the female persuasion.

Lesson: Don't mess with Texas women! They've got a baby in one hand, and a gun in their purse.

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2nd Saturdays: Rudy's BBQ, N. Dallas Pkwy, N.bound, N. of Main St., Frisco.
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Re: Females that have a CHL...


Post by txcshooter »

My wife has a CHL and because this is what she prefers for now, I also ordered her a ankle holster. She will be using it with a Walther P22 until we can afford what she really wants to carry, a G26 in OD Green. Which will mean more holsters too! :headscratch :lol::
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