Egyptian Terrorists Attack US on 9/11

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Re: Egyptian Terrorists Attack US on 9/11


Post by RoyGBiv »

williamkevin wrote:
ffemt300 wrote:Since when does an ambassador tell the Marines what to do? :headscratch
The Marine detachment works for the ambassador.
Another forum post on this subject worth reading here... ... #post91399" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Egyptian Terrorists Attack US on 9/11


Post by recaffeination »

Sending more Marines now is like closing the barn door after coyotes kill the horses.

The time for a USMC response was Wednesday, during the attacks. Now it's time for a SAC response in the spirit of Kipling's hundred heads poem.

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Re: Egyptian Terrorists Attack US on 9/11


Post by powerboatr » ... rages?lite" onclick=";return false;

KFC in Lebanon has now been burned
and a Hardees

I have to sadly laugh a bit...When i was in Egypt...the "native" peoples didnt eat much KFC, so this is a perfect place to attack if you want to hurt western believers

what is weird and i must dig out my photos, is in Egypt across the street( 200 yards or so) from the sphynx is a KFC, Pizza Hut and other western type eateries . Lucky Lebanon has escaped my world travels

we may have an interesting weekend

former pres carter was just mentioned ................. 1979 all over again?
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Re: Egyptian Terrorists Attack US on 9/11


Post by mojo84 »

I feel like our country is under attack and we need to be extremely alert of our surroundings. Hope everyone stays on their toes.
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Re: Egyptian Terrorists Attack US on 9/11


Post by Beiruty »

powerboatr wrote: ... rages?lite

KFC in Lebanon has now been burned
and a Hardees

I have to sadly laugh a bit...When i was in Egypt...the "native" peoples didnt eat much KFC, so this is a perfect place to attack if you want to hurt western believers

what is weird and i must dig out my photos, is in Egypt across the street( 200 yards or so) from the sphynx is a KFC, Pizza Hut and other western type eateries . Lucky Lebanon has escaped my world travels

we may have an interesting weekend

former pres carter was just mentioned ................. 1979 all over again?
As a Lebanese, I am so sad to see Violence against Lebanese businesses operating under American Brands. This is going out of hand and the violence is uncalled for.

We defeat ignorance and hate with knowledge and steadfastness. Poor my country, Lebanon, had enough war since 1974.
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Re: Egyptian Terrorists Attack US on 9/11


Post by 57Coastie »

williamkevin wrote:
ffemt300 wrote:Since when does an ambassador tell the Marines what to do? :headscratch
The Marine detachment works for the ambassador.
Absolutely correct, William. An ambassador is the direct representive of the President of the United States, who, is of course also the Commander in Chief of active duty military personnel on an embassy security detail. The chain of command could easily be established unilaterally by the President, but in this case this arrangement and understanding is blessed by State, DoD and the USMC. There has been no weight thrown around.

I would commend our attention to the above link to another forum discussion given to us by RoyGBiv. The author of that posting obviously has some personal experience in this area. He uses the right words, some of which are terms of art, and he uses them in the right way.

I compliment both of you, William and Roy, along the others here who have demonstrated that they think for themselves, for shedding some bright light on the situation which we faced, and continue to face, here. As is too often the case an absolute untruth was published (originally by other than the much-maligned MSM, by the way) about the resident Marines not being allowed live ammunation, and the untrue allegation was repeated here on this forum as a statement of fact.

Killed in Benghazi with our Ambassador to Libya was an ex-SEAL and the Embassy Security Officer. I have always observed that the latter is usually, if not always, a career Foreign Service officer. These brave men and women deserve more credit and respect than they have received here on this forum and in our current domestic political environment, regardless of one's affiliation. They died in the line of duty while attempting to save the few persons who had not yet evacuated the consulate. Our Foreign Service personnel face danger at many a station almost daily.

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Re: Egyptian Terrorists Attack US on 9/11


Post by skub »

Apparently, according to White House Press Secretary Carney, all these protest are not directed at the United States :headscratch ... ed-states/
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Re: Egyptian Terrorists Attack US on 9/11


Post by Rex B »

I am feeling nostalgic for Gunboat Diplomacy :mad5
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Re: Egyptian Terrorists Attack US on 9/11


Post by RPB »

skub wrote:Apparently, according to White House Press Secretary Carney, all these protest are not directed at the United States :headscratch ... ed-states/
well, some might be personal; I sometimes wonder if this is WHY Obama was paying Egypt a billion bucks; I mean I might give Egypt a case of tomatoes ... ... =firefox-a" onclick=";return false;
I'm no lawyer

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Re: Egyptian Terrorists Attack US on 9/11


Post by RoyGBiv »

skub wrote:Apparently, according to White House Press Secretary Carney, all these protest are not directed at the United States :headscratch ... ed-states/
Anyone know the date of the video?
I know the STORY was posted today, but is the video from today?
If yes, it's in rather stark contrast to the several reports that are pointing to this as being a planned attack.
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Re: Egyptian Terrorists Attack US on 9/11


Post by RoyGBiv »

57Coastie wrote: As is too often the case an absolute untruth was published (originally by other than the much-maligned MSM, by the way) about the resident Marines not being allowed live ammunation, and the untrue allegation was repeated here on this forum as a statement of fact.
Thanks for the mostly positive feedback Jim.. :mrgreen:
I was the initial poster of the "no live ammo" report.. and I was careful to classify it as "unconfirmed" for exactly the reasons you suggest.

