I cleaned it & took it to the range today. I split about 70/30 letting my girlfriend shoot it vs me shooting it. It's for her, but I wanted to try it out. Since she's still new to shooting, it's taking her a while to get used to this pistol (she used to have & hate a Bersa Thunder .380).
My first shot was dead on bullseye at 5yds. I was pretty impressed with the accuracy. I trashed the targets before pictures, but will get some next time. Heck, I did better with the Shield than I did my 45c that I've shot for 2 years now.
I did have a failure to eject while I was shooting it, completely horizontal casing in the ejection port. I was able to pull the slide back, let it drop & it continued on it's merry way.
Her first shot was a limp wristed FTFeed. After I got her grip right, she didn't have another. Although, she did have a failure to eject as well. We shot PMC factory ammo, 115 grain.
Overall, I'm pleased with it, but will keep an eye on the FTE to see if it's consistent. Recoil was next to nothing, easily manageable for me. She said she liked it more than the Thunder.
The ad said "Brand New", but I don't believe it's brand new. The factory test fire casing is dated 7/13/2013, so it can't be THAT old. See what you think in the pictures below:
Feed ramp on the barrel:

Slide rails:

Front rails:

Rear rails:

