Took my CHL class yesterday and I'm looking to get the rest of my items sent off to the state. I submitted my APPLICATION online about 3 weeks ago.
I saw on my checklist information that I can submit my other documentation online as well? To include:
-Checklist w/ barcode
-CHL-6 Form
-Passport photos
-CHL-100 Training Form
Is this correct? I can scan these items to my computer and send them online? Does it speed up the process? Here is the link I found:" onclick=";return false;
Also...I selected the 'indigent' application that was essentially half-price of the 'standard' application. From what I understand, they want a copy of your 1040 (for whatever reason). I selected this option to save a few bucks as I really don't care if the state knows how much money I make.
After talking with another guy in my class yesterday, he though the indigent application was only for people who are below the poverty line. Is that true? If that is does one correct that issue if you make above poverty level?
Thanks for all your help in advance