Holster recommendation for Kimber Ultra Carry

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Post by carlson1 »

Liberty wrote:
mikerlynn wrote: This is probably to cover there(Edited 10 Year Old Daughter Rule ;-) carlson1) - but still... from the kimber owner manual
Whats wrong with the 3 letter word for donkey. Its used in the King James version of the bible. I believe we would all allow our 10 year old daughters to read that. I certainly wouldn't expect her to ride a donkey mule or horse without the beast being properly fitted with a blanket.

just kidding, I guess some folks were more protective about language than I am. I wouldn't have thought that word would come under scrutiny. It's hard to know where the line is crossed some times.
I am sorry you do not know the difference in a donkey and SLANG for human anatomy.
We do not expect everyone on this board to agree or agree with what we edit. The 10 Year Old Daughter Rule Is Not That Hard. There are only a few that have a hard time knowing when they have crossed the line. Violation of that rule IS NOT GOING TO BE TOLERATED. The TEXASCHLForum is a "G" rated forum and a great place to be. :banghead:

Last edited by carlson1 on Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by apowell »

Mike in TX

Condition one does feel strange for a couple of days if you aren't used to it. Kind of like the first couple of days you carried, but after a while you don't even think about it. Most of the good IWB holsters have the flap of leather (sweat shield) between the hammer and your body that also protects the safety from being disengaged.

I use a VersaMaxII (IWB) with my Kimber UC that you are welcome to borrow for a few days and try out. You can get tuckable clips for it, but I lost mine and haven't ordered replacements. I also have a Desantis canted slide (OWB) that I like, but it was well used when I got it and is getting close to the end of it's usable life. I also have galco OWB with thumb brake that I like for when I'm doing something more active. I've never had the thumb break affect the safety, but the strap goes between the hammer and the slide anyway, so it's not really an issue.

Just make sure you get a good belt, or nothing will feel good.
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Post by austin »


I have a UCII. I carry OWB when in business formal/casual while wearing a jacket or at the ranch.

I also just put it in my pocket when wearing loose pants or shorts when out for a walk.

I will transition to IWB this Spring.

Condition one is the way to go. You have the grip safety and thumb safety so its pretty hard to get an ND.

You can up your comfort level by going to a pistol course that uses an open carry hot range - where pistols are not unloaded until the course is over - you are considered in condition one from the time the class starts until it ends.

I would also recommend doing dry fire with your pistol to get an idea of what it will and wont do. For instance, the UCII, like all 1911s, if you put pressure on the trigger and then depress the thumb safety, it will fire.

Just remember that the pistol is not unloaded when you take the magazine out. There is still a round in the chamber.

When my UCII was new, I had to add a bit of oil to make the slide work better or I would get a failure to feed. Shoot it at the range with all your mags full of rounds to determine if you have this issue.
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Post by Liberty »

carlson1 wrote:
Sorry it will not happen again.

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Post by Stupid »

I carry it in a ace bellyband.
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Post by packina45 »

I don't carry a Kimber, but my XD-45 Service Model isn't exactly a SMALL gun.

My Brigade Gunleather M-11 IWB rig just arrived!




Fits my XD-45 like a glove! Beautiful construction and finish, carries high and tight with a nice bit of forward cant. Easily conceals under a loose t-shirt, and best of all, it's COMFORTABLE, standing or sitting.

Only issue I've had with it is that it's a bit difficult to get snapped on over my admittedly somewhat thick belt. That will get better with a little wear as the leather stretches into place. And as previously said here, a good belt is an absolute must regardless of your holster choice.

Overall, I'm extremely satisified. When you spend $100 for a holster, you expect quality, and Brigade delivers. Turn-around time was far less than I was originally led to expect as well, so that's a big plus.
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Post by cyphur »

I haven't read the entire thread, but I carried a Kimber Tactical Ultra II in a Tucker Answer for 6 months or so, and I was entirely comfortable every second carrying locked and loaded. Interestingly enough, both of the gentlemen who I sold those items to, have posted in this thread already!!

I now carry a Sig P229 w/o an external safety locked and loaded. Awareness and safe handling should eliminate 99.999% of the situations where you could get yourself in trouble.



Post by theholsterstore »

I would recommend a leather inside the waistband don hume holster.

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Post by Rob Longenecker »

You don't have to buy Tucker's belt and mag pouch. For belts, folks here have recommended http://www.thebeltman.net.

Save Tucker's belt and mag pouch for when you order one of his fabulous HF1 rigs.
The Beltman makes our "Bullhide" belts which we recommend for IWB use. They're priced right and don't take long to get. We usually recommend Tucker's own belts with complete belt holster rigs.

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Post by longtooth »

Thank you for posting her Rob. I enjoy hearing from you w/ your gear experience & honesty. Chime in more often friend. ;-)
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Post by Mike from Texas »

cyphur wrote:I haven't read the entire thread, but I carried a Kimber Tactical Ultra II in a Tucker Answer for 6 months or so, and I was entirely comfortable every second carrying locked and loaded. Interestingly enough, both of the gentlemen who I sold those items to, have posted in this thread already!!

I now carry a Sig P229 w/o an external safety locked and loaded. Awareness and safe handling should eliminate 99.999% of the situations where you could get yourself in trouble.
The Tucker Answer is the holster I'm probably going to buy. I spoke with Rob yesterday and he recommended the bullhide belt for the IWB holsters. I was curious, do you have and/or sell the Tucker products? I can't tell from your post. If so, I'd love to see one and try it on. I'm currently working in Rockwall and it would be convenient for me.
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Post by longtooth »

Rob does sell Tucker Leather. He has a long standing reputation of personal integrety. He is very low key about sales on the board. He does not use it for "free ad space" but is willing to help any who need an answer on holsters.

I have 2 that I ordered in Dec & hope they arrive in a couple more weeks. They will be my 1st Tuckers & the word is they are worth the wait.
I dont think I will be disappointed.
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Post by XoZe »

I just purchased the Galco Summer Comfort a Kimber Ultra CDP and am still breaking it in, but it feels quite comfortable so far.

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Post by longtooth »

That is an excellent combination for daily carry. You my, over time, decide to add to your holster & gun sellection but you will never be "disappointed" in the rig you have chosen. :thumbsup:
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