seamusTX wrote:A very few people may have a medical emergency—not related to alcohol or drug abuse—while driving. Most of those people would would stop and look for help.
I used to work with a guy who was a type 1 diabetic, back in the 1970s. He had an insulin crisis that mimicked intoxication while driving. He was arrested in Phoenix (Maricopa County, Arizona, which is noted for its very humane and sophisticated police). They arrested him and threw him in the drunk tank. He got medical help when one of the inmates observed that he was critically ill.
When he got out of the hospital he sued the police. He had a letter of apology signed by the police chief, framed in his office. Supposedly they added medical screening of arrestees to their practices after that.
However, if you look at some of these dashcam videos, the people are belligerent, or they pull that garbage like "I just had one beer," "Do you know who I am?" or "I pay your salary," which every cop can tell you about. Some offer bribes. People who are ill don't do those things.
I'll guess without looking it up that more than 90% of the people who have non-consent blood draws are messed up through their own intentional, voluntary actions—and if they are taken to an ER for the blood draw, they are going to be screened by medical personnel (i.e., triaged).
As for the probable cause for a traffic stop, I see someone every 55 seconds that could be pulled over for erratic driving, failing to signal a turn, speeding, "rolling stops," unrestrained infants, obscured license plates, etc. You don't even need to make an effort to look. Philosophically I don't like this, but it is the way things are now.
- Jim
One of the first thing we were taught to look for on a DWI OR DIP arrest was the Fruity smell of the breath, which indicates Ketosis and a diabetic in trouble. Time to get them to the ER.
BTW, If they are driving they could still be legally charged with driving while impaired.

I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do those things to other people and I require the same of them.
Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.