17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by Keith B »

Could they have 'purposely' done this to try and get a mistrial? That way they avoid a not guilty verdict and also save face on the past things that have gone down from their office. They then fire the person who 'screwed up' as a scape goat and claim it was an error. It then ends up in a mistrial and they can then choose to not go after him again and he just floats.

That would not be a good thing for Zimmerman. He needs a verdict found not guilty and justified in using self defense. If he doesn't get it, then there will always be that cloud over him that it wasn't a good shoot.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by sjfcontrol »

In the first place, the picture is indecipherable. Looked like a picture of a distant galaxy to me.
In the second place, what does Zimmerman's college records have to do with anything? So what if he has poor grades, does that mean he's guilty of murder? If his grades were stellar would that mean he's likely innocent? Nonsense.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by canvasbck »

Keith B wrote:Could they have 'purposely' done this to try and get a mistrial? That way they avoid a not guilty verdict and also save face on the past things that have gone down from their office. They then fire the person who 'screwed up' as a scape goat and claim it was an error. It then ends up in a mistrial and they can then choose to not go after him again and he just floats.

That would not be a good thing for Zimmerman. He needs a verdict found not guilty and justified in using self defense. If he doesn't get it, then there will always be that cloud over him that it wasn't a good shoot.
:iagree: The best outcome for GZ would be to have the case thrown out at the "stand your ground" hearing, then GZ does not have to face a trial and is immune from civil suits. I think a criminal trial and aquittal would be better for GZ than the mistrial.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Keith B wrote:Could they have 'purposely' done this to try and get a mistrial? That way they avoid a not guilty verdict and also save face on the past things that have gone down from their office. They then fire the person who 'screwed up' as a scape goat and claim it was an error. It then ends up in a mistrial and they can then choose to not go after him again and he just floats.

That would not be a good thing for Zimmerman. He needs a verdict found not guilty and justified in using self defense. If he doesn't get it, then there will always be that cloud over him that it wasn't a good shoot.
Agree that the outcome is not good for Z, but I don't think it was an attempt to get a mistrial. All along, the prosecutor's office has worked hand in hand with attorney Crump, trying to influence the court of public opinion. Part of that strategy is to keep the black community "properly" riled up.

I think that releasing a morgue picture of "poor innocent Treyvon" was done deliberately to hold the threat of "no peace" over the heads of everyone concerned if they don't get a conviction on Z.

That said, I also think that Crump et al are so consumed by racist hatred that they've lost sight of the legal realities. They pull stuff like this because they think they can get away with it. They think they can get away with it because they think they have a sympathetic prosecution and a sympathetic court.....and they do. But they also think they can get away with it because they've made the mistake of thinking that theirs is the moral position. The problem they have is that none of what they do occurs in a vacuum. The prosecutor has a boss. So does the judge. And ultimately, their "boss" is the voters......many of whom are completely fed up with the charlatans and their charades.

One last thing..... Crump/Prosecutor/Judge are now up to their eyeballs in this. If they lose the case, they may all three be subject to disbarment once all the facts come out. So they all act like they've got nothing to lose by going all in, even breaking the law, to try and pull out a win. It is the equivalent of an armed robber shooting his witnesses......whatever it takes to keep from getting caught.

It is one thing for an attorney to defend a client he is pretty sure is guilty. It's quite another thing for an attorney who is not the prosecutor to do everything he can, including colluding with the state attorney and the prosecutor, as well as the judge, to secure the conviction of an innocent man rather than admit that his clients' son could have gotten himself involved in something that blew up on him. If there is a wrongful death suit after the criminal trial, that is the proper venue for Crump. But everything he has done up to this point has been to subvert the process of justice. That makes Crump a criminal. I hope he gets his tender bits crushed in a legal mangle. I wouldn't trust a man of his morality to be a janitor. Disbarment is the only thing that will make right the evil that he has done.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by sjfcontrol »

The Annoyed Man wrote: I think that releasing a morgue picture of "poor innocent Treyvon" was done deliberately to hold the threat of "no peace" over the heads of everyone concerned if they don't get a conviction on Z.
The picture was "post-mortem", not a morgue picture. It appeared to be Treyvon slumped on the lawn. It also could have been a picture of a distant galaxy. It's at your link to the article.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by The Annoyed Man »

sjfcontrol wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote: I think that releasing a morgue picture of "poor innocent Treyvon" was done deliberately to hold the threat of "no peace" over the heads of everyone concerned if they don't get a conviction on Z.
The picture was "post-mortem", not a morgue picture. It appeared to be Treyvon slumped on the lawn. It also could have been a picture of a distant galaxy. It's at your link to the article.
Yeah, I realized it was post-mortem. I just mis-typed because I was so annoyed. :mrgreen: And you're right, it is nearly indiscernable. Maybe the original in person is easier to decipher.