As much as many (understatement?) of us wish the current POTUS to be a one term guy, I agree we need to be careful to separate facts from political wishful thinking and groupthink.

With an estimated 11.5 million illegals (only 60% from Mexico), how many folks are here to do us real harm?
I believe the answer is.... Many.

As this predictable disaster unfolds, remember to watch out for our Lives, and our Liberties ahead of politics.
Anyone have a nice carbine they want to sell? I'm afraid to look at what prices have done today. :roll:
Silly me, I thought I had more time.
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Kay Granger just sent this


Post by Rex B »

Dear Friend,

This week the United States suffered a great loss. On September 11, 2012, four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, were tragically killed during a violent protest in Benghazi, Libya. I strongly condemned the attacks that occurred on our diplomatic facilities in Libya and Egypt. My deepest sympathies go out to the families of those who lost their lives or were injured.

I am disappointed in the response of the Administration. These senseless attacks were not warranted and we must not stand by while our sovereignty is violated. The Government of Libya should bring to justice the individuals who are responsible for this vicious attack. All foreign governments must fulfill their responsibilities to keep our diplomats safe and secure.

As Chairwoman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations, it is my responsibility to oversee U.S. foreign assistance. This week, new questions were asked about our foreign aid as Congress passed a Continuing Resolution which contains funds for both Libya and Egypt. I want to be clear that even though there was funding in the bill, we can still stop aid from being delivered to these countries. This is exactly why I put $2.7 million of assistance to Libya on hold this week.

The same is true for Egypt. As I have said since the fall of former President Hosni Mubarak, we need to know exactly who we are working with before we provide assistance to a government that has not yet demonstrated they are a partner of the United States. That is why I put strict conditions on any funding for Egypt including requirements that they must fulfill their commitment to the peace treaty with Israel and that they must protect freedom of religion. It is also why I have put a hold on $18.3 million of their economic assistance.

Finally, the Administration committed to spend $1 billion to help relieve the Egyptian government of their debt obligations. The timing of this commitment could not come at a worse time. I want to assure you that if the Administration decides to move forward, I have the ability to stop it when I am notified.

I am watching the situation throughout the Middle East very closely. I want you to know that I take my oversight responsibilities very seriously. If you ever have any questions about U.S. foreign assistance please contact my office and we will help answer your questions.


Kay Granger
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Re: Egyptian Terrorists Attack US on 9/11


Post by RoyGBiv »

:hurry: KAY :hurry:

Excellent use of the word "I" here...
I have the ability to stop it when I am notified.

I am watching the situation throughout the Middle East very closely. I want you to know that I take my oversight responsibilities very seriously.
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
Nothing tempers idealism quite like the cold bath of reality.... SQLGeek


Re: Egyptian Terrorists Attack US on 9/11


Post by 57Coastie »

RoyGBiv wrote:
57Coastie wrote: As is too often the case an absolute untruth was published (originally by other than the much-maligned MSM, by the way) about the resident Marines not being allowed live ammunation, and the untrue allegation was repeated here on this forum as a statement of fact.
Thanks for the mostly positive feedback Jim.. :mrgreen:
I was the initial poster of the "no live ammo" report.. and I was careful to classify it as "unconfirmed" for exactly the reasons you suggest....
I am aware of that, Roy, and discretion like yours is to be admired. I do hope that my sloppy shotgun approach was not misunderstood. You can take that from one who has been too quick on the trigger too often himself -- "Ready" "Fire" "Aim"

It could well be, Roy, that I am somewhat oversensitive to the comments I see all over the 'Net, certainly not just here, about our brsave and dedicated members of the Foreign Service, particularly those serving now in the Mideast. Our forum here just happened to be handy, I guess, and gave me a chance to relieve my frustrations a bit. I was with our Foreign Service for many years, which put my personal safety at risk much more often than did my years of military service.



Re: Kay Granger just sent this


Post by bizarrenormality »

Finally, the Administration committed to spend $1 billion to help relieve the Egyptian government of their debt obligations. The timing of this commitment could not come at a worse time. I want to assure you that if the Administration decides to move forward, I have the ability to stop it when I am notified.
:thumbs2: If they bite the hand that feeds them, only an idiot would keep feeding them.

I think the Obama administration needs a theme song.

From the Halls of Montezuma,
To the shores of Tripoli,
We will arm our country's enemies
And give them free money.

Last to fight for right and freedom
And first to fight for what's obscene.
Clinton, Holder and Obama?
Time to wipe the whole slate clean.
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