While waiting for receipt of CHL I have been researching CCW's and finally decided on a Ruger LCR 38+P with laser and also a SA XDS. Had to drive 75 miles to find the XDS (it was their last one and had been in the store only 2 days). The Ruger fits my hand the best but the XDS works well too. I love the weight/simplicity of the Ruger so I'm thinking I will carry it routinely. Also have been researching holsters and ordered a Remora online to try it out with the Ruger. I am also reading Game of Thrones and finished packing/moving an RV which was set up as a 2nd home in a marina - huge chore complete yay!
How are you passing the time? The wait sure is hard but I am excited about finally choosing my CCW's and look forward to receiving the holster so I can practice carrying and drawing (unloaded of course) around the house. Other suggestions are welcomed!
12/29/2012 Class
01/01/2013 App online
01/08/2013 Prints/mailed docs
01/09/2013 Rec'd
01/28/2013 Docs in system (phone call to DPS)
01/29/2013 Backgr check under review
02/11/2012 Backgr check complete/mfg pending
02/15/2012 Mfg/mailed
Checking the DPS site for updates
Reading the Gunslinger series by Steven King (on book three now)
Practicing my draw for muscle memory
Waiting for my DeSantis IWB soft-tuck holster for my Kel Tek Pf9
Waiting for my DeSantis IWB soft-tuck holster for SP101
Reading TXCHL fourms posts
Reading gunny books on my kindle
Sit ups
Push ups
Shopping for ammo
I bet ammo will stock back up in late March, early April. Maybe even cheaper. The panic-stricken will only hoard so much. The manufacturers are in overdrive and at some point, the general population will realize that the anti-gun ninnies are just as weak as they've ever been. Actually, thanks to the efforts of groups like the GOA and the NRA, the anti-gunners are at a bigger disadvantage than they usually are when their regular tide of histrionics starts to rise.
I know I'm bucking the herd here, but I wouldn't invest in ammo futures at this stage. Maybe six months ago, but not now.
mikelst wrote:I'll second the 'looking' for ammunition part. What is with that.
I cant even find 22lr ammo.
It's the only cal you can't reload that I'm aware of and it's so cheap people snatch it up just because they can. If you plink w the kids and hunt squirrels it goes quick. Just my experience.
mikelst wrote:I'll second the 'looking' for ammunition part. What is with that.
I cant even find 22lr ammo.
I never thought there would be such a run on .22LR. Apparently, a lot of folks have gotten the "prepper" message and are picking up .22 for small game in the case of a financial meltdown. I'm fairly well stocked on the larger calibers that I have but I got caught short on .22 and haven't been able to fix it yet.
I've been wearing one of my two carry pieces all day long since I got them last week. I'm one of those lucky geeks that works out of his home, so I can legally carry most of the time without a CHL!
I've had an old Don Hume IWB clip on for years, but it can get hurty after a few hours; especially SOB. I decided to get a DeSantis soft-tuck and it makes wearing the SP101 like wearing a firm pillow. SUCH a difference. You can adjust the angle of dangle so it fits perfect in that little hollow behind my right love handle. My SP101 has crimson trace laser grips and the holster seems like it was made for it. The little pokeie out that holds the laser butts right up to the edge of the holster like it was custom fitted.
I have a Kel Tec PF9 that I actually ended up using to qualify during the CHL class. The thing fits my hand perfect and I'm actually pretty accurate with it, but I never really considered carrying it because I don't think 9mm has enough "authority." On a whim, I decided to get the same holster DeSantis makes for mini nines and after I got good and used to the SP101 version, I tried carrying the PF9 for a few days. I was wearing an undershirt with untucked Hawaiians for a few days and it was so comfy, I'd completely forget about it. I had to go downtown for some face time with a customer which meant business casual dress. Just for fun, I rigged up the little PF9 in the DeSantis and tucked my geek issue blue button-down over it. I could not get over how this thing just vanished. I spent a few minutes twirling and stretching in front of the mirror and I can honestly say I'd never spot it in million years. The jay shaped clip goes over the pants and under the belt with a little ridge that belt just sort of sits in so the rig stays put on the draw. Works like a charm.
My only concern is that the jay clip is made out of some sort of hard polymer plastic, so time will tell how well that part holds up. But hey, $24 bucks on Amazon and I have another one in two days.
New grandbaby boy, born last Wednesday, has been a good diversion!
I received my Remora holster in the mail so I've been wearing it around the house with my CCW and without it when shopping, etc. The Remora feels very comfortable and the only time it moved was when I bent way over. I think I'll be happy with it but I haven't been able to figure out the conversion to a thigh holster yet.
12/29/2012 Class
01/01/2013 App online
01/08/2013 Prints/mailed docs
01/09/2013 Rec'd
01/28/2013 Docs in system (phone call to DPS)
01/29/2013 Backgr check under review
02/11/2012 Backgr check complete/mfg pending
02/15/2012 Mfg/mailed