This a common problem when trying to photocopy photographs. That's why printers convert the image to partterns of dots, so that you have a grayscale and can tell what it is. Copiers don't do that.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by Dave2 »

The Annoyed Man wrote:
sjfcontrol wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote: I think that releasing a morgue picture of "poor innocent Treyvon" was done deliberately to hold the threat of "no peace" over the heads of everyone concerned if they don't get a conviction on Z.
The picture was "post-mortem", not a morgue picture. It appeared to be Treyvon slumped on the lawn. It also could have been a picture of a distant galaxy. It's at your link to the article.
Yeah, I realized it was post-mortem. I just mis-typed because I was so annoyed. :mrgreen: And you're right, it is nearly indiscernable. Maybe the original in person is easier to decipher.

This a common problem when trying to photocopy photographs. That's why printers convert the image to partterns of dots, so that you have a grayscale and can tell what it is. Copiers don't do that.
Well I hadn't planned on clicking the link, but after reading these two comments my curiosity got the better of me... Aside from the straight lines (porch?), yeah, that looks like it could be a weirdly-shaped galaxy. There really is nothing to see. You certainly can't recognize who's in the photo.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by sjfcontrol »

Dave2 wrote: Well I hadn't planned on clicking the link, but after reading these two comments my curiosity got the better of me... Aside from the straight lines (porch?), yeah, that looks like it could be a weirdly-shaped galaxy. There really is nothing to see. You certainly can't recognize who's in the photo.
The square lines up in the corner are part of the spacecraft that took the picture of the Treyvon galaxy. :mrgreen:
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by baldeagle »

Zimmerman's defense team announced yesterday that they are filing a Writ of Prohibition. http://txantimedia.com/2012/08/13/zimme ... -of-judge/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; This is an appeal of Judge Lester's ruling denying their Motion to Disqualify. IOW, they asked Lester to recuse himself due to prejudice, and he said NO! So now they're appealing his ruling to the Florida Fifth Circuit of Appeals.

During the press conference O'Mara said that they had burned through most of the money and donations had slowed down, so they were considering filing for indigency, which would mean that the state has to pick up Zimmerman's defense team's fees (at the state rate, of course.) He also said that he has not received "a dime" from any source for his work on the case. All the money has gone to bail and GZ's living expenses, including security. The Writ also asks the court to consider allowing GZ to leave the city of Sanford for his own safety.

He also said they were going to file (in a few months) for a "traditional" self defense immunity hearing, because Stand Your Ground isn't required in this case. GZ has a valid claim that his life was in danger and he had no means of escape, so self defense was his only option left.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by VMI77 »

The Annoyed Man wrote:One last thing..... Crump/Prosecutor/Judge are now up to their eyeballs in this. If they lose the case, they may all three be subject to disbarment once all the facts come out. So they all act like they've got nothing to lose by going all in, even breaking the law, to try and pull out a win. It is the equivalent of an armed robber shooting his witnesses......whatever it takes to keep from getting caught.
I don't think there is any doubt about it. But even "winning" carries significant risk, which I suspect they haven't truly considered, because they're ideologues who can't imagine that THEIR actions could have negative consequences. Something as simple as a appeals court decision or a new Republican AG could tip over their apple cart.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by baldeagle »

The Florida Fifth District Court of Appeal has granted Zimmerman's Writ of Prohibition. Judge Lester must now disqualify himself and a new judge must be assigned to the case.
http://txantimedia.com/2012/08/29/appea ... ohibition/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by smoothoperator »

It's nice to see the rot is not as far advanced as some fear.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


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A new judge, Debra S. Nelson, has been assigned to the case. Ms. Nelson is also the judge in Shellie Zimmerman's perjury case.
http://txantimedia.com/2012/08/30/new-j ... rman-case/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by mamabearCali »

Yet another conflict of interest. Perhaps a new venue is in order.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL


Post by baldeagle »

mamabearCali wrote:Yet another conflict of interest. Perhaps a new venue is in order.
Apparently she's only going to preside over the case until January. Then another judge will take over. :confused5
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